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Measurements of acoustic backscatter and density of captive Atlantic cod with synchronized 300-kHz multibeam and 120-kHz split-beam echosounders 300-kHZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurements of acoustic backscatter and density of captive Atlantic cod with synchronized 300-kHz multibeam and 120-kHz split-beam echosounders 300-kHZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurements of acoustic backscatter and density of captive Atlantic cod with synchronized 300-kHz multibeam and 120-kHz split-beam echosounders 300-kHZ 多波束及 120-kHZ 分割波束漁探機對於大西 洋鱈之聲學反射及魚群密度量測 Gurshin, C. W. D., Jech, J. M., Howell, W. H., Weber, T. C., and Mayer, L. A. 2009. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1303–1309. 981 專題討論 Speaker : 黃星翰

2 Fishery Echosounder  TS : target-strength ( dB )  s A : nautical area scattering coefficient ( m 2 / m 2 )  S v : volume backscattering strength ( dB )


4 Introduction Introduction Acoustic vs. trawl survey Echosounder series Multibeam echosounder Materials and methods Materials and methods Sample processing Experiment Data analysis Results Results EK60 vs. EM3002 Discussion DiscussionResults

5 Introduction

6 Fishery-acoustic vs. Traditional trawl survey Fish density Biomass Spatial distribution Behaviour

7 beam singledualsplitmulti

8 Multibeam echosounders Seabed mapping InvestigationCombination

9 Objective  Fewer application for demersal species  Not widely developed in the United States  Comparing split-beam and multibeam

10 Materials and methods

11 Atlantic cod

12 Sample processing Captive New Hampshire, USA Trawl ; 16.5mm ; 60 - 80m ; 13 times Selection L T : 50 - 110cm Total : 195 Acclimation 3m depth per 30 min ; 48 - 72 h Experiment L T : 52 - 105cm ; mean : 80.7±10.9cm n : 195 →128→116→66→23 ; 4 days

13 Apparatus Simrad EK60 120kHz splitbeam echosounder Kongsberg EM3002 300kHz multibeam echosounder 7°Beam width130° 23 mm copperStandar sphere38.1 mm tungsten-carbid 8 - 10 m Calibrate depth 8 - 10 m

14 Experimental setup

15 Data analysis Post-processing software : Echoview and Matlab Statistical analysing software : SAS and R A WC = EL - SL - 10 log 10 (Ω TX Ω RX ) + 2αR + 30 log 10 R +C S v = A WC - ( X - 20)10 log 10 (R) - 10 log 10 (cτ/2) EL : echo level SL : source level α : attenuation coefficient Ω TX : transmitting beam width Ω RX : receiving beam width R : range from the transducer C : calibration gain S v : volume-backscattering strength ( dB ) X : collection of A wc c : sound speed ( ms - 1 ) τ : pulse duration ( s )

16 S v for the EM3002 64dB dynamic range

17 Threshold : - 36dB Cod : 128 Cod : 23Cod : 66 Cod : 116

18 S v for the EK60 Threshold : - 30dB Cod : 128 Cod : 66

19 Results

20 14dB

21 Date25 June26 June27 June 28 June Depth ( m ) L T ( cm ) 80.781.182.1 82.9 n12811666 23 Percentage1009152 18 Total pings15007140168018005940 300kHz EM3002 S v ( dB ; 95 % CI ) - 29.8 (- 30.3, - 29.3 ) - 31.7 (- 31.9, - 31.5 ) - 28.4 (- 28.7, - 28.2 ) - 29.1 (- 29.4, - 28.8 ) - 39.7 (- 40.3, - 39.1 ) 300kHz EM3002 Percentage 1006513811710 120kHz EK60 S v ( dB ; 95 % CI ) - 29.4 (- 30.0, - 28.8 ) - 26.5 (- 26.9, - 26.2 ) - 23.6 (- 24.2, - 23.1 ) - 26.4 (- 26.9, - 25.8 ) - 38.8 (- 40.0, - 37.8 ) 120kHz EK60 Percentage 10019538020011 TS a - 26.9 - 26.8 - 26.7 - 26.6 Expected b S v at 120kHz - 25.7 - 26.1 - 28.4 - 32.9 TS a = 20 log (L T ) - 65 (Rose and Porter, 1996) at 120kHz, where L T is the total length (cm). b S v = TS + 10 log (N/V), where N is the number of cod in the sampled volume V.

22 6 dB 7 dB

23 Discussion

24 SvSvSvSv 1.Random and homogeneous distribution of target 2.Constant fish orientations (assuming linearity in echo- integration)

25 Sensitivity highlow

26 Improvement Limitation 64 dB dynamic range Split-beams detection in the athwartships direction only Nearfield range of ~7m Simrad ME70 Adjustable beam width ( 2.2 - 20° ) Split-beam operating at multiple frequencies Calibration of all beams Single-target detections TS estimations Quantification of the effect of different incidence angle and overlapping beams on volume-backscatter measurements

27 Thanks for your attention

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