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Notam Entry System (NES) Notam Entry System (NES) 1 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09.

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Presentation on theme: "Notam Entry System (NES) Notam Entry System (NES) 1 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notam Entry System (NES) Notam Entry System (NES) 1 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

2 Content Directory Ch 1 – Introduction Ch 1 – Introduction Ch 2 – Entering a Basic TFR Ch 2 – Entering a Basic TFR Ch 3 – If you do not know which ARTCC Ch 3 – If you do not know which ARTCC Ch 4 – Entering a time specific TFR Ch 4 – Entering a time specific TFR Ch 5 - Entering a Polygon TFR Ch 5 - Entering a Polygon TFR Ch 6 – What is a T-VOR and a NDB? Ch 6 – What is a T-VOR and a NDB? Ch 7 – Adding Additional Text in the TFR Ch 7 – Adding Additional Text in the TFR Ch 8 – Obtaining your TFR from DINS Ch 8 – Obtaining your TFR from DINS Ch 9 – Obtaining your TFR from Ch 9 – Obtaining your TFR from Ch 10 – How to delete Ch 10 – How to delete Ch 11 – Registering New Users Ch 11 – Registering New Users 2 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

3 Ch 1 – Introduction - What is NES? The NOTAM Entry System (NES) is an FAA program designed to simplify and expedite the TFR request process. The NOTAM Entry System (NES) is an FAA program designed to simplify and expedite the TFR request process. It was created by the FAA to enable authorized users a method to input TFR requests using a web browser that creates a draft TFR that is sent to the appropriate ARTCC who forwards it to the US NOTAM office for issuance. It was created by the FAA to enable authorized users a method to input TFR requests using a web browser that creates a draft TFR that is sent to the appropriate ARTCC who forwards it to the US NOTAM office for issuance. 3 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

4 Instructions for the NOTAM Entry System (NES) It is accomplished through the acquisition of an internet “Certificate” which may be considered a passport to the secured FAA NES Website. It is accomplished through the acquisition of an internet “Certificate” which may be considered a passport to the secured FAA NES Website. Authorized users are required to down load a “certificate” to their computer and register as users of the NOTAM Entry System. Authorized users are required to down load a “certificate” to their computer and register as users of the NOTAM Entry System. 4 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

5 What can NES do? Once you have a certificate, you may: Once you have a certificate, you may: Create a NOTAM draft Create a NOTAM draft Preview a NOTAM draft Preview a NOTAM draft Print a NOTAM draft Print a NOTAM draft Preview TFR graphical depiction Preview TFR graphical depiction Submit your NOTAM draft request Submit your NOTAM draft request 5 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

6 Chapter 2 - Entering a Basic TFR 6 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 2:You will get a security selection – click on OK. 1: Select and Click on Favorite Button or go to

7 7 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 3: You will most likely get a security Certificate “problem” – click/select “Continue to this website…”

8 8 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 4: Again – you will be asked to select the Certificate – click/select OK.

9 1:Add the website to your favorites. 1a: Select from your favorites 2: Select and Click on “LOGON The Log On Process 9 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

10 1 3: Sometimes nothing will happen the first time you log on. You may have to sign on a second time (security measures). The computer appears stagnant and will NOT instruct you to log on a second time. But after several minutes of nothing happening, you will realize that you have to sign on a second time….. 10 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

11 4: Enter your Initials. 5: Enter your password 6: Click Submit Button 11 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

12 Locked Out? Note – the system will lock you out if you try to log on three times unsuccessfully. Note – the system will lock you out if you try to log on three times unsuccessfully. You will have to call the US NOTAM office at 703-904-4557 and ask them to “unlock” your account. Be sure to have your branch name available You will have to call the US NOTAM office at 703-904-4557 and ask them to “unlock” your account. Be sure to have your branch name available (FS-RAL or FS-NWC for example) (FS-RAL or FS-NWC for example) 12 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

13 If you have to change your password 13 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Click on User Profile Where is says Change Password, Click Here.

14 14 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Type in your old password. Create a new password and click on Change Password.

