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E151U: Housing & Urban Development Homelessness Images of the Homeless When you hear the word homeless, what do you visualize?

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Presentation on theme: "E151U: Housing & Urban Development Homelessness Images of the Homeless When you hear the word homeless, what do you visualize?"— Presentation transcript:


2 E151U: Housing & Urban Development Homelessness

3 Images of the Homeless When you hear the word homeless, what do you visualize?

4 Counting the Homeless Point Prevalence: counts of people homeless at a given time, a particular day for example Period Prevalence: counts of homeless over a period of time

5 Decennial Census Street and Shelter Count (1990): counted homeless in shelters and predetermined outside sites Shelter Enumeration (2000): counted homeless in shelters—more effort to identify places where homeless sleep --multiplicity factor

6 Homelessness in Orange County Total number homeless: 18,603 (Orange County Consolidated Plan, 2000-2004)

7 Characteristics of the Homeless Population Economic Homeless: inability to pay rent Situational Homeless: personal circumstances e.g., domestic abuse Chronic Homeless: ongoing problems such as mental illness, drug abuse, etc.

8 Structural Causes of Homelessness Increase in housing costs Increase in the number of female- headed households with children Deinstitutionalization Diminishing federal safety net Decrease in the real value of the minimum wage

9 Stages of Homelessness At risk of being homeless e.g, doubling up with family or friends Homeless: without permanent shelter --emergency shelter --transitional shelter Rehoused

10 Federal Policy Definition of Homeless

11 An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and (2) an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is: (a) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill); (b) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. (Source: US HUD)

12 Stewart B. McKinney Act (1987) Emergency shelter grants program: the rehabilitation of buildings to be used as emergency shelters Supportive Housing Demonstration Program: transitional housing with supportive services Supported Housing Demonstration Program: permanent housing for disabled homeless Section 8 Assistance for Single Room Occupancy Dwellings (SROs) Supplemental Assistance for Facilities to Assist the Homeless

13 Amendments to the Act 1988: minor 1990: through National Affordable Housing Act: Shelter Plus Care 1992: expansion of Title IV “safe havens” 1994: changes to the Education of the Homeless Children and Youth Program and the Surplus Property Program

14 Federal Philosophy Continuum of Care

15 Status of McKinney Act Positive Evaluations Under-funded initiatives

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