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Asia/Pacific 1300-1400. Mongols in China and Persia Ruled by Kublai Khan Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368 (Also Korea, Tibet and Vietnam) Time of Relative Peace,

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Presentation on theme: "Asia/Pacific 1300-1400. Mongols in China and Persia Ruled by Kublai Khan Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368 (Also Korea, Tibet and Vietnam) Time of Relative Peace,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asia/Pacific 1300-1400



4 Mongols in China and Persia Ruled by Kublai Khan Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368 (Also Korea, Tibet and Vietnam) Time of Relative Peace, but an uneasy mix of foreign and Chinese leadership Death of Kublai leads to fall decline of Mongolian influence in Persia and China One Main failure was the attempt to force people to use paper money in Persia In China Bubonic plague, banditry and rebellion caused a decline

5 Mongolian Expansion 1306 Invade Damascus, Syria

6 Ming Dynasty Han (main group in China) Rebellion against Mongols leads to Ming Empire. Under Emperor HongWu, first Ming emperor, became militarized and focused on agriculture

7 Pacific Islands Australian Aboriginals maintained nomadic society. Diversity allowed for trade Tahiti and Hawaii begin too link in trade Hawaii develops fish ponds that allowed fry to escape to the ocean but adults trapped in stone structure. Population density resulted in fighting amongst groups. Tonga had ruled over Samoa since circa. 900 AD and Tonga was driven out circa 1250

8 Easter Island over population destroys society. Some resorted to Canabilism. Larger States begin to develop social hierarchy (Tonga, Tahiti, Hawaii) In Hawaii the leadership (ali`i nui) created a system of Kapu (taboo) that made some things illegal for commoners to eat, wear and other behaviors

9 Summary Question 1)This Empire ruled after the Mongols. 2)Who was the last great Khan of the Mongolian Empire. 3)Who was the founder of the Ming Dynasty? 4)Who drove out the Tongans in 1250? 5)What people developed the fish pond?

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