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Monitoring Student Performance with Access, Excel, and Tinkerplots Michael Marassa Assistant Director for Instructional Technology, Champaign Unit 4 Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Student Performance with Access, Excel, and Tinkerplots Michael Marassa Assistant Director for Instructional Technology, Champaign Unit 4 Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Student Performance with Access, Excel, and Tinkerplots Michael Marassa Assistant Director for Instructional Technology, Champaign Unit 4 Schools

2 Technology Standards School Administrators – NETS-A Alignment  1. LEADERSHIP AND VISION. Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision. Educational leaders:  facilitate the shared development by all stakeholders of a vision for technology use and widely communicate that vision.  maintain an inclusive and cohesive process to develop, implement, and monitor a dynamic, long-range, and systemic technology plan to achieve the vision.  foster and nurture a culture of responsible risk-taking and advocate policies promoting continuous innovation with technology.  use data in making leadership decisions.  advocate for research-based effective practices in use of technology.  advocate on the state and national levels for policies, programs, and funding opportunities that support implementation of the district technology plan.

3 Technology Standards School Administrators – NETS-A Alignment  5. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION. Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation. Educational leaders:  use multiple methods to assess and evaluate appropriate uses of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.  use technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and student learning.  assess staff knowledge, skills, and performance in using technology and use results to facilitate quality professional development and to inform personnel decisions.  use technology to assess, evaluate, and manage administrative and operational systems.

4 Underperforming Students - Commonalities  Group Discussion

5 Technology Supporting Student Performance  Student Information Systems  Illinois Interactive Report Card  Local Assessment Data  Explore, Plan, ACT (EPAS)  School, District, Technology Improvement Plan

6 Data Driven Instruction  Expectations for Teachers  Expectations for Principals  Expectations for District Leaders / IT Department In God we trust. All others must bring data. - Robert W. Hayden (dates unknown)

7 Where Did We Start  Principals required to keep Campus Monitoring Sheet  Manual data entry  Different for each school  Technology Literacy of Principal / Teachers / Secretary  No method to aggregate data across District  Flagging students based on criteria: ISAT/local assessment  Assessment Walls

8 Where Did We Start  IT Collaboration with Curriculum  Can a standardized monitoring sheet be developed District- wide combining student demographics, student performance, attendance, discipline, etc.  Can all this data be managed by IT to eliminate manual data entry  IT Strategy  Collect data sources  Develop process for creating/updating data  Method for manipulation of data  Professional development plan for implementation

9 Collecting Data Sources  Monthly Datamarts:  Enrollment: student name, local ID, state ID, school, grade, teacher, team, gender, ethnicity, SPED, SES, programs  Discipline: Referrals YTD  Attendance: YTD attendance rate by student  Student Performance (grades, ISAT/PSAE, EPAS, Developmental Reading Assessment - DRA, etc.)  Requires common identifier in each datamart – local student ID

10 Developing Process for Creating & Updating Data  Import in Microsoft Access (Demo)  Select tables to join (only two at a time)  Left Join on Student ID  Issues:  Format of Student ID field  Labor intensive  Duplicates

11 Master Excel File and Tinkerplots  Structure based on feedback from curriculum and principals – Grade level  Excel Conditional Formatting  Grades of D/F  ISAT/PSAE Scores  Attendance Rate  Data Manipulation through Excel Pivot Tables

12 Master Excel File and Tinkerplots

13 Building - IPR(All) House Team Code(All) Meal Status Code(All) Course Description - IPR(All) Department Name - IPREnglish Staff Name - IPR(All) Grade(All) Count of Student IdColumn Labels Group1BlackGrand Total Row LabelsWhiteHispanicAsn/Pc IsAmind/AlkBlack A10124517323101542 B7045610324491314 C32244145320705 D127279199362 F1563075288486 Grand Total23212023061415664409

14 Master Excel File and Tinkerplots  Key Curriculum Press  Math Curriculum Application for Secondary Schools  Visual Representation of Data, Color Coded  Easy Manipulation of Data in Scatter Plot

15 Master Excel File and Tinkerplots

16 Professional Development  District Administration and Curriculum Department  Building Principals/Assistant Principals  Building Content Chairs / Teachers  Security of Student Information

17 Where Are We NOW?  Principals requesting data before school year starts  Teachers wanting to look at data of their kids to begin intervention planning at beginning of year  Training still required for some staff, new admins  Overcome assumptions of “traditional reasons” for failure  Questions

18 More Information  Michael Marassa, Champaign Unit 4 Schools -  Tinkerplots – Key Curriculum Press -

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