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This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The assignments By Senior Sort Term.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The assignments By Senior Sort Term."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The assignments By Senior Sort Term International Expert: Kyriakos DIMITRIOU Place: UCCI Tashkent Training Centre Ташкент Training of Trainers

2 This project is financed by the European Union 2 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Your Assignments You already know that 10 th day is YOUR special day (all days are dedicated to you, but 10 th day is the special one) You ‘ll present your assignments Hereafter I will inform you about my ideas and we will agree the details. Do you want me to continue? Supposing your answer is “yes” I go on.

3 This project is financed by the European Union 3 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The idea is The assignments will be delivered as Micro-didactics. It is a simulation of a hole training session with a limitation in time. Basic points of this hypothesis are: 1.You will deliver training in a field of your expertise, a field in which you will operate in the future as trained trainers 2.You will choose the subject of the micro – didactic by yourself

4 This project is financed by the European Union 4 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium way of delivery 3.You may deliver this subject (module) alone or in group 4.In case of personal delivery time is 10 min 5.Group may consist max by 3 persons. Then the time will be 20 min (if 2 persons) - 25 min (in case of 3) 6.Persons in the same group should have the same area of expertize and will deliver dividing time equally between them

5 This project is financed by the European Union 5 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium way of delivery/2 7.In the case of a group each group member will be the trainer at a time. Group members decide which starts, which goes after. It is possible to change more than once. The concept (module) must have a logical continuation 8.Grouping or not is under the decision of each of you. The same happens in group construction, its up to you

6 This project is financed by the European Union 6 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium way of delivery/3 9.You should inform Mr. Raustan the way of personal delivery or grouping as well as group construction at least till July the 4 th 10.The micro – didactic should be a micro simulation of a training day (not the first one). That means:  You will deliver the 3 parts (introduction - body – conclusion)  There is no need of the very opening icebreaking

7 This project is financed by the European Union 7 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium way of delivery/4 11.“Learners” each time will be the rest of the group plus me and the project team 12.After each delivery there will be a small kind of quick oral evaluation by the “learners” 13.We will evaluate the content but MAINLY the use of the methods and techniques we are going to discuss till the 9 th of July 14.Each Person and/or the group have to take care of time management

8 This project is financed by the European Union 8 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium way of delivery/5 15.The activity will be recorded and will be uploaded in project’s web site. You will be able to download it from the site. 16.Within 15 days after the micro – didactics will be uploaded you must create by any mean is convenient to you your self evaluation and e-mail the result to Mr Raustan. I will provide you the self evaluation form.

9 This project is financed by the European Union 9 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Facilitation I am ready for your questions Ask any clarification you need Also next days you may continue with more questions

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