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I NTEL T EACH : A SSESSMENT IN THE 21 ST C ENTURY C LASSROOM Charity I. Mulig 1 st Webinar Session September 14, 2012 2:00 – 3:30 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "I NTEL T EACH : A SSESSMENT IN THE 21 ST C ENTURY C LASSROOM Charity I. Mulig 1 st Webinar Session September 14, 2012 2:00 – 3:30 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTEL T EACH : A SSESSMENT IN THE 21 ST C ENTURY C LASSROOM Charity I. Mulig 1 st Webinar Session September 14, 2012 2:00 – 3:30 pm


3 W EBINAR H OUSE R ULES No spamming. Remember to be polite at all times. Pay attention to the presentation. Participate If you need to ask questions, use the menu button to raise your hands so you can be acknowledged.

4 W EBINAR H OUSE R ULES Please use the chat box for discussions relevant to the topic only. If you have other less relevant matters to discuss with other participants, please use the private chat feature. Be patient sometimes the connection is slow and the reception may not be good.

5 T HINGS TO DO : Allow participants to participate in a webinar Check Progress of participants Address issues regarding Navigating the intel web site Requirements Schedules Expectations (of participants and of facilitator)






11 R EQUIREMENTS Orientation: Getting to Know You Feedback about course schedule and online classroom. Module 1: Whole Group Discussion Small Group Discussion Module Ender Blog Module 2: Whole Group Discussion Small Group Discussion Module Ender Blog Module 3: Whole Group Discussion Small Group Discussion Module Ender Blog

12 ModulesDateTimeMode 1 and 2Sep 10 – 13 Online via Intel Engage 3 Sept 14 2:00 -3:30 pmWebinar 3 and 4 Sep 14-19 Online Via Intel Engage Course CheckSep 189:00 - 10:00Webinar 4 and 5Sep 20-24 Online via Intel Engage Showcasing of Outputs Sep 25 2:00 - 3:30 pm Webinar

13 21 ST C ENTURY L EARNING Module 1

14 21 ST C ENTURY S TUDENTS Collaborators Creative Thinkers Problem Solvers Information Users and Producers Technologists Self-directed Learners

15 21 ST C ENTURY T EACHERS Collaborators Technologists Assessors Facilitators 1.. Experience Skills (then Assess Skills) 2. Teach/Model Skills (then Assess Skills) 3. Practice Skills (then Assess Skills) 4. Revisit Skills (then Assess Skills) Role of 21 st Century Teachers Teaching 21 st Century Skills

16 P URPOSE OF 21 ST C ENTURY A SSESSMENT Understand how students are learning (not just what they are learning) Help them develop 21 st century skills


18 Assessment Purposes 1.Gauging student Needs 2.Encouraging Collaboration and Self-Direction 3.Monitoring Progress 4.Checking Understanding and Encouraging Metacognition 5.Demonstrating Understanding C OMPONENTS OF A SSESSMENT S TRATEGY

19 Assessment Methods 1.Learning Activities (discussions, journals, graphic organizers, journal entry, peer assessment, observation checklist, student-teacher conference, products & performance, portfolio… collaboration checklist, …) 2.Classroom Conferences 3.Peer and Self-assessment 4.Portfolios C OMPONENTS OF A SSESSMENT S TRATEGY

20 Assessment Instruments 1.Checklists 2.Rubrics 3.Prompts 4.Graphic Organizers C OMPONENTS OF A SSESSMENT S TRATEGY



23 A SSESSMENT M ETHODS Graphic Organizers Journals and Learning Logs Discussions Products and Performances Classroom Conferences (Formal or Informal) Self- and Peer Assessments Observation (Checklist and Anecdotal Notes) Portfolios

24 G RAPHIC O RGANIZERS K-W-L-H Charts Lists Venn Diagrams Sequencing Classification Charts Flow Charts Family Tree

25 F ACILITATING E FFECTIVE D ISCUSSION Prepare students to depend less on teacher talk and take more responsibility for discussions Ask open-ended questions that elicit important assessment information Extend student thinking with follow-up prompts

26 P RODUCTS AND P ERFORMANCES Multimedia presentation Games designing Blogs Presentation proposals Deep Thinking about the content Options for content and process Opportunities for creativity and individual expression ExamplesSome benefits

27 S ELF - AND P EER A SSESSMENT Think-aloud Journals Logs Project Plan Checklist Collaboration Checklist and Explanation Product Rubric Self-Assessment Peer Assessment

28 P ORTFOLIO A purposeful and organized collection of items or artifacts selected by students over time to tell the story of their accomplishment and learning Showcase Portfolio Work portfolio

29 D IGITAL P ORTFOLIO Consider the following factors Purpose Software Equipment Connectivity Student Skills

30 A SSESSMENT I NSTRUMENTS Rubric Anecdotal Record Self-Assessment Peer Asessment Conference Grading


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