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1.Most are multicellular 2.Eukaryotes- have a nucleus, some more than one 3.Heterotrophic – Nature’s Recyclers, decomposers 4.Don’t move about 5.Grow best.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Most are multicellular 2.Eukaryotes- have a nucleus, some more than one 3.Heterotrophic – Nature’s Recyclers, decomposers 4.Don’t move about 5.Grow best."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Most are multicellular 2.Eukaryotes- have a nucleus, some more than one 3.Heterotrophic – Nature’s Recyclers, decomposers 4.Don’t move about 5.Grow best in warm, humid areas


3 1.Why do organisms eat/make food? Create energy in the form of ATP 2.Where does this occur? 3. What process in our cells allows energy to be created? Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + Energy glucose ATP Let’s Prove it!!! Bromthymol Blue[base] turns green [neutral] then yellow[acid] proving C0 2 is present 4.What happens to energy produced in cell respiration? * used to maintain body temperature, some lost as heat * repair, replace cells, or growth

4 Why???  A process called fermentation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cells  Producing energy in low amounts when O 2 levels are low. *Yeast [dehydrated, but not dead] is a Fungus that allows fermentation to occur * Yeast naturally found in soil or on plants (see article) 4. Can energy be produced when oxygen(O 2 ) levels are low? Hint: What happens when you run long distances or run for a long period of time? How do you feel? Yes, but O 2 being used faster than produced- body also making lactic acid – causing muscles to ache, burn, feel sore Glucose + LOW O 2 CO 2 + lactic acid + low energy

5 Yeast + Sugar + warm, moist environment =CO2 + alcohol + energy Make a prediction, will the following substances promote fermentation? 1.Maple syrup 2.Mouthwash 3.Vinegar 4.Honey 5.Bleach 6.Ketchup 7.Salt Can we prove this????

6 Sugar Low amounts of oxygen Yeast Warm moist environment Carbon Dioxide Alcohol Energy

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