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Sophocles the Playwright Brown English Period 6 Dan, Megan, Kelsey, Tejas.

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1 Sophocles the Playwright Brown English Period 6 Dan, Megan, Kelsey, Tejas

2 Who was Sophocles? Sophocles was born in a village outside of Athens. Sophocles was a playwright and developed powers in the arts of music and poetry, having a natural grace that attracted many. He influenced the development of drama to a great extent. Sophocles wrote around 123 plays throughout his career may of which have become renowned pieces of work that are still well known today.

3 What did Sophocles Write? Only seven of the plays that Sophocles wrote have survived in complete form. The seven works are reflective Sophocles best pieces. Ajax Antigone Trachinian Women Oedipus the King Electra Philoctetes Oedipus at Colonus

4 Who were the three tragedists of Ancient Greece? Aeschylus-525 to 456 BC Composed 80 plays First to introduce a second actor in the format of the theatre, before his time there was only one First to introduce definite apparel for actors in tragic plays (the mask, the long-sleeved robe, and the tall buskins)

5 Who were the three tragedists of Ancient Greece? (continued) Sophocles-496 to 406 B.C Composed over 120 plays Aeschylus was his predecessor and Euripides was his successor Invented skenographia-scene painting First play writer to put a definite background behind the actors First to introduce a third speaking actor into the format of the theater

6 Who were the three tragedists of Ancient Greece? (continued) Euripides- 484 to 406 BC Composed over 90 plays He used the idea of supernatural intervention in his plays Used traditional myths as a basis for his plays, that he changed using his own imagination

7 Comprehension Questions Why was Sophocles famous? What are some of the tragedies that have survived in full form to current day? What is skenographia?

8 Work Cited Bates, Alfred. “The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, vol. 1.” Theatre History. Historical Publishing Company, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.. Fonseca, Ruben. “Ancient Greek Theater.” Cartage. History for Kids, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.. “Sophocles.” Imagi-Nation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.. “Sophocles, Greek Playwright.” Timeline Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2011..

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