15 Entering the TFR Information Once in the system, select 1. Once in the system, Select/Click on 91.137 Form. 15 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

16 3: You must click/select on 91.137 (A) 2 2: The 91.137 (a) (1) is automatically highlighted – do NOT use. 16 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

17 4. Click on “Select” and use drop down menu for selecting reason for requesting TFR under 91.137 (A) (2). For wildland fires select “Fire Fighting” 5. After the word “Firefighting” add the words “Aviation Operations” so it reads “Firefighting Aviation Operations” 17 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

18 6. Type in Incident Name and the word “fire” For example: The Cedar Fire 18 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

19 7. Click on ARTCC for Drop down menu. Select the appropriate ARTCC for the TFR location. (you must use the 3 letter code as specified. 19 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

20 8. Select the State in which the incident is located from the Drop down menu. 9. General Location: Type in the City or well known geographical reference nearest to the Incident. NOTE – you MUST add the State abbreviation such as “24 NM West of Olympia, WA” or the TFR will NOT map correctly. 20 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

21 Next step – Time Range For 24 hour TFRs, continue to the next slide For 24 hour TFRs, continue to the next slide For a “Time Specific” TFR (dates and hours), please refer to Chapter 4 For a “Time Specific” TFR (dates and hours), please refer to Chapter 4 21 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

22 10: Click on Time Ranges. This will open a box which allow you to specifies time ranges for the TFR. 11: For 24 hour coverage, Do not change the effective time and expire time that are Pre-specified under Step # 1. (For specific hour TFRs, please refer to slides in Chapter 5) 22 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

23 12: Click on “Get Time Range in Step 2. This will bring in the time ranges specified in Step 1. 13: Click on “Save New Time Range” in Step 3. This will populate the TFR form with your time range. 23 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

24 14: Once your selected time range is “saved” (populated in the time box). Click on exit button. 24 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

25 Next Step – Shape of TFR For a circular TFR, continue to the next slide For a circular TFR, continue to the next slide For a polygon TFR, please go to Chapter 5 For a polygon TFR, please go to Chapter 5 25 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

26 26 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 15. Affected Area: To begin the description, enter the TFR dimension by choosing either Circle or Polygon. DO NOT SELECT “Corridor” as that is only used for Presidential TFR motorcades.

27 Circular TFR (For Polygon TFRs go to Chapter 5) 16. Enter Circle Radius as specified on the TFR request form. Suggested guideline is 5 NM 17. Enter latitude and longitude of the TFR. Remember to Type N (north) after latitude and W (west) after Longitude. Remember Latitude and Longitude need to be in Degree,Minutes,Seconds. NOT IN DECIMALS and no punctuation. 27 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

28 28 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The only accepted lat/long format by the FAA US NOTAM office for TFR’s is Degrees, Minutes, Seconds With no punctuation. Note the attempt to put in Degrees, Minutes, Tenths was rejected by NES.

29 18. Click on “Find Navigation Aids” Button which will provide a list of the closest NavAid VORs. 19. Select the top NavAid as this is usually the closest to the incident. (But do not select it if it is a TVOR or a NDB – see Chapter 6) 29 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

30 20. Check the VOR type – if it says “NDB” (Non Directional Beacon, then do NOT use it and use the navaid listed below it. Even though NES lists it, it is NOT a valid or appropriate navaid for a TFR. “ As the name implies, the signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information, in contrast to other navigational aids such as Low Frequency Radio Range, VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and TACAN. However, the NDB signal is affected more by atmospheric conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and electrical storms, particularly at long range.” Therefore we do not use them in a TFR.” (Wikipedia reference)Low Frequency Radio RangeVHF omnidirectional rangeTACAN 30 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

31 Know your NavAids 31 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 NES suggests St George (OZN) Do not use even if it is the closest Nav Aid as it is a TVOR. (for further information, see Chapter 6)

32 21. The selected VOR Nav Aid and the latitude/Longitude will “populate” in the Box under Preview. 22. To see a TFR on a Sectional map Select /Click on “view graphic”. This will Allow you to see what the TFR will look like. 32 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

33 Preview of TFR 33 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

34 What am I looking at? You actually are looking at two circles. One is red and the other is blue. Each circle represents the area closed by either the description of the navaid by distance or the latitude/longitude. You actually are looking at two circles. One is red and the other is blue. Each circle represents the area closed by either the description of the navaid by distance or the latitude/longitude. The FAA accepts a certain distance between the two circles. If the distance is too far, NES will give a suggestion as to how to fix either the latitude/longitude or bearing/distance. The FAA accepts a certain distance between the two circles. If the distance is too far, NES will give a suggestion as to how to fix either the latitude/longitude or bearing/distance. 34 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

