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 How to view your.  Go to  Select WyoWeb  Log in to WyoWeb  Select the Student Resources tab  Select Banner Self-Service  Select Student.

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Presentation on theme: " How to view your.  Go to  Select WyoWeb  Log in to WyoWeb  Select the Student Resources tab  Select Banner Self-Service  Select Student."— Presentation transcript:

1  How to view your

2  Go to  Select WyoWeb  Log in to WyoWeb  Select the Student Resources tab  Select Banner Self-Service  Select Student  Select Student Records  Select Transfer Evaluation For step-by-step instructions, continue to the next slide.



5  If you are viewing Destination YOU-W, shown below, please click this arrow to continue. Otherwise, continue to the next slide.



8 1 2 3

9 If you received an AA, AB, or AS degree, you will have completed all USP core curriculum requirements except for 1 math course, 1 writing course, and depending on your major, 1 science course. Indicates if you were awarded a degree at your previous institution Institution attended prior to transfer to UW Time period you attended your transfer institution

10 Indicates the USP course catalog year of 2001 and later Indicates the USP course catalog year of 1991 Courses completed at your transfer institution USP Requirements met by courses How your courses transferred to UW

11 Indicates CO/M 1005 transferred from CWC to UW as ELEC 1002 (General Elective) with an option to meet a USP requirement Indicates Math 1000 transferred from CWC to UW as Math 1000 and fulfilled the QA (Quantitative 1) USP requirement

12 This demo student is transferring in his second math, and therefore doesn’t need to take it at UW. ***If you are transferring to the University of Wyoming with an AA, AB, or AS degree and you do not see Wyoming Core Completed on your transfer evaluation, contact the UW Registrar’s office and contact your previous institution to have your transcripts re-sent to UW.*** **If you have not received an AA, AB, or AS degree, you will not see “Wyoming Core Complete” on your transfer evaluation.** If you see a section of your transfer evaluation that states “Wyoming Core Complete” (Shown below), your USP core requirements have been met. However, most students will still need to complete a 3 rd writing, a 2 nd math course, and potentially another science course.

13 Your former institution GPA will not transfer to the University of Wyoming. A new GPA will be generated for transfer students at the completion of their first semester at UW. UW GPA Transfer GPA

14  To petition credit for a USP course, contact the Registrar’s Office.  To inquire about credit for major-related transfer courses, contact your major/program advisor. Office of the Registrar Knight Hall, West Wing Department 3964 (307)766-5272 Email:

15  Review your Transfer Evaluation and your Degree Evaluation simultaneously to verify you have received credit for courses you think should transfer to UW.  Take your Transfer Evaluation with you to Orientation and to your first advising appointment.  Ask your advisor questions for clarification.

16 Transfer Support Services Knight Hall, Room 202 (307) 766-2398 Email:

17  Go to  Select WyoWeb  Log in to WyoWeb  Select Checklist  Select Transfer Credit For step-by-step instructions, continue to the next slide.


19 If you received an AA, AB, or AS degree, you will have completed all USP core curriculum requirements except for 1 math course, 1 writing course, and depending on your major, 1 science course. Indicates if you were awarded a degree at your previous institution Institution attended prior to transfer to UW Time period you attended your transfer institution

20 Indicates the USP course catalog year of 2001 and later Indicates the USP course catalog year of 1991 Courses completed at your transfer institution USP Requirements met by courses How your courses transferred to UW

21 Indicates CO/M 1005 transferred from CWC to UW as ELEC 1002 (General Elective) with an option to meet a USP requirement Indicates Math 1000 transferred from CWC to UW as Math 1000 and fulfilled the QA (Quantitative 1) USP requirement

22 This demo student is transferring in his second math, and therefore doesn’t need to take it at UW. ***If you are transferring to the University of Wyoming with an AA, AB, or AS degree and you do not see Wyoming Core Completed on your transfer evaluation, contact the UW Registrar’s office and contact your previous institution to have your transcripts re-sent to UW.*** **If you have not received an AA, AB, or AS degree, you will not see “Wyoming Core Complete” on your transfer evaluation.** If you see a section of your transfer evaluation that states “Wyoming Core Complete” (Shown below), your USP core requirements have been met. However, most students will still need to complete a 3 rd writing, a 2 nd math course, and potentially another science course.

23 Your former institution GPA will not transfer to the University of Wyoming. A new GPA will be generated for transfer students at the completion of their first semester at UW. UW GPA Transfer GPA

24  To petition credit for a USP course, contact the Registrar’s Office.  To inquire about credit for major-related transfer courses, contact your major/program advisor. Office of the Registrar Knight Hall, West Wing Department 3964 (307)766-5272 Email:

25  Review your Transfer Evaluation and your Degree Evaluation simultaneously to verify you have received credit for courses you think should transfer to UW.  Take your Transfer Evaluation with you to Orientation and to your first advising appointment.  Ask your advisor questions for clarification.

26 Transfer Support Services Knight Hall, Room 202 (307) 766-2398 Email:

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