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Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowOutline EDG LCG GSC UK Core Grid GridPP2 EGEE Where do we go from here? Operations.

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2 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowOutline EDG LCG GSC UK Core Grid GridPP2 EGEE Where do we go from here? Operations

3 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowEDG TB2 in development for some time. Application Testbed migrated to TB2.0 starting two weeks ago. Good representation by UK (5/12 in R-GMA) –RAL, RAL-PPD, IC, UCL up and running –Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Lancaster, Manchester, and QMUL have all started installing. RLS at RAL for lhcb, biome, eo, wpsix, tutor and babar GOUT at IC and RB using it. The Information Catalog is at RAL also and people should look at for a browse around the testbed with R-GMA directly. is a UI with CSF accounts. The top edgpro MDS is also at RAL to allow direct performance tests with R-GMA

4 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow What’s Next? EDG2.0 can form the base of the GridPP grid for some time. Roll it out to BaBar and others Build its middleware into your projects Use it

5 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowLCG1 10/13 sites running now including RAL –Mainly Tier1s, a few Tier2s LCG1_0_0 was an early cut of EDG2.0 –Doesn’t use R-GMA or SE –Now LCG1_0_1 –LCFGng or LCFG-lite –Centrally-generated configuration but there have been problems Pressure to commit resources to LCG –Experiments want to see resources before they commit to use –GridPP strategy is to be guided by EB Now for Tier2s –Supported by relevant Tier1 –Volunteers?

6 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow UK Tier2s in LCG1 LCG doesn’t understand virtual Tier2, so all UK sites can join –but to prepare for DC, not just for the experience Still a place for EDG app-tb so we should spread across both grids Since RAL will support UK Tier2s, we will schedule Good to have one per Regional Tier2 Resources not important but effort is Volunteers from IC, Manchester, Cambridge, (ScotGrid later)

7 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow What’s Next? Add UK Tier2s Build up resources with demand LCG1 has not yet formed a team –US relationship will be the difficult one –Federated Grids?

8 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Grid Support Centre 14 named staff at Rutherford, Daresbury, Manchester and Edinburgh. Operates the UK e-Science Certification Authority. – Provides a helpdesk for ‘first point of call’ queries. Website for advertising services provided. – Provides technical training and evaluations of middleware. Supports the Level-2 Grid project. –National Information Server for Core programme. –Publishing of site monitoring information in xml. Core support for the OGSA-DAI project.

9 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow European Grid Support Centre Collaboration between CCLRC, CERN and KTH Sweden each providing 1 FTE Point of trusted reliability between major projects and middleware producers. Directly communicates with staff from Globus Alliance to ensure European issues faced having assisted with release. Website up and running though currently a skeleton of the final content. Attended EDG meeting in Barcelona to publicise and GGF-8 to guide User Services R.G. work.

10 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Globus 2 Training Course Designed for connection to the UK e-Science grid. Intended for system administrators of new sites who wish to add resources to the L2G. Describes how to configure Globus, GSI-SSH and ‘GITS’ to the currently accepted defaults. Being run in October at NeSC to 10 people. –Full –Can be run again if enough interest is shown.

11 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Future work for the GSC Retire UKHEP CA (UKHEP) –No new certificates unless VERY good reason. –CRLs weekly until September 2004. Support for GT-3/OGSA middleware. Enhancement of L2G into a production system. Replace current back-end CA technology. Support for EGEE How can GridPP make better use of GSC?

12 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow UK L2G Core programme ‘Level 2 Grid’ –Globus, MDS, GITS, VOM –Not just Linux! JISC core grid –Cpu clusters at Oxford and Leeds –Data clusters at Manchester and RAL L3G = production service GT3 testbeds

13 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Welsh e-Science Centre Canolfan e-Wyddoniaeth Cymru Cambridge Newcastle Edinburgh Oxford Glasgow Manchester Cardiff Southampton London Belfast DL RAL Hinxton Oxford e-Science Centre Southampton Regional e-Science Centre

14 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow One Grid? Probably optimistic to expect a single UK grid that is completely seamless –but we should try Self-defeating not to at least share a common middleware base and to interwork. Several initiatives to achieve an overlap –Heterogeneity is the current showstopper –GT3 shouldn’t be

15 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowGridPP2 To move from testbed to production, GridPP plans a bigger team with a full-time Operations Manager. Resources will come from a share of a large amount of resources made available by Tier2 Centres who will also contribute to the team. The team will run a UK Grid which will belong to various grids (EDG, LCG,..) and also support other experiments

16 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowEGEE 32M€ FP6 project –Another flagship EU Grid project –70 partners! In 10 Regions UK/Ireland –CCLRC, NeSC, TCD, UCL –Operations, Middleware, Training, Networking Operations is about half the budget –Will start with LCG as base operations grid

17 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow EGEE Operations Resource Centres – all sites Regional Operations Centres (ROC) –At least one per region! Core Infrastructure Centres (CIC) –CERN, RAL, CNAF, CC-IN2P3

18 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Operational Roles Core Infrastructure Services (CIC) –Grid information services –Monitoring services –Resource brokering –Allocation and scheduling services –Replica data catalogues –Authorisation services –Accounting services Still to be defined fully in EGEE Core Operational Tasks (ROC) –Monitor infrastructure, components and services –Troubleshooting –Verification of new sites joining Grid –Acceptance tests of new middleware rreleases –Verify suppliers are meeting SLA –Performance tuning and optimisation –Publishing use figures and accounts

19 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow LCG Operations RAL has led project to develop an Operations Centre for LCG1 –Applied GridPP and MapCenter monitoring to LCG1 –Dashboard combining several types of monitoring –Setup a web site with contact information, ….. –Developing Security Plan –Accounting the next priority

20 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow ‘GridPP’ Monitoring

21 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

22 Today’s GridPP Operations 1.Support Team built from sysadmins. 4 funded by GridPP to work on EDG WP6, the rest are the usual site sysadmins. 2.Methods Email list, phone meetings, personal visits, job submission monitoring RB, VO, RC for UK use to support non-EDG use Planned to verify EDG releases but they have been too infrequent to test procedures 3.Rollout Experience from RAL in EDG dev testbeds and IC and Bristol in CMS testbeds 10 sites have been part of EDG app testbed at one time

23 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow UK Production Grid The UK Team described earlier will be expanded with EGEE ROC and CIC posts to meet EGEE requirements To deliver an EGEE grid infrastructure that must also deliver to other communities and projects Could do this just within PP (Matching funding available – see opposite) but want to engage fully with UK Core programme Tier1 (16.5 FTE) UK Team (8 FTE) UK GSC (2 FTE) (2FTE) EGEE ROC (5 FTE) EGEE CIC (4.5 FTE)

24 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow The UK Grid Teams Middleware –Needs support Resource Teams –Putting the fabric on the grid Support –Both of users and resource centres Grid Services –RBs, R-GMA, Vos, VOMS, MDS Monitoring –Networks, sites, services Tool Development Documention EDG, EGEE, GridPP2 Tier1, Tier2s, + ????? TB-Support New Team LCG GOC Ad hoc user documentation and EGEE deliverables.

25 Tony Doyle - University of GlasgowSummary Too Many Grids Break down the barriers Build a UK-wide team(s) to run a UK Grid –GridPP/EGEE can do this but need to engage with the rest of the UK programme A challenge!

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