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 Chicago Illinois  Atlanta Georgia  Philadelphia Pennsylvania  New York City New York  Boston Massachusetts  The whole trip was 3,807 miles and.

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Presentation on theme: " Chicago Illinois  Atlanta Georgia  Philadelphia Pennsylvania  New York City New York  Boston Massachusetts  The whole trip was 3,807 miles and."— Presentation transcript:


2  Chicago Illinois  Atlanta Georgia  Philadelphia Pennsylvania  New York City New York  Boston Massachusetts  The whole trip was 3,807 miles and took fourteen days.


4 WWhen traveling, we used the 2011 Dodge STR8 Challenger TThe Challenger averages 19 mpg High Way

5  The first place that we visited was Chicago Illinois.  We drove to Chicago on our first day.  We arrived at two o’clock  We stayed in Chicago for one day, after we arrived.

6 This is a picture of present day chicago This is a picture of “old ” Chicago An interesting fact is that this is the building in which President Lincoln was nominated in

7  While we were in Chicago we visited the Museum of Science and Industry along with Wrigley Field.

8  The second Place we visited was New York City. (Although we stopped in Cleveland Ohio for two days).

9  We spent one whole day in New York City, and left at 8:00 Am the next morning and headed for Philadelphia

10  We stayed in Philadelphia for one day and then stopped at Durham on our way to Atlanta.


12  We stayed for a quick visit and left at 12:00 PM to rest at Alexandria before we visited Boston.  While we were in Alexandria we visited Green Spring Garden Park

13  The Last city that we visited was Boston.  Coincidently we chose to research the past of Boston.

14 Modern Day Boston Old Boston

15 Boston was not only a very important place now. It has a fascinating past and has been through the thick and the thin.

16  There were many churches in Boston during the time of Alexis De Tocqueville.  This is a journal entry describing Boston: “But he admitted that the Unitarians had 13 churches (I think) in Boston.

17  During the 1830’s Boston was a very high class society. This is the journal entry Alexis De Tocqueville wrote describing Boston: “What we have seen of the inhabitants up to this moment differs completely from what we saw at New- York. Society at least the society in which we have been introduced resembles almost completely the upper classes in Europe. Luxury and refinements remain.”

18  Back in 1830 Boston had a population of 60,000 people, and a less commercial society than in New York. Instead they were very upper class. They had many elegant houses and better music (According to Tocqueville). They had many churches, many religious people lived in Boston.

19  Boston has a very lively environment and is often exciting. This causes Boston to be one of the most cultural and social cities in the world.

20  The two people we chose that influence the Community is Rajon Rondo since for every steal he gets red bull donates $5.00 to a randomly selected charity.

21  The second person we chose that influenced the community was Edgar Allan Poe. He was born in 1809 in Boston. After he joined the US Army he went to writing and publishing mystery books. The reason why we chose him, was because he donates money to charity and gives away copies of his books to the greater community.

22  Boston has many current and economical offers. For instance, Boston offers the sports nation multiple sports teams that are very talented and are entertaining to watch. Boston also is considered to be one of the top places to do business in.

23 . It has many major industries that include finance, food processing, commercial fishing, medicine, technology research and numerous more. If Boston keeps al of these major industries than it may become one of the largest standing and most popular economical centers in the world.

24  The first major event that took place was the Boston Massacre that took place March 5, 1770, and led to the American Revolution  The second Event that changed Boston was the Boston Tea Party.

25  Our proposal is cultural and we believe that Pittsburgh would be a better place to visit, if it had more historical sights, museums, and monuments. If Pittsburgh added these few changes it would have more cultural aspects, and tourist attractions.

26 Hope that you enjoyed it!

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