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October 12, 2015 DelftShell sprint session. Intro.

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Presentation on theme: "October 12, 2015 DelftShell sprint session. Intro."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 12, 2015 DelftShell sprint session

2 Intro

3 1 januari 2008 Program Intro 13:30-13:45 Excercises 13:45-15:30 1.DelftShell 2.Map 3.Network 4.Cross section 5.Time series 6.Fileformats Discussion 15:30-16:30

4 1 januari 2008 Project information Behoefte aan verbetering van Usability van SOBEK/Delft3D: Vanuit de markt (gebruikersconferenties, congressen, klantenbezoeken) Internationale software Audit (2005) Modular Code Architecture Graphical User Interface Task forces: Architectuur (programeertalen, file formats, internationale standard, datastructuren etc.) Usability (generieke toepassingen, grafische interface, gebruikerswensen, user community) Modulaire code (uniformeren, integreren en ontkoppelen)

5 1 januari 2008 Tools for users

6 1 januari 2008 Wiki Get latestversion Read about architecture, ideas

7 1 januari 2008 Issues Report bugs here

8 Excercise 1 DelftShell

9 1 januari 2008 Use DelftShell, dragging windows drag tool

10 1 januari 2008 Use DelftShell Open DelftShell Located in d:\delftshell\bin\Release Start DelftShell.Loader.exe Make your window look like this: propert y window project explore r map layers log window menus

11 1 januari 2008 Restore layout

12 1 januari 2008 Remove user settings Delete C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Deltares

13 Excercise 2 Add a map

14 1 januari 2008 Use DelftShell, dragging windows Add a map Add tiff file to the map Desktop\sample\wsiearth.tif Add shape file to the map Desktop\sample\Europe_Lakes.shp Desktop\sample\rivers.shp Change title of Europe Lakes to lakes Open attribute table for lakes Open attribute table for shapes Change colors of lakes and rivers to blue

15 1 januari 2008 Create a theme for the river Edit the theme for the river layer

16 1 januari 2008 End of map excercise

17 Excercise 3 Add a network

18 1 januari 2008 Editing a network Create a new project Add a map Add a network Drag the map legend view below the project explorer Drag the new network to the map in the map legend view map legend view drag network here

19 1 januari 2008 Add a network Use the network editor toolbox “add branch icon” and the map view to to add a new branch Add another branch using the network legend toolbox add branch add cross section select move

20 1 januari 2008 Open the branch table Open the branch table by double clicking the branches Edit branches double click to open branch table editor

21 1 januari 2008 Add cross sections add branch add cross section select move Add a cross section using the “network editor” toolbar Add a cross section using the “network editor legend” view

22 Excercise 4 Edit cross section

23 1 januari 2008 Edit cross section Edit a cross section by double clicking on it in the network legend view Select Cross section editor (YZ) Edit cross section

24 Excercise 5 Edit time series

25 1 januari 2008 Time series editing Add time series in the project explorer Open the time series view Scroll using the time series navigator

26 Excercise 6 Look at file format

27 1 januari 2008 Save project Save your project

28 1 januari 2008 Fileformats Install firefox ( Install sqlite manager addon

29 1 januari 2008 Open project & log Open the saved project with the sqlite manager Open DelftShell.log with your favorite text editor

30 Finaly Try and suggest

31 1 januari 2008 Wiki Get latestversion Read about architecture, ideas

32 1 januari 2008 Issues Report bugs here

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