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REMOTE CONTROLE FOR HOME APPLIANCES Step Down Transformer this transformer converts high-voltage, low-current power into low-voltage, high-current power.

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3 Step Down Transformer this transformer converts high-voltage, low-current power into low-voltage, high-current power. The larger-gauge wire used in the secondary winding is necessary due to the increase in current.


5 Waves of power supply

6 Infrared waves have frequency between 300 GHz and 400 THz and wave lengths between 1 mm and 750 nm are classified into sub bands: – near-infrared (120THz-400THz): are visible to the human eye as red and violet – mid-infrared (30THz-120THz) – far-infrared (300GHz-30THz): are not visible to the human eye, but are radiated in the form of heat electromagnetic waves which are pulses of infrared light are used for short range communication, unobstructed (e.g. remote control for a TV set), though they can reflect on hard surfaces factors affecting communication: bright sunlight, hard obstacles (e.g. walls, doors), smoke, dust, fog

7 Infrared configuration there are 2 infrared system configurations: – point-to-point communication : transmitter and receiver are placed in the LoS, directed toward each other, free of obstacles; directed LoS systems – diffuse communication: transmitter and receiver are placed in the vicinity, but not necessary in a straight line; non-directed non-LoS systems

8 Infra Red LED An LED that emits a wavelength of light below red in the color spectrum. Infrared light is not visible to the human eye.

9 Infra Red LED

10 Infrared communicating devices

11 Relay working in animation When an ‘inductor’ device such as a relay is turned off a high voltage can be generated for a short time (Dia 1). This voltage ‘spike’ can damage the relay and other components. However, the diode does not allow current to pass through it in the wrong direction and short circuits this spike. The diode can also be used to protect a ‘meter’ from a reverse current (Dia 2).

12 Relay Internal structure



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