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Jumpstart Rob and Toby evaluated the following expression: 60 ÷ (10 +2) x 24 – 36. Rob got an answer of 1. Toby got an answer of 4. Evaluate the expression.

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Presentation on theme: "Jumpstart Rob and Toby evaluated the following expression: 60 ÷ (10 +2) x 24 – 36. Rob got an answer of 1. Toby got an answer of 4. Evaluate the expression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jumpstart Rob and Toby evaluated the following expression: 60 ÷ (10 +2) x 24 – 36. Rob got an answer of 1. Toby got an answer of 4. Evaluate the expression to prove who was correct.

2 Algebra

3 I L9VE YOU 9 = O H9M5W9RK 2S D85 9N FR2D7Y 9 = o 5 = e 2 = i 8 = u 7 = a M73 4H5 19R05 B5 W24H 398 7=a 3=y 4=t 5=e 1=f 9=o 0=c 2=i 3=y 8=u

4 What do you think of when you hear algebra?

5 Algebra is… Simply replacing a number with a letter, where it is our job to use our knowledge of math to figure out what the number is.

6 Vocabulary Variable – a letter or symbol that represents a quantity that can change Constant – is a quantity that does not change. Algebraic expression – contains one or more variables and may contain operation symbols

7 Variable 150 + x - x is the variable 35 - y - y is the variable z ÷ 5- z is the variable b 21 - b is the variable

8 Algebraic Expression 35 ÷ y 45 + x 16y 3h + 2 Since all of these expressions contain a variable – these are Algebraic Expressions

9 Algebraic ExpressionsNOT Algebraic Expressions 150 + y150 + 20 16 ÷ x16 ÷ 3 25 * s25 * 2

10 NOT Algebraic Expressions Not Algebraic Expressions are call numeric expressions

11 Project Each person is to create 4 algebraic expressions and 4 numeric expressions. You will have 3 minutes to complete this. When you are done – cover your paper and raise your hand The teacher will advise what is next.

12 How to solve an Algebraic Equation If we are given the problem h + 14 = 82 To find the value of h, you need h by itself on one side of the equals sign. To get h by itself, USE THE INVERSE OPERATION, first take away 14 from the left side. ***What you do to one side of the equal sign you must to the other side of the equal sign***

13 h + 14 = 82 - 14 -14 h = 68 When we subtract 14 from both sides we are left with h by itself. Our answer is that h = 68

14 To Check Answer: Our answer is h = 68 All we have to do is replace the h with 68. h + 14 = 82 68 + 14 = 82 82 = 82

15 Example: x + 62 = 93 Subtract both sides by 62 x + 62 = 93 - 62 - 62 x = 31 To check – substitute 31 for the x 31 + 62 = 93 93 = 93

16 You try: 1. x + 19 = 24 2. s + 11 = 50 3. 25 + m = 47 4. g + 22 = 44

17 You Try 5) x + 5 = 15 6) 52 + z = 70 7) b + 14 = 28 8) 16 + k = 40

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