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Ottawa Area Intermediate School District March, 2012 Adapted from Allegan Area ESA.

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Presentation on theme: "Ottawa Area Intermediate School District March, 2012 Adapted from Allegan Area ESA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ottawa Area Intermediate School District March, 2012 Adapted from Allegan Area ESA

2  Definitions  Qualities of a surrogate parent  Roles  Responsibilities  Resources

3 Parent means:  Biological or adoptive parent  Foster parent  Guardian

4 A parent also means:  A person acting in place of a biological or adoptive parent with whom the child lives like a grandparent, stepparent or other relative  A person who is legally responsible for the child’s welfare  A surrogate parent who has been appointed by the district

5 An adult volunteer assigned by the school to act in place of a student’s parent when:  The parent cannot be identified  The parent cannot be located after reasonable efforts  The child is a ward of the state or  The student is unaccompanied and homeless

6  When parents are in jail  When parents cannot be located  When living with family friends while the parents are working out of the country for six months

7  An adult that is not employed by the district or state or community agency which is involved in the education or care of the student  An adult whose activities do not conflict with the interests of the student  An adult with knowledge and skills that ensure adequate representation of the student

8  The student is a ward of the state  A judicial decree or order identifies a person to act as the parent or to make educational decisions (e.g., divorce or custody)

9 The district shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that a surrogate parent is assigned not more than 30 days after the determination by the district that the student needs a surrogate parent

10  Committed to learn about the student’s educational needs and the special education system in which he/she is enrolled  Able to communicate with school personnel regarding educational procedures or programs  Responsible with confidential information

11 Represent the student in all matters related to: ◦ Identification ◦ Evaluation ◦ Educational placement ◦ Provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE)

12  Visit the student’s school to review educational records  Attend meetings as needed to gather information about the student  Meet the student

13  Observe the student in the classroom, if appropriate  Consult with the teachers, family members, therapist, caseworkers, and other professionals involved in the student’s education  Advocate in the best interest for the student’s educational benefit

14 Attend meetings such as:  Temporary placement of special ed. students  Evaluation review  Eligibility determination  Individualized Education Program Team meeting  Manifestation Determination Review  Functional Assessment of Behavior and Behavior Plan development and review  Other educational meetings as necessary

15  Sign in as a participant  Provide input to identify student needs  Review the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)  Determine Goals and Objectives with others on the team  Determine the Least Restrictive Environment as a team member  Identify Accommodations and Modifications  Consider if accommodations are needed for the student to participate in State and District wide Assessments  Discuss and develop Transition Plans when the student is 14 or older  Determine the frequency of Progress Reports  Consent to the provision of programs and services (initial)

16 Surrogate parents may sign:  Initial consent for the provision of programs and services  Evaluation consent  And other documents related to the special education services and programs for the student

17  Requesting an IEP Facilitator  Attending mediation  Writing a formal complaint  Initiating a Due Process Hearing

18  Ottawa Area Intermediate School District – Department of Special Education ucation/specialeducationproceduresrequirements/ ucation/specialeducationproceduresrequirements/  Michigan Department of Education – Surrogate Parent Policy, 2008 6939_7.pdf 6939_7.pdf  NICHCY: Building the Legacy-A training curriculum on IDEA 2004

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