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Evolution of multigene families

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1 Evolution of multigene families

2 Orthologs - homologs by speciation
Gene duplication and multigene families Orthologs - homologs by speciation Paralogs - homologs by gene duplication

3 Phylogenetic consequences of duplication, speciation, and gene conversion in gene families
C:\Figures\Chapter19\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

4 Identify the evolutionary events indicated by circles

5 Gene duplication and polyploidization in plants
Poplar Papaya Arabidopsis

6 Retroposon-mediated duplication of IQD12 gene
and morphological evolution in tomatoes

7 Using age distribution of gene duplication events to infer whole-genome duplications
C:\Figures\Chapter19\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

8 Recent and ancient duplications in the soybean genome

9 Origin of new gene regulatory functions

10 Evidence for adaptive evolution in ribonuclease genes of primates

11 Evidence for localized gene conversion & concerted evolution in primate globin gene family
C:\Figures\Chapter19\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

12 Immunoglobulin Vh gene family in vertebrates

13 The vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (Mhc)
Class II Class III Class I LMP TAP DP DN DM DO DQ DR complement HSP70 B C X E J A H G F Human B A A B A A B B B A B A B B B A I II III I K TAP O complement D Q T M F M LMP A E Mouse HSP70 B A B B B B A B B A II II I II I II B-G TAP B-G rDNA Chicken A B B B B B II I HSP70 LMP complement Frog A B B B I

14 Concerted evolution of avian Mhc genes revealed by Genetree analysis
A, species tree B, gene tree

15 Phylogeny of bird and mammal Mhc class II B genes (exon3)
88 Agph-DAB1 Agph-DAB2 Red-winged Blackbird Agph1.1 96 Agph1.2 Agph1.3 88 Came.11 Came1.2 House Finch Came2.1 100 Apco1.1 Apco1.2 Apco1.3 Apco2.1 Apco3.6 birds Apco3.4 Apco3.3 Scrub Jay mammals 100 95 Apco3.2 Apco2.3 Apco2.4 Apco3.5 Apco3.1 Apco2.2 BLBI 100 BLBII 100 CHKBLBETA chicken BLBIII BLBIV BLBVX HLA-DRB1 HLA-DRB7 96 HLA-DRB2 Mus-Eb HLA-DOB mammals 81 Maru-DAB1 HLA-DPB Mus-Ab HLA-DQB Xela-DAB Xenopus Pore-DXB Poecilia 0.10 substitutions/site

16 The DDC model of subfunctionalization, as illustrated by Hox genes
C:\Figures\Chapter19\high-res\Evolution-Fig jpg

17 Complementary expression patterns in duplicated zebrafish engrailed genes

18 High rate of gene duplication (Lynch)

19 Using gene order to estimate times of gene duplication in yeast
} }

20 Age estimates based on Ks and orthology do not match

21 Paralogs clustering by species - a telltale sign of concerted evolution

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