35 If you wish to save this graphic! You may choose at this time to send the graphic to the requesting unit to verify the position of the TFR. You can do a screen capture and send the.jpg to the requesting unit if you have doubts about the location. You will not have a chance to save this graphic after it is submitted. You may choose at this time to send the graphic to the requesting unit to verify the position of the TFR. You can do a screen capture and send the.jpg to the requesting unit if you have doubts about the location. You will not have a chance to save this graphic after it is submitted. 35 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

36 23. Click on “Save Circle” to save the Circle TFR information. 36 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

37 way to describe TFR is by using a Nav Aid Bearing and Distance. Alternate way to describe TFR is by using a Nav Aid Bearing and Distance. a. Select or click on the grey bar “Define by Navigation Aid”. 37 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

38 b. Enter a bearing and distance from the closest Nav Aid Then Click on the highlighted latitude/longitude and it will populate the description box. 38 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

39 The dimensions of the TFR will appear in the Box Under the words “Affected Area”. 24. Type in Altitude from TFR request form and Select MSL. All wildland fires are in MSL. FAA will not convert for you. 39 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

40 25. Type in the TFR Coordinating Unit This will be published in the TFR NOTAM. It could be the local GACC or Dispatch Center for the Incident depending on your local policy. Do not use Acronyms or 3 letter/4 letter codes. Type the full name of the unit for example “Puget Sound Interagency Dispatch Center” 40 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

41 26. Type in the GACC or Dispatch Center Phone number – This will be published in the TFR NOTAM. Needs to be a 24 hour a day contact number if your TFR is for 24 hours a day. Do not use 1-800 phone numbers. Use the FAA format and dashes. 41 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

42 27. “Authors” Comments Box: This information is not published in the NOTAM but is shared internally between FAA offices and the person inputting the TFR into NES. Suggest putting your name and phone number as point of contact so the ARTCC can call you if they have any questions. Additional useful information is the impacted MTR’s route name and segments and SUA’s. For example – “Affects IR345 Segments B-J and the Goose MOA” which can be provided from IAMS/CAHIS. You may add comments such as the Resource Order Number and Request Number for the TFR request. 42 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

43 28. USNOF Reserved for use only by the US Notam Office. 43 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

44 31. Click on Save Button to save TFR information. 29. Preview Button, To review TFR before submitting to ARTCC. Print and attach to the TFR resource order. This is your ONLY chance to preview both the TFR AND GRAPHIC before it is submitted. Once submitted, you will not be able to see the graphic anymore. 32.Delete Button, Delete all TFR information if necessary. 30. Click on “Submit to Approver” to Submit Draft TFR to ARTCC 44 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

45 45 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 What if it won’t go through? Look for the RED ERROR messages and make your corrections.

46 Now is the time to make your phone call !! Place a call to your ARTCC Place a call to your ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center Air Route Traffic Control Center Also known as ATC Also known as ATC Such as “L.A. Center” or “Seattle Center” Such as “L.A. Center” or “Seattle Center” 46 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

47 Preview of TFR Draft NOTAM b. “Return to Draft” Button brings you back to Draft TFR work page. a. Work Number automatically assigned by Software. c. TFRMAP Button produces a preview graphic map d.Print Button allows you to print the TFR draft information for documentation. 47 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

48 Work Lists 1.Once the Draft TFR is saved and /or submitted to the ARTCC, the DRAFT moves to the work list. Work List can be accessed by Selecting/Clicking on Work List. 2. The work List allows you to follow the approval process of the TFR. (You have to refresh the screen to view the TFR process). First you will see the ARTCCFour letter code show up under approver. Their initials will show up after The TFR is sent to the USNOF (US Notam Office) and the draft will drop To the next screen. After a screening process by the USNOF, the draft will drop to the “Drafts Pending entry into the USNS. When the draft disappears from the work list, you may to go To DINS on the internet and locate your TFR. 48 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

49 4. NOTAM List show the status of your TFR and the NOTAM number for the TFR 3. The ARTCC ID will show up when the Center has “picked up” the TFR on NES – if it’s not there, they have not done any action and you should call them….. 49 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

50 50 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The TFR at this point is being processed by Seattle Center

51 51 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The TFR at this point has been sent by Seattle Center to the US Notam Office (USNOF)

52 52 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The TFR at this point has been processed by the US NOTAM office – NOTE The NOTAM ID number is listed.

