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Puritans Puritans : a group of people who believed in a direct relationship with God. They criticized Catholics and Anglicans because they need a religious.

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2 Puritans Puritans : a group of people who believed in a direct relationship with God. They criticized Catholics and Anglicans because they need a religious authority to speak with God and to be redeemed. They wanted progress  supported by the middle- class

3 Beliefs The Bible was God’s true law and it gave a good way of living. Doctrine of predestination: God had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell  this belief kept them working to do good in the earthly life to have a better position in the eternal one. Every men has a talent given from God  Man must progress in the way that he has been predestinated.

4 The Devil The devil was behind all things and the puritans needed to stay away from his clutches. People were afraid of this unseen power and great pains were taken to warn of the dangers of the world.

5 Diversions banned Banned three English diversions: drama, religious music and erotic poetry. Drama and erotic poetry: they would have led people to immorality. Religious Music: creates an unreal state of unconsciousness which didn’t lead to God

6 Education Children’s education: most important thing You must read the Bible to live a pious life. Children between 6 and 8 years old attended a Dame School where teachers taught to read. 1638: Puritans formed the first formal school called the Roxbury Latin School For the first time in history education was offered for free. 1642: established the first American College: Harvard (Cambridge).

7 Literature 1638: the first printing press arrived After 1700s: Boston became the second largest publishing centre of the English Empire. Literature focused the attention on difficulties in communicating with children.

8 Puritanism in History Puritanism rose up in Elizabethan Period and became a powerful force Puritans elected in the Parliament by landowners (businessmen and merchants) Oliver Cromwell broke the Royalists’ resistance in civil war and became the head of the Commonwealth, the first republic of England

9 1658: Commonwealth collapsed on Cromwell’s death 1660: Restoration  James II imposed Catholic religion Puritans expelled from England  migration to new England.

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