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Biological Impacts of a Severn Barrage Les Batty.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Impacts of a Severn Barrage Les Batty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Impacts of a Severn Barrage Les Batty

2 Outline  A. How important is the Severn?  B. The features of an estuary  C. What would change with a barrage?  D. What would be the biological effects?  E. Would it matter?  A. How important is the Severn?  B. The features of an estuary  C. What would change with a barrage?  D. What would be the biological effects?  E. Would it matter?

3 A. How Important is the Severn Estuary? One of largest intertidal zones in UK Ranks 15th in the UK for birds Covered by a suite of international nature conservation designations

4 Designated conservation areas Map 14: Designated Conservation Areas

5 Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention)  Important run of migratory fish - salmon, sea trout, lampreys, allis shad, eel  One of most diverse fish communities in UK  Internationally important for birds  Important run of migratory fish - salmon, sea trout, lampreys, allis shad, eel  One of most diverse fish communities in UK  Internationally important for birds

6 Special Protection Area (EU Birds Directive)  Internationally important population Annex 1 species - Bewick’s swan  And other species: White-fronted Goose, Shelduck, Gadwall, Pintail, Dunlin, Redshank  Internationally important assemblage (>70,000)  Internationally important population Annex 1 species - Bewick’s swan  And other species: White-fronted Goose, Shelduck, Gadwall, Pintail, Dunlin, Redshank  Internationally important assemblage (>70,000)

7 Special Area of Conservation (EU Habitats & Species Directive)  Estuary, Saltmarshes, Intertidal flats;  Sabellaria alveolata reefs;  Shads and lampreys.  Estuary, Saltmarshes, Intertidal flats;  Sabellaria alveolata reefs;  Shads and lampreys.

8 B. The features of an estuary Physical features

9 Mudflats and their ecology  Most productive habitat in estuary  High water content, even at low tide  Organic matter from detritus, phytoplankton, benthic algae, saltmarshes  Most productive habitat in estuary  High water content, even at low tide  Organic matter from detritus, phytoplankton, benthic algae, saltmarshes

10 Mudflat fauna

11 Mudflat food web

12 Saltmarshes  Stabilize margins of estuary  Important source of primary production  Invertebrate fauna  Habitat for fish and birds

13 C. What would change? Tides  Tidal range & velocities reduced by 50%  Low water at present mid tide level  High water level reduced by c.1m  Possible increase in high water stand.  Tidal range & velocities reduced by 50%  Low water at present mid tide level  High water level reduced by c.1m  Possible increase in high water stand.

14 Processes  Longer period of wave action at HW  Reduced turbidity/ more light  Change in erosion/ accretion patterns  Redistribution of sediments  Longer period of wave action at HW  Reduced turbidity/ more light  Change in erosion/ accretion patterns  Redistribution of sediments

15 Zones  Saltmarsh - erosion in some places, expansion in others  Intertidal zones - decrease  Subtidal - more soft sediment  Saltmarsh - erosion in some places, expansion in others  Intertidal zones - decrease  Subtidal - more soft sediment

16 So...  The estuary would be altered...  But it would still be estuarine  The estuary would be altered...  But it would still be estuarine

17 D. What would be the biological effects? Changes in flora  More phytoplankton (more light)  More eelgrass (Zostera)  More deep water seaweeds  More phytoplankton (more light)  More eelgrass (Zostera)  More deep water seaweeds

18 Changes in fauna  More zooplankton and suspension feeders, eg.mussels, oysters, scallops  Changes in fish community  More fish-eating birds (clearer water)  Potentially fewer shorebirds  More zooplankton and suspension feeders, eg.mussels, oysters, scallops  Changes in fish community  More fish-eating birds (clearer water)  Potentially fewer shorebirds

19 So...  There would be an impact on the designated conservation areas  The biological communities would change,  but biodiversity may increase  There would be an impact on the designated conservation areas  The biological communities would change,  but biodiversity may increase

20 E. Does it matter?  If a significant effect on a Natura 2000 site (SPA/SAC) is likely  And the proposal goes ahead for “imperative reasons of over-riding public interest”  If a significant effect on a Natura 2000 site (SPA/SAC) is likely  And the proposal goes ahead for “imperative reasons of over-riding public interest”

21  According to legislation...  Measures must be secured to “maintain the coherence of the Natura 2000 interest” (i.e. compensatory habitat provided)  According to legislation...  Measures must be secured to “maintain the coherence of the Natura 2000 interest” (i.e. compensatory habitat provided)

22 But what do you think?  How could you find compensatory habitat for the Severn estuary?! and...  From an ethical standpoint... Does it matter if the Severn estuary and its ecology changes as the result of a barrage?  How could you find compensatory habitat for the Severn estuary?! and...  From an ethical standpoint... Does it matter if the Severn estuary and its ecology changes as the result of a barrage?

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