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Bio 449Lecture 35 – Female Reproductive Physiology IIDec. 8, 2010 Menstrual cycle (cont’d) Hormonal cycle (review) Uterine cycle Proliferative phase Secretory.

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Presentation on theme: "Bio 449Lecture 35 – Female Reproductive Physiology IIDec. 8, 2010 Menstrual cycle (cont’d) Hormonal cycle (review) Uterine cycle Proliferative phase Secretory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio 449Lecture 35 – Female Reproductive Physiology IIDec. 8, 2010 Menstrual cycle (cont’d) Hormonal cycle (review) Uterine cycle Proliferative phase Secretory phase Menstrual phase Reproduction Fertilization & implantation Pregnancy Parturition Lactation Terms to Know Proliferative phase Secretory phase Menstrual phase Capacitation Zona pellucida Zygote Blastocyst Placenta Embryo Fetus Chorionic gonadotropin (CG or HCG) Parturition Lactation Readings Lectures 32, 34 & 35: Chapter 26


3 Fig. 26-12 Myometrium Endometrium Outer connective tissue Uterine artery Uterine anatomy

4 Fig. 26-13 DAYS 36.4 36.7 7142128/0 Follicular PhaseOvulation Luteal Phase Phases of the Uterine Cycle Phases of the Ovarian Cycle Basal body temperature (–C) Uterine cycle Ovarian hormone levels Ovarian cycle Gonadotrophic hormone levels Primary follicle Theca Ovulation Corpus luteum formation Mature corpus luteum Corpus albicans Progesterone MENSES PROLIFERATIVE PHASE SECRETORY PHASE Inhibin Estrogen Antrum LH FSH

5 Fertilization Sperm nucleus Sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse. Sperm nucleus moves into cytoplasm of egg. Oocyte nucleus completes meiotic division. Egg Sperm and egg nuclei fuse to form zygote nucleus. Second polar body First polar body Sperm nucleus Fig. 26-17

6 Early development & implantation Fig. 26-18 Blastocyst Inner cell mass Days 5-9: Blastocyst implants. Ovulation Day 1: Fertilization Days 2-4: Cell division takes place. Day 4-5: Blastocyst reaches uterus. Zygote Fallopian tube Egg Uterus Ovary 1 2 3 4 5

7 Placental structure Fig. 26-19 Maternal blood vessels Maternal blood sinus Chorionic villi Placenta Umbilical cord Amniotic fluid Amnion Chorion Yolk sac Umbilical cord Amnion Umbilical arteries Umbilical vein

8 Mammary glands Fig. 26-22 Adipose tissue Suspensory ligaments Glandular tissue Nipple Milk duct Muscle cells in wall of duct Epithelial milk-secreting cells Myoepithelial cells

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