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Published byKerrie Lester Modified over 8 years ago
STAR INSERVICE MARCH 11, 2011 Research and Evaluation Services STAR
Site Coordinator Responsibilities Summary of Responsibilities Posted on R&E website Keep secure No access before first day of testing Grade 2 (secure) DFA Test booklets Daily inventory- in/out logs Absence-Tracking Identify testing locations Determine Quiet Room Sweep rooms - instructional materials directly related to test content must be removed Identify appropriate assessment(s) 2 STAR
Site Coordinator Responsibilities (continued) Train Examiners NO highlighters NO snacks Use DFAs in training Grade 2 – non-secure version, only District testing schedule Date and content-area specific Adherence to start time Test all students enrolled first day of testing Verify materials are marked correctly to ensure correct student scores Materials ready for R&E to inventory/pack 3 STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Train examiners & proctors Post-test Organize for pickup STAR 4 STAR Implementation Process
STAR Program Overview CST Grades 2-8 Most students take CST, unless taking CMA or CAPA CMA Grades 3-8; varies by content area Must have IEP and meet eligibility criteria STS Grades 2-8 Spanish-speaking English Learners Required if U.S. school enrollment < 12 months MyLng114 - USA Date after 04/04/10 Must also take CST and/or CMA CAPA Must have IEP specifying CAPA Level 5 STAR
STAR Program Overview (continued) Grade 7 CST Math Grade 8 CST Math CMA Math STS Math 6 STAR
California Standards Test (CST) Grades 2-8 for all students Unless taking CMA or CAPA Subjects tested English-Language Arts: grades 2-8 Mathematics: grades 2-7; end-of-course (EOC) grades 7-8 Science: grades 5 and 8 History-Social Science: grade 8 Matrices 1 & 2 “Allowable Test Variations, Accommodations and Modifications” STAR Coordinator Manual- Appendix E, pages 83-87 R&E website 7 CST
CST Mathematics by Grade Grades 2-6: Grade-level test required Grade 7: Grade 7 math test or Algebra 1 required Grade 8: One of the following is required: EOC CST for Mathematics (Algebra 1) CST for General Mathematics 8 CST
CST Materials Test Booklets - grades 2 and 3 “CST” written in upper-left corner of front cover Answer documents - grade 8 “CST” written in upper-left corner of front page DFA “Say” Box Translations Order from R&E by March 28 Card stock rulers - grade 2, only Practice Tests - grades 2-4 Administer during prior week 9 CST
California Modified Assessment (CMA) CMA for ELA in grades 3-8 CMA for Mathematics in grades 3-7 CMA for Algebra (EOC grades 7-8) CMA for Science in grades 5 and 8 No CMA History/Social Science Must take CST Test separately from CST-takers 10 CMA
Student Eligibility for CMA Students: Have an IEP Meet SBE-adopted eligibility criteria Enrolled in grades 3-8 May take CMA for some subjects; CST for others Must take grade-level CSTs when a CMA is not offered May have previously taken CMA, regardless of score Not eligible to take CAPA 11 CMA
Student Eligibility for CMA (continued) IEP specifies CMA and subject(s) No modifications Variations and Accommodations STAR Coordinator Manual - Appendix M, page 143 Only grade 5 can use calculators on CMA Math Grid “Q” in Section A3 of answer document Per IEP Allowable Accommodations Test Questions or Answer Options - must use same version # CMA PowerPoint - R&E website 12 CMA
CMA Materials CMA booklet for grade 3 Separate scorable test booklet Must also return CST test booklet if take any tests “CMA” written in upper-left corner of front cover CST/CMA answer document Grades 4-7 Mark 7c for CMA tests taken CMA for Grade 8 CMA answer document for: ELA, Science and Math (Algebra 1) “CMA” written in upper-left corner of front page CST answer document for: Math (General Math) and History/Social Science 13 CMA
CMA Materials (continued) CMA Grade 8 has no General Math test Must take CST General Math Use CST answer document CMA Grade 8 has no History/Social-Science test Must take CST History-Social Science Use CST answer document 14 CMA
Standards-Based Test in Spanish (STS) STS for Reading/Language Arts (RLA) in grades 2-8 STS for Mathematics in grades 2-7 STS for Algebra 1 in grades 7-8 (EOC) Students in grade 8 who are not taking Algebra 1 DO NOT take STS math However, do take CST math 15 STS
Student Eligibility for STS Required for Spanish-speaking English Learners (EL), grades 2-8, who either: Receive instruction in Spanish; or Have been enrolled in a U.S. school less than 12 cumulative months Not administered to EO, I-FEP, or R-FEP students MyLng114 USA Date after 04/04/10 Must also take CST and/or CMA 16 STS
Performance-based, One-on-one Must have an IEP IEP specifies CAPA and which level For students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take the CSTs even with accommodations and/or modifications or CMA with accommodations Do not take STS Mark CAPA Level in 7a California Alternative Performance Assessment (CAPA) CAPA 17
CAPA Observers Responsibilities Schools double-rate ten percent (10%) of CAPA students per level R&E randomly selects and sends lists to sites Observers must mark Observer and sign the answer document CAPA 18
Observers must mark/grid blank document with: 1 Name, etc. 3 Date of Birth 5 Name 6 Gender 7a CAPA Level 7b Grade 11 Student ID 12 SSID CAPA Observers Completion of Answer Document CAPA 19
Verify Proper STAR Assessment for Students CST vs. CMA and CAPA CompleteSchool Reports…Demographics MyRAE121 (School Testing Student Roster Report) 20 STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Train examiners & proctors Post-test Organize for pickup PREPARATION STAR 21 STAR Implementation Process Prep answer documents 2011 only No copying New enrollees