53 53 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 If you click on the TFR in the work list – you will see your new TFR with it’s NOTAM number.

54 Cancelling a TFR 54 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Click on Cancel NOTAM and input the three letter Designator for the ARTCC (minus the “K”). Click on Select NOTAMS to Cancel

55 55 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Select the NOTAM you wish to cancel by clicking On the small box to the left of the TFR. Click on “Save.

56 56 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 This will populate the Cancel TFR box with the Necessary information. Click on Submit to Approver and call the ARTCC to let them know you have Made a change in NES.

57 Chapter 3 – Finding your TFR at DINS (Department of Defense Internet NOTAM System) 57 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Go to https://www.notams.faa.gov Or https://notams.jcs.mil And select ARTCC TFRs

58 Click on the ARTCC to see their TFR’s or scroll down to the appropriate TFR 58 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

59 ARTCC Abbreviations for DINs KZSE – Seattle KZOA – Oakland KZLC – Salt Lake City KZLA – Los Angeles KZAB – Albuquerque KZAU – Chicago KZBW – Boston KZDC – Washington DC KZDV – Denver KZFW – Dallas Ft Worth KZJX – Jacksonville KZME – Memphis KZMP – Minneapolis KZOB – Cleveland KZTL – Atlanta KZKC – Kansas City KZNY – New York KZID - Indianapolis PAZA – Anchorage PHZH Honolulu TZJS – Puerto Rico KZHU – Houston KZMA - Miami 59 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

60 Select the TFR’s you are interested or wish to Display by clicking in the small box to the left of the TFR 60 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

61 Scroll to the bottom of the website and click on “Display/Print Selected NOTAMs 61 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

62 This process allows you to display a short list of selected TFRs instead of the longer listing. 62 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

63 The TFR graphic will come up after you click on “Map it”. You then have the option to zoom in, Zoom out or pan. 63 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

64 This is what the TFR map looks like when you use the “zoom in” option 64 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

65 Ch. 4 What is there is a problem with DINS? Go to Look on the left hand side of pilot information Look on the left hand side of pilot information A drop down menu will appear A drop down menu will appear Click on Graphical TFRs Click on Graphical TFRs Select your TFR Select your TFR 65 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

66 66 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Hover (don’t click) over Pilot’s area and the drop down menu will appear

67 67 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The drop down menu will appear Click on “Look Up Graphic TFRs”

68 68 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 A list of sequential TFRs by the latest entry Will appear. You have several sorting options.

69 69 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 This is what you will get when you select a TFR – this Is the FAA’s version of “clear text” TFR. You may also Select the actual NOTAM text below.

70 70 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Here is the text of the actual FDC NOTAM – “aka” TFR

71 71 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Here is what you get when you “click on Sectional”

72 72 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Here is what you get when you “click on Large Map”

73 Chapter 5 If you do not know the ARTCC There are several options. You can click on “Decode” on the left side menu and input the airport name. You will then get a block of information about the airport that includes which ARTCC boundary the airport is located. There are several options. You can click on “Decode” on the left side menu and input the airport name. You will then get a block of information about the airport that includes which ARTCC boundary the airport is located. 73 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

74 Click on Encode 74 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

75 Select the airport alphabetically 75 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

76 This is the information box you will receive. NOTE – the ARTCC is listed. 76 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

77 Additional information is available by typing in the name of an airport. 77 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

78 This is the type of information available from the Decoding Option 78 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

79 Another Option to find the ARTCC Continue through the NES process to the graphics portion. Once you have entered the location, click on “preview”. Continue through the NES process to the graphics portion. Once you have entered the location, click on “preview”. The preview graphic will allow you to “zoom out”. As you zoom out, you will see the ARTCC boundaries on the vicinity map. The preview graphic will allow you to “zoom out”. As you zoom out, you will see the ARTCC boundaries on the vicinity map. The proposed TFR will be reflected within the ARTCC boundary. The proposed TFR will be reflected within the ARTCC boundary. 79 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

80 You have the option to zoom in, zoom out or pan. Select “Zoom out” and click on the map. 80 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

