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 Members did online research  Members visited other schools  Members listened to kids  Members listened to parents  Members discussed what we want.

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2  Members did online research  Members visited other schools  Members listened to kids  Members listened to parents  Members discussed what we want for kids


4  Globally Effective Students  21 st Century Professionals  Healthy and Responsible Students  Innovation  21 st Century Support Systems

5  Achieve our 3 BIG Goals  Become a Distinguished district in the state accountability model  Grow career pathway partnerships with businesses  Systematically support self-regulated learning and acceleration without barriers  Integrate curriculum across contents – “Stuff we learn needs to make sense.”  Assess learning through capstone projects that demonstrate student wisdom  Add incremental growth in creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication to the Steps to College and Career Readiness  Assess learning through 21 st Century Skills - creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication

6  Create more time for teachers to grow as professionals  Learn through 21 st Century skills - creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication – in order to model learning for students  Make personal digital tools available to staff and students  Regularly embed training in the use of digital tools  Support life-long pedagogical growth  Support content specific growth  Support students as growing professionals

7  Provide Leader in Me training for all staff  Teach Leader in Me practices to all students  Increase student voice in school leadership  Teach digital responsibility  Implement student-maintained digital networks  Implement standards-based grading district-wide  Structure schedules to include peer teaching and mentoring  Add service-oriented opportunities to our Steps to College and Career Readiness

8  Provide needs-based scheduling for students  Encourage performance-based learning  Support student choice in ways to demonstrate mastery – prove it  Re-invent libraries as innovation zones  Support virtual learning, virtual discussions  Support blended learning  Support flipped classrooms  Replace computer labs with 1:1 computing  Implement a Career Academy – maximize the potential of the Area Technology Center  Engage partners to implement a community-wide Ready for Kindergarten program

9  Maximize access to our wireless system  Maximize digital efficiency –software, firewalls, cloud-based tools  Repurpose workspaces to encourage and support creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication  Design a funding plan to support 1:1 digital conversion through rental/lease agreements designed to keep current devices in the hands of our students  Develop, implement and monitor a digital conversion master plan

10  Board of Education presentation – January 23  Communication at building level  Public announcements  Progress Reporting  Informational Advisory Reports (webcasts)  Monthly BOE Reports  Implementation  Master schedule  Implementation Team(s)

11 STRAND RESPONSIBILITYJulyAugustSept Globally Effective Students Chief Academic Officer X 21st Century Professionals Staff Developer / Curriculum Coordinator X Healthy and Responsible Students Director of Pupil Personnel X Innovation Level Directors 21st Century Support System Asst. Superintendent of OperationsX


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