Preparation of Answer Documents Use 2011 answer documents only Do NOT copy answer documents Pre-ID test booklets/answer documents All demographics embedded in barcode Students enrolled as of January 21, 2011 Late labels cutoff date May 2, 2011 New Enrollees- must hand grid demographics CompleteSchool Students… Search… “District-Wide Student Search (STAR Testing)” 22 PREPARATION STAR
Answer Documents and Test Booklets Separate CMA answer document for grade 8 Students taking one or more CMA tests must return BOTH a CMA and a CST answer document Section 7c: “Assessed with CMA” Front of answer document Students in grades 4-7 taking CMA complete Section 7c Grades 3 and 8 - staff complete Section 7c on CST document for each of the CMA tests taken 23 PREPARATION STAR
Answer Documents Version Numbers Answer documents CST and CMA Inside 24 PREPARATION STAR
CST/CMA Answer Document 25 CMA section has: Different subject icons from CST Alternate row shading for the response bubbles Three answer choices Fewer number of questions Inside- Right PREPARATION STAR
CMA Grade 7 Mathematics Answer Document 26 Grade 7 Math and Algebra I have different numbers of questions PREPARATION STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Post-test Organize for pickup 27 STAR Implementation Process Say Boxes Translate only “T” Correct documents to students Breaks TRAINING STAR
Resources for On-Site Training R&E website Training PowerPoint Testing Protocol 2009 Training DVD Update documents Video segments District Testing Dates and Schedule Item and Time Charts Test Security Affidavits Daily Inventory and Absence-Tracking Logs Guidelines on Academic Preparation for State Assessments STAR Certification of Training DFAs Grade 2 DFA - non-secure version 28 TRAINING STAR
On-Site Training Use Directions for Administration (DFAs) correctly Read “SAY” boxes exactly as written District-provided translations only for boxes marked with “T” Cannot translate test questions, prompts, or passages Additional materials No. 2 pencils with erasers Scratch paper (lined, unlined, graph) for math and science tests, only Secure- do not throw away Quiet Activities 29 TRAINING STAR
Give correct test booklets and answer documents to students Check pre-ID name General Math vs. Algebra Give breaks only at end of part Answer documents Section 7c for CMA tests taken Correctly mark Test Correctly mark Version # 30 On-Site Training (continued) TRAINING STAR
Examiners Must be district employees Must be trained Must sign Test Security Affidavit Includes long-term subs and daily subs Student teachers cannot administer assessments Proctors Must be district employees Must be trained Must sign Test Security Affidavit Classroom volunteers cannot proctor Student teachers cannot proctor 31 On-Site Training (continued) TRAINING STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Train examiners & proctors Post-test Organize for pickup 32 STAR Implementation Process TESTING STAR
Enrollment Verification Enrollment - First Day of Testing Print on April 28, 2011 (first day of ELA-CST) for accountability CompleteSchool Reports… Demographics MyRAE120 (School Testing Student Count Report) Enrollment counts will be cross-referenced upon materials pickup 33 TESTING STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Train examiners & proctors Organize for pickup 34 STAR Implementation Process Post-test Paperwork Back of answer doc Transcribe, void docs Labels Separate scorables from nonscorables SGID Master File POST-TEST STAR
Post-test 1. Complete back of answer document A1- for R&E use, only A2 Special Conditions Grid specific content area(s) Students with IEP/504 plan- if offered and refused to use accommodations/modifications Grid “X” A3 Accommodations and Modifications If used an accommodation/modification: Grid subsection “a”: IEP or Section 504 Plan Grid subsection “b” for specific accommodation and content area(s) A4 English Learner Test Variations STAR Coordinator Manual- pages 115-117 35 POST-TEST STAR
Transcribe Braille, large print, or damaged docs/booklets Check version # Damaged answer docs/booklets Write “Void” Stack with nonscorables Pre-id students who have moved Write “Moved” Stack with nonscorables 36 Post-test 2. Transcribe and void POST-TEST STAR
Affix late/transfer labels Hand grid all demographics for students without pre-ID documents or late/transfer labels All students enrolled first day of testing must have a document, whether tested or not Includes absentees and parent exemptions 37 Post-test 3. Sort scorables from nonscorables POST-TEST STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Train examiners & proctors Organize for pickup 38 STAR Implementation Process ORGANIZE STAR Post-test
Separate scorables from nonscorables Sort by grade level, by test type Include ISP student documents Stack hand grid documents on top, by test type CMA (grade 3) on bottom of teacher’s stack of CST Sort nonscorables by grade and type 39 Organize 1. Sort scorables from nonscorables ORGANIZE STAR
School-Grade Identification Sheet (SGID) One per teacher, per grade, at elementaries On back, grid teacher name in English-Language Arts section, only One per grade at junior highs/middles Large counts- separate into two or three stacks, one SGID per stack Grid Instructional Materials on one SGID per grade Key on R&E website Master File Sheet # of SGIDs = # of classes Write “0” for grades not tested 40 Organize 2. Headers ORGANIZE STAR
Receive delivery School 5–10 days before testing Test Per District Schedule R&E Pick up at Sites Train Site Coordinators Inventory SAVE BOXES Prepare materials Train examiners & proctors Organize for pickup 41 STAR Implementation Process PICK UP STAR Post-test
Pick-Up Schedule 42 On R&E webpage PICK UP STAR
R & E Website for STAR Resources 43 RESOURCES STAR
Lessons Learned Testing Incidents and Adult Testing Irregularities 44 STAR
Contacts Materials, Logistics and Administration Gay Barney, District STAR Coordinator extension 1-4819 45 CONTACT STAR
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