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15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft General News LHC progress & Schedule  now recent news on schedule  ‘closure of beam on 31 August’, first injected.

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Presentation on theme: "15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft General News LHC progress & Schedule  now recent news on schedule  ‘closure of beam on 31 August’, first injected."— Presentation transcript:

1 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft General News LHC progress & Schedule  now recent news on schedule  ‘closure of beam on 31 August’, first injected beam in November 2007  aim for short pp run at reduced energy (900 GeV): Commissioning run  may extend into the normal shutdown period

2 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB report I MB, meetings on 7-11/12-12/11-1/8-3 (minutes on EDMS)  Technical issues -> CF/LL  Physics issues: -> KS  Financial issues: -> HdG  Computing: -> FC  Authorship policy, publications etc.. -> HAG Mexico: M&O MoU to be signed at April RRB  Mexico proposes to swap Morelia (1 person, inactive) with Sinaloa (1 person, active)  Institute ‘combined’ with Puebla (like in the past, working on ACORDE)) application of new Institutes: PUCP Peru (A. Gago), Korea (Yonsei), USA  new/ongoing discussions:  Pakistan, (Turkey, Lithuania) MB participation:  EMCAL project invited (T. Cormier) to allow efficient discussions of emcal/US issues  may become ‘official’ once the project is fully approved

3 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB report II Schedule of first heavy ion run  Pb injector complex on schedule to be ready for LHC injection after spring 2008  first heavy ion run not officially scheduled, but generically assumed to be ‘at the end of the first long proton run’  CRAG: Commissioning & Run Advisory Group  J. Engelen (chair), LHC Run Coordinator (M Ferro-Luzzi), L. Evans (LHC),. M Mangano (TH), 4 Spokespersons  schedule in 2008 will depend on machine/experiment status & physics landscape ALICE request (letter to CERN Management)  short Pb pilot run asap, preferably at the end of the first long pp run  first significant physics possible within days (including 2-3 days set-up time)  in the interest of HI community (20% LHC) and CERN ( spectacular and ‘guaranteed’ early physics output from LHC)  should have no significant impact on early pp physics  used by machine as ‘cool-down’ period

4 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft Adapting ALICE to Exploitation Coordination Tasks  1) Technical  complete construction/installation (PHOS/TRD/EMCAL until ~ 2010, upgrades thereafter)  services/infrastructure at point 2, technical support,  shutdown work, safety, interaction with CERN services,..  2) Detector Operation  organizing & implementing detector operation and data taking  shift organization/supervision/training  liaison with LHC machine, LHC schedule meetings  3) Data Production  organizing & implementing data production & scheduled analysis on Tier-0/GRID  GRID computing resources (requirements, resource allocation, usage)  interaction with LCG bodies/computing centers possible implementation under discussion  Chris will retire mid 2008. Replacement(s) most likely have to be found within ALICE  current thinking: appoint 2 Coordinators for tasks 1 & 2  ~ equivalent to the current scheme of TC and Deputy TC  one new coordinator for the (new) task of running the data production machinery

5 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB composition during Exploitation Current MB = 25 members  Management : 9  SP + 2 Dep, CB-chair + Dep, TC + Dep, ResC, PhysC  Projects: 12  ITS, TPC, TRD, TOF, Muons, PHOS, DAQ, TrIG, HLT, OfflC, ‘small projects’, EMCAL (invited)  Elected ‘ad personam’: 4 New scheme required during exploitation  grouping into hardware projects would be unnatural after end of construction  boundary condition: keep MB at or below current size

6 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB composition MB components  Management  i.e. people with a significant responsibility in coordination and execution eg: Spokesperson, CB-chair, TC, …  Projects  keep ongoing ‘construction’ projects (eg EMCAL) ?  Physics  eg nomination via PB or PWGs  Elected  eg ‘ad personam’  and/or via ‘regional representatives’ Current state of discussion  the different components are considered reasonable and required  size/composition of components and timescale is under discussion  input is requested from the Collaboration on how to proceed and on which timescale

7 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft Dates in 2007 Collaboration weeks (all at CERN)  5 – 9 March  2 – 6 July  1 – 5 Oct RRB  23-25 April 22-24 October LHCC  7 th LHCC comprehensive Review: 19/20 March  31 January - 1 February 21 - 22 March  9 - 10 May4 - 5 July  26 - 27 September 21 - 22 November Physics Workshops  ‘Last call for LHC predictions’, CERN, May/June 2007 (U. Wiedeman, N. Armesto)  High pt WS, Jyvaskula, 23 – 27 March (J. Rak)  ……

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