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Fruit of the Spirit Week Six: Kindness/Goodness.

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1 Fruit of the Spirit Week Six: Kindness/Goodness

2 TCB Prayer Requests Website Update Rest of the Semester:
Tonight: Kindness/Goodness Next week (Nov. 18th): Faithfulness/Gentleness Wed. Nov. 25th: No Class (Thanksgiving) Wed. Dec. 2nd: Last Class (Self-Control) Wed. Dec. 9th: Party at PB’s House of Awesome

3 Here’s where the Greek can get tricky...
chrestotes (NIV: “kindness”) is tricky because it’s VERY similar to praotes (NIV: “gentleness”) Both words can be used as “kindness”

4 Other uses of chrestotes:

5 Working Definition: chrestotes (kindness):
Both the definition and rare uses in the Bible suggest that chrestotes is a default position of the person. Their benignity is a character trait that is assumed because of previous evidences. In other words, they are known as being kind. Therefore: To possess kindness is to set our default spiritual position to being full of moral integrity, without threat to others. (Wow. That’s tough.)

6 Difficulties: I’m often frustrated with the everything around me: myself, non-believers, believers, society, politics, Dragon Age: Origins, etc. I have to work at being kind, and therefore, it doesn’t feel natural, and then I feel fraudulent. (It’s much more natural to be ornery.) Other thoughts?

7 How to overcome these difficulties:
Have a solid understanding of long-suffering (patience), especially with yourself! Toil through it. (Don’t let “it doesn’t feel natural” become an excuse for non-compliance.) Pray that God would not just change what you do, but what you want to do. Others?

8 Moving on to “Goodness”

9 Definition of “Goodness”

10 References: Only 4 times in Scripture, all by Paul

11 Working Definition: To possess “the good stuff”. The word and its uses suggests less that agathosyne is something you do, as much as it is the reason you do what you do. In other words: You have agathosyne in you, and, therefore it flows from you.

12 Difficulties: I don’t always feel like I have “the good stuff” in me, although theologically, I confess I must have “the good stuff” in me if I’m truly saved. Therefore, how much of me “feeling” like I don’t have “the good stuff” is an act of repression by my flesh? Because I’m a dude, I often struggle with how to communicate “the good stuff” in me with others. (How can I let the authentically good in me flow naturally to others without seeming like a wierdo?) Others?

13 How to overcome these difficulties:
Be wary of subtle self-repression, and be willing to take steps to prevent it: Accountability (let someone call you out on your self-loathing) Honesty (with self/others/God) See you as God does: Rotten (which leads to your humility) Chosen (which amplifies your wonder) Forgiven (which leads to your appreciation) Redeemed (which leads to understanding your worth and purpose) Be a wierdo. I welcome the chance to look foolish for the cause of Christ.

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