81 Highlight “Zoom Out” and click on the map. The Yellow lines are the ARTCC Boundaries and are visible when you zoom out. 81 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

82 Chapter 6 Three Steps if you want to specify hours of operation in your TFR Do NOT use the words “Daylight”, “Civil Twilight”, “Sunrise”, etc in your description as these are not LEGAL terms for the issuance of a regulatory FDC NOTAM. Do NOT use the words “Daylight”, “Civil Twilight”, “Sunrise”, etc in your description as these are not LEGAL terms for the issuance of a regulatory FDC NOTAM. You must use actual times of operation. You must use actual times of operation. 82 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

83 Go through Step One to populate your time range with the words “Effective Immediately Until Further Notice”. a: Go through Step One to populate your time range with the words “Effective Immediately Until Further Notice”. In the time range box, Add the following words to designate your time frame for example: 1200-0430 UTC (0600 – 2100L) b: In the time range box, Add the following words to designate your time frame for example: 1200-0430 UTC (0600 – 2100L) Which interprets to mean “effective immediately until further notice 0600 – 2100 Local” (the “L” is the abbreviation for “Local time” and UTC is the acronym for Greenwich Mean Time). c: Which interprets to mean “effective immediately until further notice 0600 – 2100 Local” (the “L” is the abbreviation for “Local time” and UTC is the acronym for Greenwich Mean Time). 83 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

84 Chapter 7 - How to enter a polygon TFR 1. Latitude/Longitude information needs to be entered in a clockwise direction. 2. A rectangular shaped Polygon requires 4 data points. 3. You need to select the closest Navigation Aid for each Latitude/Longitude data point. 4. If possible, use the SAME Nav Aid for all data points. Do NOT use Canadian Nav Aids. 5. Enter the Lat/Long then select “Find Navigation Aid.” Select the closest Nav Aid ( Do not select a T-VOR or a NDB.) Repeat for each coordinate 6. Click on “SAVE Polygon” information 7. You may choose to “view graphic” or wait until the preview. Note – if you have to make corrections, the program might wipe clean and you will have to start over. Edits in the text area will NOT adjust the graphics. 84 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

85 85 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 A: Select Polygon

86 86 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 A: Input your first set of latitude and longitudes and click on find navigation aids.

87 87 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Select your corresponding Nav aid by clicking on it.

88 Polygon TFR Graphic 88 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

89 89 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Now enter your second latitude and longitude. Click on find navigation aid. Select Navigation Aid and then continue in a clockwise direction with the rest of your latitude and longitudes. Click on Save Polygon

90 90 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 After entering your second Latitude and Longitude, continue Selecting Navigations Aid and then continue in a clockwise direction with the rest of your latitudes and longitudes.

91 91 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

92 92 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 The only accepted lat/long format by the FAA US NOTAM office for TFR’s is Degrees, Minutes, Seconds With no punctuation. Note the attempt to put in Degrees, Minutes, Tenths was rejected by NES.

93 Chapter 6 How do you know if a VOR is a TVOR? You don’t! It’s not on a sectional. There are three ways to make sure it is not a TVOR: You don’t! It’s not on a sectional. There are three ways to make sure it is not a TVOR: Look in the Airport Flight Directory Look in the Airport Flight Directory Look up the VOR in Look up the VOR in Check in IAMS Check in IAMS Did you forget what a TVOR is? It is a Terminal or Airport VOR often with limited range. Did you forget what a TVOR is? It is a Terminal or Airport VOR often with limited range. 93 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

94 This is what you will see when you look up an airport in the Airport/Facility Directory (you can subscribe or find it on line if you Google “Airport/Flight Director on line at NACO). A TVOR (Airport VOR) will have a (T) in front of it. Do not use this VOR as your NAV Aid in your TFR as it has limited range. For example, notice that this NAV Aid for St. George (OZN) is not usable beyond 15 NM. 94 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

95 Know your NavAids 95 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 NES suggests St George (OZN) As the closest NavAid. Do not use – It is a TVOR – see next slide.

96 You can also check a Nav Aid Type at 96 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Note under characteristics that it Says T-VORW/DME which means it Is a Terminal VOR associated with An airport and has no distance.

