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Working with the Data Table USINGQTP65-STUDENT-01A.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with the Data Table USINGQTP65-STUDENT-01A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with the Data Table USINGQTP65-STUDENT-01A

2 Objectives In this lesson, you will learn:  How to use the spreadsheet capabilities of the data table to create checkpoints with simple calculations

3 How Can I Meet This Test Requirement? TEST REQUIREMENT 1.2.2 Compute Price Totals Verify that the List Price equals the Price value plus the discount (under You Save). TEST REQUIREMENT 1.2.2 Compute Price Totals Verify that the List Price equals the Price value plus the discount (under You Save).

4 Components of a Checkpoint using Spreadsheet Formulas Capture other values necessary for the verification into the Data table Create a formula to compute the total of the output values (13.00 = 10.40 + 2.60) Create a formula to compute the total of the output values (13.00 = 10.40 + 2.60) Modify the text checkpoint arguments to use the computations in the Data table. Create a text checkpoint on the value to verify

5 1. Capture the Relevant Values Important: Make sure the values captured have the same format.

6 2. Create Values That Will be Compared to the Checkpoint  Add a new column that computes for the total of the output values  Format the data in the new column as required Double-click on the column header to change the header label.

7 3. Modify the Checkpoint Arguments Turn the constant value of the checkpoint into a parameter. The actual value will be placed into an output parameter named “ListPrice_out". The value in “ListPrice_out" will be compared with the value in "Total" using the specified formula.

8 Data Table Formula Added to Checkpoint The formula should be edited so that the value in ListPrice_out is equated to the computed value under Total. Currently, the Data Table formula is evaluating-- Is the value in ListPrice_out equal to the string “$13.00?”

9 Data Table Formulas (Examples)  First word in a sentence: =LEFT(A1, SEARCH(" ", A1, 1)  A part of the sentence starting with the word "word": =MID(A1, SEARCH("word", A1, 1), LEN(A1))  Check whether two strings are equal: =EXACT(A1, "Flight")  Concatenation of two strings: ="Hello" & "There"  Check whether string1 appears in string2 =FIND(string1, string2, 1)  Today’s date: =TODAY() Check Excel documentation for more information on formulas to use.

10 Other Technique – Link Values using Parameters Evaluate checkpoints by linking to computed values.

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