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Carbohydrates The Primary Fuel for the Body. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates contain the following elements:  Carbon (C)  Hydrogen (H)  Oxygen (O)

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates The Primary Fuel for the Body. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates contain the following elements:  Carbon (C)  Hydrogen (H)  Oxygen (O)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates The Primary Fuel for the Body

2 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates contain the following elements:  Carbon (C)  Hydrogen (H)  Oxygen (O)

3 Carbohydrates Functions of carbohydrates (CHO’s):  Provide energy  Many foods that contain CHO’s also provide fiber

4 Forms of Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates---Sugars Characteristics:  Easily digested (enters the bloodstream quickly)  Includes syrups, table sugar (sucrose), brown sugar, honey, molasses, maltose, glucose, dextrose, and naturally occurring sugars found in fruit (fructose) and milk products (lactose)

5 Simple Carbohydrates Food Sources:  Milk  Sweeteners  Fruit & fruit juice  Candy  Pop  Desserts  Processed foods

6 Forms of Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates---Starches Characteristics:  Takes longer to digest than simple CHO’s and provides a steady source of fuel to muscles & organs Classifications:  Starches (vegetables, legumes, grains)  Fiber (fruit also contains fiber)

7 Complex Carbohydrates Food Sources:  Vegetables  Whole grains (cereals, breads, pastas)  Dried beans & peas

8 Carbohydrates What are the advantages of consuming complex versus simple carbohydrates?  Provide a steady stream of fuel  Provide vitamins and minerals or are considered more nutrient dense

9 Carbohydrates Comments…  Carbohydrates provide the same amount of calories or energy value as protein foods  4 kilocalories (calories) from simple or complex carbohydrates

10 Carbohydrates Deficiencies:  Carbohydrates should NOT be limited  Following a low CHO diet can result in a breakdown of muscle mass used as an energy source  This results in water loss because muscles are 75% water  This also accounts for weight loss on low- carb diets even though the loss is mostly water, not fat breakdown

11 Carbohydrates Facts about Sugar:  Sugar is a carbohydrate  It provides 4 kilocalories per gram  Consumption is increasing since the early 1900’s  Consumption increases your chance of dental caries (especially in ‘sticky’ foods)  It does NOT cause hyperactivity  It does NOT cause diabetes  It is absorbed more quickly than starch, fat, or protein

12 Carbohydrates High-Sugar Foods:  Are often low in other nutrients  Are often high in fat…are therefore calories  Are often low in fiber (so it is easy to eat large amounts without feeling full)

13 Carbohydrates Food Sources Sugar occurs naturally in…  Milk (lactose)  Fruit and fruit juice (fructose)  Syrup (maple or corn)  Table sugar (sucrose)  Honey  Molasses  Vegetables and grains

14 Carbohydrates Food Sources Sugar is added during processing to…  Pop  Candy bars  Granola bars  Fruit drinks  Pastries  Cookies  Cakes  Puddings

15 Carbohydrates Myths about Sugar:  Fruit drink is as nutritious as fruit juice  Honey is “better for you” than sugar  Sugary foods/drinks provide energy for long-term activity  Sugar is more “fattening” than starch

16 Carbohydrates When it Comes to Sugar…Take My Advice  Eat more starchy foods and fewer sugary foods  Decrease dietary sugar by snacking less  Decrease dietary sugar by choosing smaller portions  Check food labels on containers to find out how much sugar the food contains  Use less sugar in recipes  Try low sugar snacks (popcorn, fruit etc.)

17 Carbohydrates Water Soluble Fiber (pectins and gums)  Forms a gel during digestion Benefits:  Reduces blood cholesterol  Prevents hypergylcemia because carbohydrate absorption is slowed (due to the gel forming properly)

18 Carbohydrates Water Soluble Fiber Food Sources:  Grains (Barley, Oat bran/oatmeal)  Vegetables (corn, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, peas, green beans, potatoes)  Fruits (apples, raisins, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries)  Dried Beans (kidney, garbanzo, navy)

19 Carbohydrates Water Insoluble Fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose)  Adds bulk to the waste material because it has a “water holding” property and speeds the passage of food through the digestive tract

20 Carbohydrates Water Insoluble Fiber Benefits:  Prevents constipation (promotes regularity)  Prevents hemorrhoids  Prevents diverticular disease  Reduces the risk of colon caner

21 Carbohydrates Water Insoluble Fiber Food Sources:  Dried Beans (kidney, garbanzo, navy)  Grains (wheat bran)  Cereals (All Bran, Fiber One, Cracklin’ Oat Bran)  Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, green beans)

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