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Back to School Afternoon 2014-2015 Mrs. Huffman 1 st Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Afternoon 2014-2015 Mrs. Huffman 1 st Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Afternoon 2014-2015 Mrs. Huffman 1 st Grade

2 About Mrs. Huffman 1995 graduate of The University of Virginia Completed coursework for teacher certification at James Madison University

3 First Quarter Overview Math Number Concepts Geometry Calendar Sorting and Patterns Science What changes in Autumn Sun & Earth

4 First Quarter Overview Cont. Social Studies Citizenship Rules Safety Past, present and future

5 Literacy Two diagnostic assessments during September DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) These assessments help us choose appropriate books for Guided Reading Groups and find a starting point for reading instruction. **We will discuss assessments during parent-teacher conferences in October and November.**

6 Specials Art (50 minutes)—Weekly Music (30 minutes)—2 days per week PE (30 minutes)—3 days per week *Please have your child wear SNEAKERS on PE days. Library (30 minutes)--Weekly Guidance (40 minutes)—Twice monthly SEARCH (50 minutes)—Twice monthly I-READY (30 minutes)-- Weekly

7 Homework Beginning September 22nd Weekly reading log – Read for 15-20 minutes each evening – Discuss prompts – Find and discuss weekly word study features Develops good working habits, time management and participation.

8 I-Ready New this year: I-Ready for math At least one 30 minute block per week for each student Requires internet access to use at home

9 Attendance and After-School Plans Attendance Please make sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and arrives on time each day Your child must have a note in the morning in order to change after-school dismissal arrangements If there are last minute (during the school day) changes to your child’s after-school transportation plans, please contact the office (DO NOT RELY ON E-MAIL!) If you plan to pick up your child early, please contact the office BEFORE 12:00 or send a note in the morning

10 Discipline Every child will be expected to follow our two classroom rules: Be Kind and Be Safe A child who receives three reminders to follow a class rule will move his/her clip down a space A child who is making great choices will move his/her clip up a space If a child continues to disrupt the class or exhibits exceedingly unsafe or disrespectful behavior, he/she will be sent to the office

11 Behavior Communication If a student is on the orange space at the end of the school day, parents will receive an e-mail at the preferred e-mail communication address If behavior is exceedingly unsafe or disrespectful, parents will receive a phone call during or after school Please start the school year with a conversation about behavior expectations at school

12 Incentives Spectacular Choices/Superstar Student Verbal praise/Positive reinforcement Mystery Student Warm Fuzzy Jar Star Chart and Treasure Box (donations are welcome)

13 Lunch Please practice lunch numbers over the weekend Ice cream may be purchased on Fridays Parents must should send a note to school with their child if they plan to visit for lunch; please note whether or not an additional school lunch will be purchased and lunch choice Please check in at the office before proceeding to the cafeteria Lunch should be a school or packed lunch from home; no restaurant bags or boxes, please! Menu is in packet and includes payment information; menus are sent home monthly Please discuss choices and monitor account!

14 Parties and Birthdays Three classroom parties TBA Birthdays Non-edible birthday items ONLY Donate a game or book to the class : ) ****If you are going to pass out invitations, you MUST pass them out to everyone.****

15 Snacks Eaten mid-morning Must be something that the child can open independently and eat in five minutes Healthy (No candy, please!) Non-messy snacks, please! Students may bring water bottles filled with water; sport/spill-proof tops ONLY NO NUTS!

16 Clinic Visits Mrs. Kreitzman is available to students in the event of illness or injury that occur during the school day Small cuts, runny noses, etc. will be taken care of in the classroom Please refer to the handbook regarding medications and protocol for returning to school following an illness

17 Communication Monthly School Newsletter Monthly First Grade Newsletter (online on Team Page) Weekly Newton-Lee Envelope Daily Purple Take Home Folder E-mail:

18 Special Activities Top Banana Begins in October Top Banana will bring in poster and mystery show and tell Field Trip Wayside Farms, Thursday, October 23rd

19 Classroom Supplies The first grade team is requesting a few additional supplies 1 package unscented baby wipes 1 box of ziploc bags (last name A-M sandwich, N-Z gallon) 1 box of tissues (unscented, no lotion) Choose a post-it from the board

20 Volunteer Opportunities (1-2) Thursday Folder Volunteers (weekly) (4) Literacy Center Volunteers (daily) (1) Word Study Volunteer (Friday) Copy Parent (Flexible schedule) Room Parents Volunteers must complete a training session with Mrs. Ulbrich before working with students! The first sessions will be held on September 10 th and 12 th at 8:00 am.

21 Conferences Will be held on Monday, November 3rd First quarter progress report will be discussed during November conferences Please sign up for your conference TODAY

22 CLARITY Students will receive four Progress Reports during the school year Additional tool for communicating student progress Look for upcoming information sessions with Mr. Lyons

23 Join the PTO! Look for information in your packet and be sure to join PTO PTO directory is the only way to get contact information for playdates and birthday parties!

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