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Professional Development PLC Lead Training Cultural Shifts: Rethinking what we do and why we do it Together, we can make a difference.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development PLC Lead Training Cultural Shifts: Rethinking what we do and why we do it Together, we can make a difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development PLC Lead Training Cultural Shifts: Rethinking what we do and why we do it Together, we can make a difference.

2 Learning Objectives  Review the elements that make a successful PLC  Understand the necessary “Cultural Shift” that must take place  Evaluate each team’s progress regarding the “Cultural Shift”

3 The Elements of A PLC 1. Team norms are implemented. 2. Team collaboration time is spent "focusing on issues that impact student learning.” 3. Team self-assesses using critical questions. 4. All members contribute to and work toward achieving SMART Goals. 5. Teams’ power standards are aligned with instructional topics, learning outcomes, and assessments. 6. Teams’ common essential learning, pacing guides, and assessments are implemented. 7. Team has developed in-class interventions that are in place to support low performing students. 8. Team uses formative assessments to identify level of learning. 9. Team discusses and uses critical reading strategies. 10. Team develops "collaborative learning" lessons for students. 11. Team members observe each other teaching.

4 PLCs are Teacher Driven but also… are guided by research and best practices require training and support require the support and guidance of administration require a shift in school culture in order to be successful

5 Quickwrite  What is our existing culture? How has it evolved over the past 5 years/10 years?

6 Small Group Discussion (4-6 teachers)  What does it mean to shift/ change a culture on a school site?

7 Independent Work  Complete the following statements.  A PLC is…  We implemented PLC’s in order to…  A PLC helps…  PLC’s are valuable because…

8 Pair-Share  Share your statements with a neighbor.  After your conversations, write your completed statements on the posters provided.

9 Break  Please take a 10 minute break.

10 “Prevailing Mythology” For the cultural shift to occur, “Prevailing Mythology” needs to be addressed. Assignment: Read examples on p. 22-24. Turn to a neighbor and answer the following question: What did you notice?

11 Cultural Shifts in a Professional Learning Community A Shift in a Fundamental Purpose A Shift in Use of Assessments A Shift in the Response When Students Don't Learn A Shift in the Work of Teachers A Shift in Focus A Shift in Professional Development

12 Today’s Focus A Shift in a Fundamental Purpose A Shift in the Work of Teachers

13 A Shift in a Fundamental Purpose From a focus on teaching... to a focus on learning From emphasis on what was taught... to a fixation on what students learned From coverage of content... to demonstration of proficiency From providing individual teachers with curriculum... to engaging collaborative teams in building shared knowledge regarding the essential curriculum

14 Small Group Work Once in groups, have participants select two shifts from the list to discuss. Which two should your team focus on this year? How does making these shifts move you and your team toward the vision and culture of our school?

15 A Shift in the Work of Teachers From collaboration From teachers clarifying what students learn... to teams building knowledge and understanding about learning From individual teachers attempting to discover ways to improve results... to collaborative teams of teachers helping each other improve From privatization of practice... to open sharing of practice From decisions by individual preferences... to decisions made collectively by building knowledge of best practices From an assumption of "my kids, [and] your kids"... to an assumption that these are "our kids"

16 Small Group Work Now, select two shifts from “A Shift in the Work of Teachers.” Which two should your team focus on this year? How does making these shifts move you and your team toward the vision and culture of our school?

17 Small Group Work What are the goals of a PLC team lead? Placeholder

18 Small Group Work How will we bring the ideas from this training back to our teams? Directions: Meet with content area teachers Create a plan for your individual teams. (We encourage you to use the PowerPoint that we have presented today).

19 Thank you for participating in this professional development. Remember, this stuff works.

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