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Presented By Ryan Barck and Dom Paradise.  What are the biggest problems facing your group?  What are the most important obligations you have as a group?

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By Ryan Barck and Dom Paradise.  What are the biggest problems facing your group?  What are the most important obligations you have as a group?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By Ryan Barck and Dom Paradise

2  What are the biggest problems facing your group?  What are the most important obligations you have as a group?

3  This is simply a guide for you to run more efficiently!  Take Notes and utilize what we have provided for you.

4 Resident Chapter The Council consists of at least... Social Chair President (except as a tie breaker) Risk Manager Secretary (Recording) Member at Large Treasurer Vice President Chaplain VOTING Executive Board Lead by the Vice President, the E-Board The Chapter consists of... A Brother of the faculty or administration that wishes to be active in the Resident Chapter Duly Matriculated Graduate Brothers in good standing Chapter President * The Graduate Advisor serves only as an advisor to the Chapter NON- VOTING Scholarship Committee Chair * The Faculty Advisor serves as an advisor to the Executive Council Public Relations Historian Alumni Relations Recruitment chair Fundraising Sergeant- at-Arms House Manager Athletics Chair Community Service/ Philanthropy Campus Involvement Special events Postulant Educator

5  President: most time and energy toward achieving chapter goals and serving as liaison to alumni, university and HQ.  Typically upperclassmen, (shouldn’t be popularity contest)

6  Vice president: guiding cabinet and committees/ chairmen  VP is the backbone of the chapter.  Responsible for making sure chairs do their job

7  Treasurer: chief financial officer  Have two signatures on all checks, have financial statements reviewed at least once if not twice a semester for establishment of a budget

8  Risk management officer:  Identify risks, develop plans to prevent risks  Educate members on risks, develop DD program, Utilize FIPG, Update house with insurance and fire dept. etc.

9  Secretary:  Responsible for updating rosters, taking meeting minutes, reporting new members, keep proper communication with the chapter  Should be writing articles to the Garnet and White about the chapter

10  Postulant Educator:  Teacher for all new members  Utilizes material in Exoteric Manual  Responsible for acquiring information on postulants and keeping

11 Member at Large-  “Brotherhood Chairperson”  Schedule Brotherhood events  Relations chapter to chapter  Serves as a mediator between feuding Brothers  Organizes senior farewell, along with formal

12  Rush Chair-  Scheduling events and recruiting members  Should delegate responsibility and use year round recruitment  Community Service-  Utilize “Challenege the World Philanthropies”  Positive community impact  Record attendance and hours doing community service

13  Scholarship-  Improve chapter’s overall GPA  Offer resources and scholarship through AXPEF and the university  Fundraising-  Raise funds for a potential house  Work at sports places, sell things, theme parks  Make dues cheaper

14  Social Chair-  Make your group the socially preferred group on campus  Don’t just drink, be social, that’s the group you joined!  Have fun events!  Sergeant-at-Arms-  Maintain order at meetings  Disciplinarian

15  Other important Chairs:  Ritual Chairman  Alumni relations  Athletics  Historian  Public Relations  Campus Involvement  House Manager  Special Events

16 Brothers who take positions need to know what they are getting into! If one chair fails, they all fail Develop a Manual for your chair when you hold it, so it can be passed on (digital or paper copy)


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