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The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) CS/ECE Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz Cryptographic Hash Functions Credit: Prof.

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1 The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) CS/ECE Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz Cryptographic Hash Functions Credit: Prof. Dr. Peng Ning Dr. Shai Halevi Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz1Spring 2015

2 The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Advanced Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz2 Hash Function Properties

3 OSU EECS 3 Hash Function Also known as –Message digest –One-way transformation –One-way function –Hash Length of H(m) much shorter then length of m Usually fixed lengths: 128 or 160 bits Message of arbitrary length Hash A fixed-length short message

4 Typically using Merkle-Damgård iteration: 1.Start from a “compression function” –h: {0,1} b+n  {0,1} n 2.Iterate it How are they built? h c =160 bits |M|=b=512 bits d=h(c,M) = 160 bits hhhh … M1M1 M2M2 M L-1 MLML IV=d 0 d1d1 d2d2 d L-1 dLdL d=H(M) But not always…

5 What are they good for? “Request for Candidate Algorithm Nominations”, -- NIST, November 2007 “Modern, collision resistant hash functions were designed to create small, fixed size message digests so that a digest could act as a proxy for a possibly very large variable length message in a digital signature algorithm, such as RSA or DSA. These hash functions have since been widely used for many other “ancillary” applications, including hash-based message authentication codes, pseudo random number generators, and key derivation functions.”

6 Some things that we want  Collision resistance (commitment, signatures) –Hard to find M  M’ for which H(M)=H(M’)  One-way (commitment) –Given d, hard to find M such that H(M)=d  Unpredictability (authentication) –M  H(R,M) unpredictable when R is secret  Extraction (key derivation) –If M has high entropy then H(M) is ~ uniform

7 OSU EECS 7 Desirable Properties of Hash Functions Consider a hash function H –Performance: Easy to compute H(m) –One-way property: Given H(m) but not m, it’s computationally infeasible to find m –Weak collision resistance: Given H(m), it’s computationally infeasible to find m’ such that H(m’) = H(m). –Strong collision resistance: Computationally infeasible to find m 1, m 2 such that H(m 1 ) = H(m 2 )

8 OSU EECS 8 Length of Hash Image Question –Why do we have 128 bits or 160 bits in the output of a hash function? –If it is too long Unnecessary overhead –If it is too short Birthday paradox Loss of strong collision property

9 OSU EECS 9 Birthday Paradox (Cont’d) Implication for hash function H of length m –With probability at least 0.5 –If we hash about 2 m/2 random inputs, –Two messages will have the same hash image –Birthday attack Conclusion –Choose m  128, preferable m  160

10 The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz10 Hash Function Use and Applications

11 Using “imperfect” hash functions  Applications should rely only on “specific security properties” of hash functions –Try to make these properties as “standard” and as weak as possible  Increases the odds of long-term security –When weaknesses are found in hash function, application more likely to survive –E.g., MD5 is badly broken, but HMAC-MD5 is barely scratched

12 Security requirements  Deterministic hashing –Attacker chooses M, d=H(M)  Hashing with a random salt –Attacker chooses M, then good guy chooses public salt, d=H(salt,M)  Hashing random messages –Given M, d=H(M’) e.g., M’=M||r  Hashing with a secret key –Attacker chooses M, d=H(key,M) Stronger Weaker

13 Deterministic hashing  Collision Resistance –Attacker cannot find M,M’ such that H(M)=H(M’)  Also many other properties –Hard to find fixed-points, near-collisions, M s.t. H(M) has low Hamming weight, etc.

14 Hashing with public salt  Target-Collision-Resistance (TCR) –Attacker chooses M, then given random salt, cannot find M ’ such that H(salt,M)=H(salt,M ’ )  enhanced TRC (eTCR) –Attacker chooses M, then given random salt, cannot find M ’,salt ’ s.t. H(salt,M)=H(salt ’,M ’ )

15 Hashing random messages  Second Preimage Resistance –Given random M, attacker cannot find M ’ such that H(M)=H(M ’ )  One-wayness –Given d=H(M) for random M, attacker cannot find M’ such that H(M’)=d  Extraction* –For random salt, high-entropy M, the digest d=H(salt,M) is close to being uniform * Combinatorial, not cryptographic

16 Hashing with a secret key  Pseudo-Random Functions –The mapping M  H(key,M) for secret key looks random to an attacker  Universal hashing* –For all M,M ’, Pr key [ H(key,M)=H(key,M ’ ) ]<  * Combinatorial, not cryptographic

17 OSU EECS 17 Application: Digital Signatures Message m Hash H(m) Sign Bob’s Private key Signature (encrypted hash) Generating a signature Message m Hash H(m) Verify Bob’s Public key Signature Valid / Not Valid Verifying a signature Only one party (Bob) knows the private key

18 Application 1: Digital signatures  Hash-then-sign paradigm –First shorten the message, d = H(M) –Then sign the digest, s = SIGN(d)  Relies on collision resistance –If H(M)=H(M’) then s is a signature on both  Attacks on MD5, SHA-1 threaten current signatures –MD5 attacks can be used to get bad CA cert [Stevens et al. 2009]

19 Collision resistance is hard  Attacker works off-line (find M,M’) –Can use state-of-the-art cryptanalysis, as much computation power as it can gather, without being detected !!  Helped by birthday attack (e.g., 2 80 vs 2 160 )  Well worth the effort –One collision  forgery for any signer

