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Back on the French experience in the classroom HyperAtlas Caroline Leininger-Frézal.

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Presentation on theme: "Back on the French experience in the classroom HyperAtlas Caroline Leininger-Frézal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back on the French experience in the classroom HyperAtlas Caroline Leininger-Frézal

2 Experimentations  27 students working in pairs in computer classroom  Private school in may 2014  Pupils have already study EU two years ago  Often very synthetic responses that fail to take into account all the manipulations made

3 The use of the tools  HyperAtlas is easy to handle.  Except two pupil, all have understood the different the scales of representation of the information : nuts 0, nuts 1, nuts 2  No problem to read spatial informations : 100% succes to Q3 and Q7.  Netheless, some students are more specific in their response

4 INDICATORS CHOOSEN TO APPRECIATE DISPARITIES IN EU  The couple GDP - HDI is choosen by 55% of pupils.

5 How to explain the differences in wealth in the EU?  Geographical determinism : size of the country; size of the population; density (13 times); resources (2 times)  “Small is beautiful”  Historical explanation : ex USSR member ; recent intrance in EU (9 times); wars (1 time)  Economic and financial context : tax haven (Luxemburg) (4 times); liberalism (1time); capitalism (1 time); economic activities (7 times)  Political context : political instability (1 time) (Croatia; Bulgaria); no political reform; politics (1 time)  Social context : way of life (1); distribution of wealth (1)

6  The justifications are not based on the observation of indicators. (not mentioned in answers)  The presence of snapshots in the responses. How to explain the differences in wealth in the EU?

7 From spatial informations to spatial thinking Most of pupils have identified discontinuities.

8 Discontinuities identified

9 Do pupils identify differences between nuts 0 and 2 ? European subsidies Metropolis and cities are more developed. Disparities in european contries

10 Proposals  Little personal involvement : only 4 pupil used personnel pronoun  Solutions ?  Economic development (4 times)  Legal harmonization (4 times)  Social reform (minimum income, social security) (4 times)

11  Thanks for your attention

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