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The Stickiness Factor Presented and Produced by: Ethan Anayeli Alpha Crystall Heaven.

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Presentation on theme: "The Stickiness Factor Presented and Produced by: Ethan Anayeli Alpha Crystall Heaven."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stickiness Factor Presented and Produced by: Ethan Anayeli Alpha Crystall Heaven

2 “ When most of us want to make sure what we say is remembered, we speak with emphasis. We talk loudly, and we repeat what we have to say over and over again.” Close your eyes and clear your head. What’s the first thing that you think of. Why?

3 “Television is like a strain of the common cold that can spread like lightning through a population, but only causes a few sniffles and is gone in a day.” (Gladwell 91) “ Like a cold, What makes something contagious?

4 This would be considered ethos because everyone has experienced a cold and had to catch it from somewhere and it eventually goes away. This makes the argument logical.

5 “Kids don’t watch [TV] when they are stimulated and look away when they are bored. They watch when they understand and look away when they are confused.” (Gladwell 102) What makes something sticky when you’re trying to learn? Does it depend on the person?

6 The quote appears to be ethos when seen in the context of the two points previously. (addressing the Stats of the Children and being distracted) Is it Logical or Fallacy? Faulty Analogy Think of why we watch TV. Is it just to entertain ourselves while confusing our brains to gather knowledge.?

7 “Whatever they are watching has to be complex enough to allow, upon repeated exposure, for deeper and deeper levels of comprehension. At the same time, it can’t be so complex that the first time around it baffles the children and turns them off.” –Gladwell (pg. 126) -Think about the last time you watched a show that had you really intrigued. What was it that kept you hooked?

8 Rhetorical Device? This argument is pathos because it touches on an emotion that everyone has experienced: confusion. This argument is logical due to the fact that everyone can relate to getting bored with something or just losing interest altogether because we don’t understand it.

9 Prompt Question: Another crucial Factor that plays a key role in determining whether a trend will attain exponential popularity is what Gladwell terms “ The Stickiness Factor.” Within the chapter, the Education Virus plays the role of effectively communicating the proper rules and laws of basic education. What factors contribute to the educational virus to make it sticky?

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