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WEC Bulgarian Energy Day 18 th June 2010 Climate change policy beyond 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "WEC Bulgarian Energy Day 18 th June 2010 Climate change policy beyond 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEC Bulgarian Energy Day 18 th June 2010 Climate change policy beyond 2012

2 The WEC 3 A’s WEC: To promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all Energy Accessibility Energy Availability Energy Acceptability The 3 As are influenced by by several issues. In recent WEC studies we highlighted Market design, Carbon trading, Vulnerability.

3 Main sectors in EU-27: Energy supply and transport

4 European share on global GHG-emissions

5 Comparison of the electricity generation

6 Key messages: GHG emissions are globally still rising Major contributor is the fossil fuel combustion, especially for electricity production. Technological solutions are present, but need time until they will contribute largely to a further GHG reduction Europe will be part of the solution mainly in terms of clean technology development. An effective combat against climate change needs a global solution. Europe can show the way and demonstrate efforts, but other important regions should move and establish their pathways.

7 Technology contributions

8 Scenario results for 2030

9 Power Sector Investments

10 Cost implications

11 Climate change has in the end to be solved by technology -There is a huge portfolio of technologies at demand and supply side that have the potential to reach deep cuts in GHG emissions; -Technology must be accompanied by life style changes; -All these technologies must be accessible without exclusion; -Electricity is the only energy vector that can be further decarbonised in the foreseeable future through a range of technologies and offers the prospect of low carbon road transport through the hybrid and electric vehicle and of contributing to low carbon heating through heat pump systems. -Technology diffusion will not come by itself, there is a need for a whole range of policy measures including education and information, providing a long term price signal for GHG emissions, efficiency standards, R&D, incentives and support schemes;

12 Conclusions and recommendations - We need a global price on CO2 emissions - We need more support for climate friendly technologies - Investments are key – longer horizons needed - Re-balancing necessary: Security of supply and Affordable energy

13 Funded by Member Committee annual subscriptions Subscriptions set by EA-approved formula Based on energy consumption, production, GNI Additional funding: Congress Direct corporate contributions Patrons Programme - WEC Foundation Publication sales Partnership royalties World Energy Council 1-4 Warwick Street, London W1B 5LT Tel: 020-7734 5996 Fax: 020-7734 5926 E-mail: Website:

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