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4 th Grade Parent Orientation August 30, 2012.

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1 4 th Grade Parent Orientation August 30, 2012











12 Grading Policy The purpose of grades is to communicate about achievement. While everything your child does is important, not every assignment is recorded as a grade. Only the most authentic assignments that show what your child truly knows will be put on Parent Connection. Throughout the six weeks your child’s grade may change, to show growth, providing ample opportunity for your child to reach their learning potential.


14 Fourth Grade will take assessments in Writing, Math, and Reading April 2 nd & 3rdWRITING April 23rdMATH April 24thREADING How does this look for my Fourth Grader?

15 Aug. 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 decorate my Writer’s Notebook by Friday, Aug. 26 I will decorate my Writer’s Notebook by Friday, Aug. 26 bring craft materials for paper doll project! I will bring craft materials for paper doll project! reflect on my first day of school by blogging on our class website! I will reflect on my first day of school by blogging on our class website! August 2012 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 2 Quote of the Week Quote of the Week Daily Invitation to Notice “No I’m not. I don’t want to start all over again. I hate my new school,” Sarah said. She tunneled down to the end of her bed. ~First Day Jitters, by Julie Danneberg Daily Invitation to Notice “No I’m not. I don’t want to start all over again. I hate my new school,” Sarah said. She tunneled down to the end of her bed. ~First Day Jitters, by Julie Danneberg "You can lead a boy to school, but you cannot make him think.“ -~Elbert Hubbard Developing our “Writer’s Eye” Daily Invitation to Notice Mr. Hambert, on the other hand, was sweating like a mug of root beer in the sun. ~The Shadows, Jacqueline West Daily Invitation to Notice Mr. Hambert, on the other hand, was sweating like a mug of root beer in the sun. ~The Shadows, Jacqueline West I will add photos or magazine clippings to my Writer’s Notebook I can write about a personal experience using complete sentences. I will bring craft materials for the paper doll project by Thursday! I will explain the 30 Book Requirement to an adult. I can draft ten sentences following a pattern. I will bring craft materials for paper doll project! Daily Invitation to Notice They race. ~Loser, Jerry Spinelli Daily Invitation to Notice They race. ~Loser, Jerry Spinelli I will ask an adult to help me revise & edit my paper doll sentences. I can build reading stamina. I will read my new “Good Fit” books from the library this ! I will read my new “Good Fit” books from the library this weekend ! I can publish my paper doll sentences. I can choose a “Good Fit” Book from the library.




19 “When did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first you have to make them feel worse.” Jane Nelsen


21 Pecan Creek is excited about partnering again with Jim McNatt’s Community Support Program. This program helped North Texas Schools achieve their goals by raise over $230,000 last year. Here is how this program works. You may choose to sell raffle tickets to help off set the cost of your child’s camp fee. 100% of the money raised goes to your child’s social studies field trip to Austin. The tickets will sell for $2.00 each. The winner of the raffle will have their choice of a BRAND NEW car or truck from one of the Jim McNatt Auto Group dealerships. The winner can choose a brand new Honda, Toyota, Scion, Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle with an MSRP of $25,000 or less. The McNatt Auto Group even pays the tax, title and license on the vehicle. The winner does not need to be present to win, but must be over the age of 18. If you are interested in having your child participate in this fundraiser please contact you’re child’s homeroom teacher. Once you have notified your teacher more information and tickets will be sent home. All tickets sales and money must be turned in prior to Winter Break.

22 Texas Fourth Grade Social Studies

23 How do you feel about paying a one time fee of $5 for a weekly Texas studies magazine? | Poll EverywhereHow do you feel about paying a one time fee of $5 for a weekly Texas studies magazine? | Poll Everywhere

24 E-mail Phone Websites Edmodo Planners Take Home Folder

25 Thank you for partnering with us for your child’s education. It will be a year to remember!

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