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Development of NFR ADD-NFR meeting report UNECE TFEIP meeting, 19-20 October, 2004, Palanza, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of NFR ADD-NFR meeting report UNECE TFEIP meeting, 19-20 October, 2004, Palanza, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of NFR ADD-NFR meeting report UNECE TFEIP meeting, 19-20 October, 2004, Palanza, Italy

2 Proposal for splits/extensions (1)  1A2fi: Other mobile in industry (SNAP 0808) and 1A2fii would be OTHER  2C:Metal production (split follows existing CRF) 2C1: Iron and Steel Production 2C2: Ferroalloys Production 2C3: Aluminum Production 2C5: Other (please specify)

3 Proposal for splits/extensions (2)  3A:Paint application 3Ai: Decorative paint application (includes domestic (SNAP 060104) and architectural paint use (SNAP 060103), see EU Product Directive) 3Aii: Industrial paint application 3Aiii: Other pain applications  3B:Degreasing and Dry Cleaning 3Bi: Degreasing (SNAP 060201) 3Bii: Dry cleaning (SNAP 060202) 3Biii: Other (please specify)???????

4 Proposal for splits/extensions (3)  3D:Other 3Di: Printing (SNAP 060403) 3Dii: Preservation of wood (SNAP 060406) 3Diii: Domestic solvent use (SNAP 060408) 3Div: Other (please specify) (Other SNAPs from 0604)  2B5i: Storage and handling of industrial bulk products (SNAP 040515 and 040522 and other, e.g., cement)  2B5ii: Other

5 Proposal for splits/extensions (4)  4D1: Direct soil emissions 4D1i: Synthetic N-fertilizers 4D1ii: Animal waste applied to soils 4D1iii: Other  4D2: N-excretion on pasture range and paddock

6 Proposal for splits/extensions (5) PM sources 2Di: Wood processing (sawmills, furniture) 2Dii: Other production 2A7i: Quarrying and mining of minerals other than coal 2A7ii: Construction and demolition 4Di: Farm-level agricultural operations including storage and handling of agricultural products (harvesting, ploughing, etc. in plant production) 4Dii: Off-farm storage and handling of bulk agricultural products

7 Proposal for splits/extensions (6)  Amendments 2D2: Food and Drink (include emissions from sugar, flour, etc processing, food smoking) 7: Other (include emissions from fireworks, BBQ, tobacco smoking, humans and pets) 4G: Other (including use of pesticides) (There exists already category 4G: Other where a reference to SNAP categories 1006 referring to the use of pesticides are mentioned) 4F: Field burning of agricultural waste (remove in the description ‘Including 5B’) LOST IN TRANSLATION – How to deal with CRF categories that were skipped (e.g., 2E, 2F) from NFR?

8 Comments  A possibility to perform quick search within the Guidebook chapters to identify where certain emissions belong  Technical way of implementing changes, I.e modify the current template or add sheet to the template (decision will be taken by the editorial committee and communicated to all experts soon)  How to perform update of the guidelines to clarify source association (see amendments) (Brinda, UNECE?)

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