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 After completing this session, you will be able to: 1. Indicate where to find your local legislators and their committee responsibilities. 2. Name an.

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Presentation on theme: " After completing this session, you will be able to: 1. Indicate where to find your local legislators and their committee responsibilities. 2. Name an."— Presentation transcript:


2  After completing this session, you will be able to: 1. Indicate where to find your local legislators and their committee responsibilities. 2. Name an alternate web source used to track important Florida legislative efforts. 3. Recognize the differences between a Senate Bill and a House Bill. 4. State the importance of a committee meeting report. 5. Select current bills to support and outline a plan of action.

3  For Senators: access > Senators>Find Your Legislator · Website lists five ways to find local legislators  For Representatives: access >Find Your Legislator · Fill in your address, city and zip in the blanks provided to find your local legislators

4  Contact your legislator before the Legislature takes action  Use a variety of communication methods (telephone, write, email, fax, or visit)  Tell your legislator what specific effects the legislation will have on you, your children, your business, your community  Be polite and suggest a course of action

5  On Line Sunshine ·Access both Senate web site and House web site from this site ·Great for big picture overview

6  Senate Bills: access > Session >Bills  House Bills and Senate Bills: access > Bills

7  Access > Senators>Find Your Legislator>Legislator  Access >Representatives> Find Your Representative>Find Representative  Committee(s) membership for each legislator listed on individual legislator page

8  Gives time, date, location for meeting and attendance of committee members  Contains bill description, any action already taken by other committees, and the action taken by the committee that is meeting  Access Senate: > Committees>Committee Reports  Access House: >Councils & Committees

9  Choose bill to support  Determine legislator(s) who authored and/or sponsored bill  List committees that bill will flow through  Decide which form of communication to use  Communicate with bill author(s), bill sponsor(s), committee chairs, committee members, and your local legislator  Follow progress of bill and be aware when instant action showing support may be needed to push bill forward

10  You have learned how to: 1. Indicate where to find your local legislators and their committee responsibilities. 2. Name an alternate web source used to track important Florida legislative efforts. 3. Recognize the differences between a Senate Bill and a House Bill. 4. State the importance of a committee meeting report. 5. Select current bills to support and outline a plan of action.

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