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1 What time is it? (A) It’s a quarter to six. (B) It’s half past five. (C) It’s six fifteen. 第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。

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Presentation on theme: "1 What time is it? (A) It’s a quarter to six. (B) It’s half past five. (C) It’s six fifteen. 第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What time is it? (A) It’s a quarter to six. (B) It’s half past five. (C) It’s six fifteen. 第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。

2 2 What kind of show are they watching? (A) It’s a drama about law. (B) It’s a boring romance. (C) It’s a comedy.

3 3 What do we know about the picture? (A) The magician isn’t showing off. (B) The magician is doing a trick. (C) The magician is making a movie.

4 4. What kind of film is it? (A) It’s a western. (B) It’s a horror movie. (C) It’s an action movie.

5 5. How can we describe the movie? (A) It is funny. (B) It is sad. (C) It is scary.

6 6. Please don’t be angry at me. (A) It’s OK. I can’t stay mad at you. (B) Don’t worry about them, Debbie. (C) It’s happened to me before. 第二部分:問答 (20%) 共 10 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出的英語句子,再從試題冊上三個回答 中,選出一個最適合的答案。每題只播出一遍。

7 7. The theme song for the TV show Friends was quite popular. (A) Yes. The music was really good. (B) Yeah. The acting was wonderful. (C) Tell me more about the theme.

8 8. What’s the new Tom Cruise movie about? (A) It was directed by Martin Scorsese. (B) This actor has so much energy! (C) The main character can’t remember his past.

9 9. The card didn’t get there in time for her birthday. (A) Next year, send it earlier. (B) There is still plenty of time. (C) I have to deliver it on time

10 10. I feel bad about this. (A) Do you need to see a doctor? (B) It’s all right. Forget about it. (C) How glad are you?

11 11. How did you like the drama? (A) It was very silly and cute. (B) I thought it was very funny. (C) It was too serious for me.

12 12. Who stars in this movie? (A) Ang Lee shot it in Canada. (B) Brad Pitt is the leading actor. (C) I go to the movies with my brother.

13 13. I have been waiting for Laura for three hours! (A) Yes. She often comes home early. (B) Great. She’s finally on time. (C) Something must have delayed her.

14 14. Have you ever appeared in a movie? (A) Sure. I love watching westerns. (B) No. I’ve never been in a movie before. (C) I think it was made in Hong Kong.

15 15. What took you so long? (A) There were dozens of people in line. (B) There were a few people in line. (C) There were a couple of people in line.

16 16. M: What time is it? F: It’s two twenty. M: Can I go buy some drinks? F: The movie starts in ten minutes. Q: What time does the movie start? (A) At two twenty (B) At two thirty (C) At two ten 第三部分:簡短對話 (20%) 共 10 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從 試題冊上三個選項中,選出一個最適合的答案。每段對話和問題播出一 遍。

17 17. M: Your favorite actress is in a new movie. F: Shu Qi? I know! Let’s watch it together! M: All right, but what day does it come to theaters? F: It came out yesterday. Q: What does the man want to know? (A) Where he can see the movie (B) What time the movie begins (C) When the movie opens

18 18. M: Where is Sam? F: I have no idea. M: He promised to be here at six o’clock. F: It’s six thirty now. Q: What can be said about Sam? (A) People can depend on him. (B) He is half an hour late. (C) He is always on time.

19 19. F: Hey, Max! I’m sorry for being late. M: What happened to you? We already finished dinner. F: My boss made me stay late. Don’t be mad at me! M: Don’t worry about it. Q: How does the man feel at the end? (A) He understands and is not angry. (B) He is worried about the woman. (C) He wants the woman to pay for their dinner.

20 20. F: Take me out for my birthday. Let’s go somewhere nice. M: I can’t. My aunt wants me to help her. F: Give me a break, Jeff! You just don’t want to spend any money. M: Don’t get upset. It’s true. Q: How can we describe the woman? (A) She is filled with anger. (B) She is forgiving. (C) She feels sorry for Jeff.

21 21. M: It’s Friday night! F: It sure is. I bought the tickets. M: How much did mine cost? F: Not much. Today it’s my treat. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) The man should pay for his own ticket. (B) She thinks the man should buy her ticket. (C) She wants to buy the man’s ticket for him.

22 22. M: Why do I get the blame? I wasn’t even there. F: We told you to take care of your brother. M: He’s 15 years old, Mom! Besides, he waited for me to leave. Then his friends came over for the party. F: You should be more responsible. Q: What is the mom saying to her son? (A) He goes to too many parties. (B) This situation is his fault. (C) He didn’t do anything wrong.

23 23. F: That movie was just silly. M: I liked it. You never know what we might find in space one day. F: Well, aliens couldn’t be that dumb and be able to ever travel to Earth. M: You might be right about that. Q: What kind of movie did the people see? (A) A romance movie (B) A science-fiction movie (C) A horror movie

24 24. F: Hello? M: Hi, Anne. It’s Jim. Are you coming? The surprise party starts at 7:20. F: Yes. I’m on my way. M: Great. Can you pick up some ice on your way? F: But it’s almost 7:00 now. M: You still have enough time to go to the store. Q: What does the man mean? (A) The woman will be late if she buys ice. (B) The woman should have left earlier. (C) The woman will be on time.

25 25. F: Harry wants to go to the movies with his friends. M: What do they want to watch? F: They want to see Graveyard Monsters. M: That movie is too horrible and scary for kids to see. F: I agree. Q: What is the woman saying? (A) She thinks the same as the man. (B) Harry doesn’t get scared easily. (C) She also wants to see the movie.

26 26 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following announcement. Where would you most probably hear this announcement? Please remember to turn off your cell phones. We ask that you do not talk or laugh loudly during the film so as not to disturb others. We hope you enjoy the show. 第四部分︰短文聽解 (10%) 共 5 題,每題有三個圖片選項。請聽光碟放音機播出的題目,並選出一 個最適合的圖片。每題播出一遍。

27 27 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What kind of movie does the speaker prefer? I really enjoy watching shows about the problems people face in real life. Maybe they aren’t always funny or exciting, but they touch your heart. They make you thankful for things you have in your own life.

28 28 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. Where does it take place? Sorry I am late. Please don’t be angry with me. I was afraid I would miss the previews. To apologize, the movie is my treat tonight. I’m so excited to see this. Everyone says the leading actor does a really great job.

29 29 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. Where is the man? Let’s see. What should I rent tonight? My wife wants to watch this romance, but I hear it’s sad. Perhaps I’ll get this drama. It’s got my favorite movie star in it, but my wife doesn’t like him that much. I’ll just get both, and then we’ll both be happy.

30 30 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What did Mary and her friend do yesterday? I had a great time with my friend yesterday. Hugh Jackman is so handsome! He also sings in the movie. The story wasn’t great, but I didn’t care. My friend didn’t seem to have such a good time, though. He didn’t like the singing, and he thought the story was boring.

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