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Principles of Good Curriculum LTI on the gifted and talented.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Good Curriculum LTI on the gifted and talented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Good Curriculum LTI on the gifted and talented

2 LTI Principles and Framework Present content that is related to broad- based issues, themes or problems Integrate multiple disciplines into the areas of study Present comprehensive, related and mutually reinforcing experiences within an area of study Allow for in-depth learning of a self selected topic within an area of study

3 Promote and develop independent or self directed skills Develop productive, complex, abstract and/or higher level thinking skills Focus on open ended tasks Develop research skills and methods Integrate basic skills and higher level thinking skills into the curriculum

4 Encourage the development of products that use a variety of techniques, materials and forms Encourage the development of self- understanding Evaluate student outcomes by using appropriate and specific criteria through standardized and CR instruments

5 Four Ways to Adjust Content for the Gifted Acceleration – move more rapidly through the subject area. –Mammoth amount of research done by Duke –High reviews –Works well for younger children – parent support –Example: algebra 5th grade Enrichment – –Works well for younger children – parent support –What is good enrichment? Sophistication – propel them to the upper level. Teach the laws of math. Novelty – something different

6 MathScience Lang Art Soc St Algebra. In 5 th Chemistry and Physics in Elem Early grammar Early World History Changing bases in the number system Data collection Short stories Poetry Reading bios of historical people Laws of Mathematics Laws of physics Structural sonnets, plays Applied economics Probability and Statistics Role of science on a molecular level Clay and silly putty models

7 Differentiation is a RESPONSE to a difference in child. TraitLogical Response Speed of learningCompact curriculum increase depth Self-directed (passion for something)Independent study (passion for something)Independent study CreativeAllow for a creative component in all projects Motivated by real problemsMentorship – provide “real life” problems, Interest Clubs PassionateAbility to pursue things that he is interested in

8 What 3 things or rules do we need? 1.Open ended tasks 2.Self-selected/independent 3.Abstract, varied

9 General Curriculum Principles June Maker Curriculum can different in basically three ways Breadth or Depth In tempo or pace In kind and nature

10 “ Different disciplines lend themselves to curricular adaptations differently.” Henry Passow Essays on the Intellect

11 Passow’s Questions WOULD all kids want to be involved? COULD all kids participate? SHOULD all kids be expected to succeed in such learning experiences?

12 Curriculum Is: What are you going to teach? How is the child going to think about what you teach? How will the child demonstrate what he/she has learned? Meet the child’s needs! Content + Process + Product = Curriculum


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