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State Employee Charitable Campaign Affiliate Agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "State Employee Charitable Campaign Affiliate Agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Employee Charitable Campaign Affiliate Agencies

2 Important Information  Type your forms if possible; it offers a more professional presentation.  Applications should be 3-hole punched.  2 applications need to be submitted (The original & 1 copy)  Clearly mark your attachments! (Label or tab them.)  Deadline for submissions: 3/11/2011 at NOON!

3 Affiliate Information Page  Specify if your agency has participated before.  Fill out all information completely and accurately.  The 25 word statement is important! (Not only does SECC use this in their donor brochure, UWGCM uses this in our Agency Program Services sheet.

4 Affiliate Information Page (cont.)  Administrative expenses % for 2010, 2009 & 2008. (Administrative expenses + fund raising costs / total revenue = percentage for admin costs.  If you chose to have electronic funds transfer (EFT) instead of paper checks, please include your bank information at the bottom of the page.

5 25 Word Statement Example “Offers information and referral and provides for the health, welfare and character building for residents of the mainland of Galveston County through its partner agencies.” – United Way Galveston County Mainland

6 Attachment A “A letter indicating that the organization is organized for charitable purposes.” Secretary of State (State Seal)

7 Attachment B Department of the Treasury – 501 (c)(3) Letter “A copy of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determination letter indicating that applicant organization or affiliate is exempt from taxation.”

8 Attachment C A complete and signed copy of the IRS Form 990 for a period ended not more than 18 months prior to January 2011 (i.e. June 30, 2009)

9 Attachment D If affiliate’s budget does not exceed $100,000, attach an accountant’s review offering full and open disclosure of the organization’s internal operations. If affiliate’s annual budget exceeds $100,000, attach an independent audit completed by a certified public accountant.

10 Attachment E (if applicable) If an affiliate’s administrative expenses exceed 25% then you must attach a document entitled, “Explanation of Expenses and Plan to Reduce” that explains your plans to reduce these expenses and how it’ll be done. NOTE: It must be a one page document in 12- point size font.

11 Attachment G Letter stating that UWGCM (the federation) serves as the affiliate’s representative and fiscal agent. We have these available if you are in need of one.

12 Attachment L Affiliate Acknowledgement of Accountability This form is a part of the actual physical application.

13 Attachment L1 If a local charitable organization is applying under more than one federation in the statewide campaign, the organization must attach a document listing each federation under which it will apply. (i.e. United Way of Galveston, United Way of Brazoria County, etc.)

14 Questions? GOOD LUCK!

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