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COMM331 Simulation of a socially innovative enterprise Transnational Teaching Teams UOW/INTI Laureate.

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Presentation on theme: "COMM331 Simulation of a socially innovative enterprise Transnational Teaching Teams UOW/INTI Laureate."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMM331 Simulation of a socially innovative enterprise Transnational Teaching Teams UOW/INTI Laureate

2 Workshop aims introductory workshop teaching team discussion and decision making discuss issues related to the subject delivery reflect on what the transnational teaching teams project is about discuss aspects of the subject, transnational teaching, internationalisation of the curriculum that the group might focus on.

3 Agenda Introductions Introduction to TTT project Goal setting Learning and teaching, internationalisation of the curriculum, transnational education, academics and students from INTI and UOW Exploring ideas and possible topics

4 Based on what you know about the project so far, what do you want to get out of participation in the project?

5 Work with a partner to write down a response If we achieve all we want in relation to this project: – What might be different about your teaching work? –What difference might your students notice?

6 Transnational education OECD definition All types of higher education, study programs, or sets of courses of study, or educational services (including distance education) in which the learners are located in a different country from the one where the awarding institution is based

7 Internationalisation of higher education the preparation of students to be internationally knowledgeable and inter- culturally competent, and; to address, through scholarship, the increasingly interdependent nature of the world (environmentally, culturally, economically and socially) Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (1995)

8 Internationalisation of the curriculum the incorporation of an international and intercultural dimension into the content of the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning processes and support services of a program of study (Leask 2009, p. 209)

9 Internationalisation of the curriculum Discuss responses to pre-workshop questions What does internationalisation of the curriculum mean for you?

10 Internationalisation of the curriculum ‘Westernisation’? We’ve got to try and amend or modify our education system. Or more important, the mindset. Even though you don’t want to question your teacher, you have a question mark against what he has pronounced as inalienable truth and then challenge it quietly and maybe prove him wrong Former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew (Ng, 2001: 192-3).

11 Internationalisation of the curriculum ‘The new cosmopolitanism’ A means to move beyond the narrow confines of nationalism and Western- centric views of the cultural ‘other’ … by defining not only a commitment to pluralism and a respect for diversity of cultures... but also the recognition of the interdependence between peoples and societies and the global graduate’s responsibilities that stretch beyond the formal ties of citizenship. Kwame Appiah (2006)

12 Who are our students?

13 UOW Campus

14 Inti Subang new campus

15 Identifying possible topics: Discussion

16 Survey/Interview results Significant differences o Perception of usefulness of PD experienced o Experience of recognition & respect o Experience of providing feedback of T,L & PD Commonalities

17 Professional development needs building transnational relationships & engagement; cross-cultural relations, intercultural competence & cultural issues; internationalization of the curricula; peer observation of teaching & learning practices; assessment design, practice & moderation; embedding English language proficiency and academic literacies in subjects; quality assurance practices; inclusive organising and educative practices

18 We need to go over there, they need to come here. We need to use video- conferences rather than doing everything via email. I’m a great believer in personal relationships, if you know the person it is easier to communicate. Email can be a very harsh form of communication and can lead to misunderstanding.

19 Professional development To enhance dialogic interaction and connectedness collaboratively designed and negotiated; context sensitive and specific, practice-based and involve teams engaging and learning together in their daily work contexts.

20 Participatory Action Learning Identifying the possible focus of the situated action learning project

21 Reflection A word or phrase to describe experience of the workshop

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