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Is it possible to improve the elective surgery waitlist framework in a sub regional health service? Presenter: Peter Simpson-White Elective Surgery Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Is it possible to improve the elective surgery waitlist framework in a sub regional health service? Presenter: Peter Simpson-White Elective Surgery Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it possible to improve the elective surgery waitlist framework in a sub regional health service? Presenter: Peter Simpson-White Elective Surgery Coordinator Innovation Poster Session HRT1215 – Innovation Awards Sydney 11 th and 12 th Oct 2012 3-3b_HRT1215-Session_MILLNER_CARRUCAN_WOOD_ADHB_NZ

2 DEMOGRAPHICS 3 Operating theatres 220+ beds 5480 theatre attendances 2011-12

3 X 3 No staff specialists No outpatient referral clinics on-site VMO allocates patient surgery date Northeast Health Wangaratta

4 KEY PROBLEM Low % of elective surgery patients treated within clinically recommended time

5 AIM OF THIS INNOVATION Primary Objective: Increase % of elective patients treated within clinically recommended time to - 95% Secondary Objective: Increase compliance of Elective Surgery Access Policy to - 100%

6 BASELINE DATA 89% of all elective surgery patients treated within clinically recommended time in September 2010 38% Elective Surgery Access Policy compliance measures could be assured

7 KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED Governance procedures Reference documents Peri-operative Services Committee Regular auditing regimes Validate the status of waiting patients Review compliance measures Real time front end database overall waitlist statistics display by VMO or specialty individual patient narrative

8 OUTCOMES SO FAR 97% of all elective surgery patients treated within clinically recommended time in July 2012 100% of Elective Surgery Access Policy compliance measures could be assured

9 LESSONS LEARNT Achievements The establishment and hardwiring of: Regular auditing regimes Real time data availability Collaborative governance Remaining challenges Aligning theatre utilisation with the waitlist

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