97 Non Directional Beacon (NDB) Discussion Often, NES will list NDBs that have Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) particularly in Alaska. Care must be taken when using NES in Alaska to not use NDB’s. Often, NES will list NDBs that have Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) particularly in Alaska. Care must be taken when using NES in Alaska to not use NDB’s. There are 24 such facilities in Alaska There are 24 such facilities in Alaska There are only 4 NDB/DME combinations in the lower 49. There are only 4 NDB/DME combinations in the lower 49. Hailey, ID Hailey, ID North Carolina North Carolina Two in Minnesota Two in Minnesota 97 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

98 NDB Discussion continued While there are hundreds of NDB’s throughout the country and many of them are listed in NES, they should NOT be used as a navigational aid associated with a TFR. While there are hundreds of NDB’s throughout the country and many of them are listed in NES, they should NOT be used as a navigational aid associated with a TFR. “As the name implies, the signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information, in contrast to other navigational aids such as Low Frequency Radio Range, VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and TACAN. However, the NDB signal is affected more by atmospheric conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and electrical storms, particularly at long range.” Therefore we do not use them in a TFR.” (Wikipedia reference) “As the name implies, the signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information, in contrast to other navigational aids such as Low Frequency Radio Range, VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and TACAN. However, the NDB signal is affected more by atmospheric conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and electrical storms, particularly at long range.” Therefore we do not use them in a TFR.” (Wikipedia reference)Low Frequency Radio RangeVHF omnidirectional rangeTACANLow Frequency Radio RangeVHF omnidirectional rangeTACAN 98 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

99 20. Check the VOR type – if it says “NDB” (Non Directional Beacon, then do NOT use it and use the navaid listed below it. Even though NES lists it, it is NOT a valid or appropriate navaid for a TFR. Do NOT SELECT. Use Burley. “ As the name implies, the signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information, in contrast to other navigational aids such as Low Frequency Radio Range, VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and TACAN. However, the NDB signal is affected more by atmospheric conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and electrical storms, particularly at long range.” Therefore we do not use them in a TFR.” (Wikipedia reference)Low Frequency Radio RangeVHF omnidirectional rangeTACAN 99 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

100 Ch 8. How to enter additional text within a TFR NOTAM 100 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 1) Complete your TFR request and SAVE it or it won’t work!

101 101 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 2) Click preview and highlight your TFR text.

102 102 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 3) Click on Draft NOTAM and erase what is already in the field

103 103 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 4) Paste your TFR from Preview into the box

104 104 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 5) Type in the additional text you wish to add to the NOTAM – use appropriate language. You may include additional frequencies, airport information, etc. 6) Click on “Save as draft” – you may chose to preview at this time.

105 105 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 7) Note – the additional text is included within the new saved TFR preview.

106 106 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 8) Click on Submit to Approver and continue as usual.

107 107 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 9) TFR preview graphic

108 Chapter 9 - How to Delete Chapter 9 - How to Delete 108 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 It’s very simple – click on the Delete button. sometimes it asks you if you with to “take over” – say yes and click on “take over” – then you can delete the TFR request

109 Chapter 10 – How to Register New Users Chapter 10 – How to Register New Users 109 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Do NOT sign on – once you get the entry screen, select “Register User”

110 110 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 You will get the registration screen. Fill out the requested info and create a password. Click on Register. Remember your branch name – you will need it for the next step.

111 111 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09 Next, call the US NOTAM Office – be prepared with your branch name (your certificate name which looks like FS-NWC or FS-RAL – see previous slide) and your initials. Say the following – I am registering as a new user. Here is my branch name and my initials. They will clear you for use.

112 Additional Information Additional Information is available in the accompanying text document which includes: Additional Information is available in the accompanying text document which includes: Getting a certificate from the FAA Getting a certificate from the FAA Importing a certificate Importing a certificate Registering New/additional users Registering New/additional users Entering a TFR request Entering a TFR request If your password has expired If your password has expired Locked out? Locked out? ARTCC abbreviations ARTCC abbreviations 112 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

113 QUESTIONS Contact Julie Stewart (Interagency Airspace Program Manager) at 503-808- 6728 (you may call me 24/7) Contact Julie Stewart (Interagency Airspace Program Manager) at 503-808- 6728 (you may call me 24/7) For FAA support from the US NOTAM, Please call 703-904-4557. For FAA support from the US NOTAM, Please call 703-904-4557. 113 NES Power point presentation by on 10/29/09

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