20  Use randomized hashing –To sign M, first choose fresh random salt –Set d= H(salt, M), s= SIGN( salt || d )  Attack scenario (collision game): –Attacker chooses M –Signer chooses random salt –Attacker must find M' s.t. H(salt,M) = H(salt,M')  Attack is inherently on-line –Only rely on target collision resistance Signatures without CRHF [Naor-Yung 1989, Bellare-Rogaway 1997] same salt (since salt is explicitly signed)

21 TCR hashing for signatures  Not every randomization works –H(M|salt) may be subject to collision attacks  when H is Merkle-Damgård –Yet this is what PSS does (and it’s provable in the ROM)  Many constructions “in principle” –From any one-way function  Some engineering challenges –Most constructions use long/variable-size randomness, don’t preserve Merkle-Damgård  Also, signing salt means changing the underlying signature schemes

22 Authentication with HMAC  Simple key-prepend/append have problems when used with a Merkle-Damgård hash –tag=H(key | M) subject to extension attacks  HMAC: Compute tag = H(key | H(key | M)) –About as fast as key-prepend for a MD hash  Relies only on PRF quality of hash –M  H(key|M) looks random when key is secret Bellare-Canetti-Krawczyk 1996 [Bellare-Canetti-Krawczyk 1996]

23 OSU EECS 23 Application: File Authentication Want to detect if a file has been changed by someone after it was stored Method –Compute a hash H(F) of file F –Store H(F) separately from F –Can tell at any later time if F has been changed by computing H(F’) and comparing to stored H(F) Why not just store a duplicate copy of F???

24 OSU EECS 24 Application: User Authentication Alice wants to authenticate herself to Bob –assuming they already share a secret key K Protocol: AliceBob time  “I’m Alice” picks random number R R computes Y=H(R|K) Y verifies that Y=H(R|K)

25 OSU EECS 25 User Authentication… (cont’d) Why not just send… –…H(K)?, i.e., what’s the purpose of R?

26 OSU EECS 26 Application: Commitment Protocols Ex.: A and B wish to play the game of “odd or even” over the network 1.A picks a number X 2.B picks another number Y 3.A and B “simultaneously” exchange X and Y 4.A wins if X+Y is odd, otherwise B wins If A gets Y before deciding X, A can easily cheat (and vice versa for B) –How to prevent this?

27 OSU EECS 27 Commitment… (Cont’d) Can either A or B successfully cheat now? A B Z = H(X) Picks Y Y X verifies that H(X) = Z A picks X and computes Z=H(X) Proposal: A must commit to X before B will send Y Protocol:

28 OSU EECS 28 Application: Message Encryption Assume A and B share a secret key K –but don’t want to just use encryption of the message with K A sends B the (encrypted) random number R1, B sends A the (encrypted) random number R2 And then…

29 OSU EECS 29 one-time pad E C1C2C3C4C1C2C3C4 M1M2M3M4M1M2M3M4 Initialization Vector E EE Key 64 46 + padding 64 one-time pad C1C2C3C4C1C2C3C4 M1M2M3M4M1M2M3M4 R1 | R2 Key 64 46 + padding 64 = Concatenate, then Hash C+H R1 | R2 is used like the IV of OFB mode, but C+H replaces encryption; as good as encryption?

30 OSU EECS 30 Application: Message Authentication A wishes to authenticate (but not encrypt) a message M (and A, B share secret key K) AB M, R, Y verifies that Y = H(M|K|R) 1.picks random number R 2.computes Y = H(M|K|R) Why is R needed? Why is K needed?

31 OSU EECS 31 E constant M1M1 64 Hash Is Encryption a Good Hash Function? Building hash using block chaining techniques –Encryption block size may be too short (DES=64) Birthday attack –Extension attacks E M2M2 E M3 E M4

32 OSU EECS 32 Modern Hash Functions MD5 –Previous versions (i.e., MD2, MD4) have weaknesses. –Broken; collisions published in August 2004 –Too weak to be used for serious applications SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) –Weaknesses were found SHA-1 –Broken, but not yet cracked –Collisions in 2 69 hash operations, much less than the brute-force attack of 2 80 operations –Results were circulated in February 2005, and published in CRYPTO ’05 in August 2005 SHA-256, SHA-384, …

33 OSU EECS 33 (In)security of MD5 A few recently discovered methods can find collisions in a few hours –A few collisions were published in 2004 –Can find many collisions for 1024-bit messages –More discoveries afterwards –In 2005, two X.509 certificates with different public keys and the same MD5 hash were constructed This method is based on differential analysis 8 hours on a 1.6GHz computer Much faster than birthday attack

34 OSU EECS 34 Comparison: SHA-1 vs. MD5 SHA-1 is a stronger algorithm –brute-force attacks require on the order of 2 80 operations vs. 2 64 for MD5 SHA-1 is about twice as expensive to compute Both MD-5 and SHA-1 are much faster to compute than DES

35 OSU EECS 35 Security of SHA-1 SHA-1 –“Broken”, but not yet cracked –Collisions in 2 69 hash operations, much less than the brute-force attack of 2 80 operations –Results were circulated in February 2005, and published in CRYPTO ’05 in August 2005 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512

36 The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Network Security Attila Altay Yavuz36 The Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

37 OSU EECS CSC/ECE 574 Dr. Peng Ning 37 HMAC Processing Key K 0x363636…36 compute message digest  pad on right with 0’s to 512 bits in length concatenate Message M 0x5c5c5c…5c HMAC(key,message)  compute message digest concatenate

38 OSU EECS 38 Summary Hashing is fast to compute Has many applications (some making use of a secret key) Hash images must be at least 128 bits long –but longer is better  256 is ideal Hash function details are tedious  HMAC protects message digests from extension attacks

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