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Introduction to Contracts and Their Formation OBE-118, Section 10 Fall 2004 “It’s a deal, I’ll take it”

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Contracts and Their Formation OBE-118, Section 10 Fall 2004 “It’s a deal, I’ll take it”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Contracts and Their Formation OBE-118, Section 10 Fall 2004 “It’s a deal, I’ll take it”

2 Basic Elements of a Contract Usually looked at as six elements Agreement (or “Mutual Assent”) Consideration Capacity Legality Genuineness of assent Writing and Form These four are sometimes called the elements “Defenses” to Formation

3 Classifying Contracts Bilateral versus Unilateral Express versus Implied Formal versus Informal Valid, Void, Voidable, and Unenforceable

4 Formation Mutual Agreement or Mutual Assent Requires acceptance of an offer The “objective theory of contracts” resolves issues as to what was an offer,

5 Offer Basic Elements of an offer –Serious objective intent by offeror –Terms reasonable definite and certain –Offer communicated to offeree No: “ Want to buy my car?” “My car is for sale” ‘I want to sell my 2000 BMW for $40,000”

6 Acceptance Voluntary act that expresses assent or agreement to terms of offer Unequivocal or absolute Communicated to the offeror No: “Maybe” “Okay but only if…” “Yes if you increase the the price by…”

7 Did the Offer Survive to be Accepted? OfferAcceptance Revocation? Rejection? Counteroffer? Operation of Law? Offer Terminated? Was offer non-revocable?

8 Revocation of Offers Direct repudiation Behavior conforming to repudiation Generally, revocation must be received by offeror or offeror’s agent. Irrevocable offers Firm Offers Option contract

9 Termination by Rejection Words or acts that convey “no” Termination by Counteroffer A rejection with a new offer Watch out for inquiries: “Would you accept $50? Mirror-image rule (common law)

10 Termination by Operation of Law Lapse of time Destruction of Subject matter Death or incompetence of offeror Illegality of proposed contract

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