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Tourism Promotion Agreement Board of County Commissioners September 11, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Tourism Promotion Agreement Board of County Commissioners September 11, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourism Promotion Agreement Board of County Commissioners September 11, 2007

2 Background Summary of Agreement Requested Action Outline

3 Background Summary of Agreement Requested Action Outline

4 Background Florida Statute Section 125.0104 Contract with Bureau since 1983 Tourist Development Plan

5 Background Summary of Agreement Requested Action Outline

6 Section 1 – Orange County Obligations Payments to the Bureau ½ % $750,000 $3,300,000 $4,000,000 6 th Cent Payments Tourism Promotion Agreement } “Bureau Funds” } “Additional Advertising Funds”

7 Section 2 – Bureau Obligations Compliance with Law and Agreement Restrictions on Additional Advertising Funds Performance Standards; Strategic Plan; Scope of Services Audit Tourism Promotion Agreement

8 Section 2 – Bureau Obligations (cont.) Records Accounting Oversight & Accountability Audit Committee Marketing Program Restrictions Tourism Promotion Agreement

9 Section 2 – Bureau Obligations (cont.) Reporting Requirements Strategic Plan Budget IRS Form 990 Financial Statements Quarterly Reports Annual Summary & Report Tourism Promotion Agreement

10 Section 3 – Term; Termination Initial 3 year term; 2 year renewal Second 3 year term; 2 year renewal Termination for Cause Tourism Promotion Agreement

11 Section 4 – Miscellaneous Provisions Conflicts/Amendments/Notices Insurance Requirements Tourism Promotion Agreement

12 Background Summary of Contract Requested Action Outline

13 Requested Action Approval of the Orange County, FL and Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc. 2007 Tourism Promotion Agreement

14 Tourism Promotion Agreement Board of County Commissioners September 11, 2007 Photos courtesy of the OOCCVB

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