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Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI Review & Revise ACHIEVEMENT DATA TARGETS.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI Review & Revise ACHIEVEMENT DATA TARGETS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI Review & Revise ACHIEVEMENT DATA TARGETS


3 Review & Revise - Annual Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

4 UNDERSTANDING DATA TABLES American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

5 5 InSAI Data Tables Show the % of students who reach a bar Show the # of students who reach the bar Show the # of students in the student group Example: Student GroupPass ISTEP Math Whites75% (600/800) Native Americans20% (1/5)

6 EXPRESSING DATA TARGETS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

7 3 PARTS 1. STUDENT GROUP Who will improve? 2. BENCHMARK What bar will they get over? 3.TARGETWhat % that will get over that bar? EXAMPLES: Expressing Data Targets TARGETSTUDENT GROUPBENCHMARK 74%of the 8th graderswill earn 2 credits in Alg 72%of the F/R studentswill pass ISTEP math 63%of the class of 2017Will pass ISTEP math

8 DATA FIELD 1. STUDENT GROUP Who will improve 2.BENCHMARK What bar will they get over % of 9th grade African American males who pass the Algebra End-of Course Assessment DATA TARGET 1. STUDENT GROUP Who will improve 2.BENCHMARK What bar will they get over 3.TARGETThe % that will get over that bar 4.TIME FRAMEWhen they will get over the bar 40% of 9th grade African American males will pass the Algebra End-of Course Assessment in 2010. Data Field / Data Target

9 Since InSAI schools 1.Review the updated Data Reports annually 2.Revise their Data Targets annually The time frame for the data target is implied as the end of the following school year and therefore, not stated. Time Frame

10 TREND vs VERTICAL American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

11 11 TREND vs VERTICAL DATA TRENDVERTICAL Compares a group of students one year to a similar group of students the next year Compares a group of students one year to the same group of students the next year EXAMPLES  % of all students who...  % of third graders who... EXAMPLES  % of students in the class of 2018 who... DISADVANTAGE  Student groups include different students DISADVANTAGE  Assessments must be aligned vertically WHEN TO USE  When vertical data is not available or difficult to collect  Use with caution WHEN TO USE  Student populations have low mobility  Assessments are aligned vertically

12 BROAD vs SPECIFIC American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

13 13 BROAD vs SPECIFIC DATA BROAD DATASPECIFIC DATA General in natureSpecific in nature Give a broad picture of the school’s academic performance Give specific information about the degree to which students are learning specific content and skills Not helpful in making classroom level decisions Helpful in making classroom level decisions

14 14 EXAMPLES BROAD DATASPECIFIC DATA STUDENT GROUPS  All students STUDENT GROUPS  Hispanic  Free-reduced  Special education  Boys BENCHMARKS  Pass ISTEP English  Pass ISTEP Math  Graduate  Earn Core 40 Diploma  Earn 1000 on the SAT BENCHMARKS  Specific standard (ISTEP)  End-of-course assessment  Classroom assessment

15 15 OPTIONS FOR SPECIFIC DATA FIELDS Specific for student group only  % Special education students who pass ISTEP Math. Specific for benchmark only  % of all students who master the Algebra & Functions standard on ISTEP Specific for both  % of special education students who master the Algebra & Functions standard on ISTEP

16 16 % of all ISTEP tests that are passing (PL221) % of all students who pass ISTEP Eng % of 4th graders who pass ISTEP Eng % of 4th grade boys who pass ISTEP Eng % of 4th grade boys who master reading comp DRILLING DOWN From Broad to Specific ISTEP Example

17 17 % of all students earning the Core 40 Diploma % of all students who earn 2 credits in Chemistry % of free-reduced who earn 2 credits in Chemistry % of free-reduced Hispanics who earn 2 credits in Chemistry DRILLING DOWN From Broad to Specific Course Example

18 COMPLIMENTARY DATA TARGETS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

19 19 Two Data Targets – Drill Down Content Data target with broad benchmark % of special education students who graduate PLUS same the data field with a specific benchmark % of special education students who pass Algebra I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using two data targets in this way indicates you will: 1.Implement strategies to help the student group master all content within the broad area AND 2.Implement additional strategies to help the student group reach a specific benchmark within the broad area

20 20 Two Data Fields – Drill Down Student Group Data targets with broad student group % of all students who master reading comprehension PLUS same data target with a specific student group % of boys who master reading comprehension ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using two data targets in this way indicates you will: 1.Implement strategies to help a broad student group reach the benchmark AND 2.a) Implement strategies for all students that are designed to engage the targeted group at a greater level b) Implement additional strategies for the targeted group

21 21 One Specific Data Target + Monitor Impact on Broad Data Field INCLUDE one specific data target % of boys who master reading comprehension ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monitor the impact on a broad data field using the Longitudinal Achievement Data Report % who pass ISTEP Eng

22 SELECTING DATA TARGETS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

23 23 DECISION BASIS FOR SELECTING DATA FIELDS Which data fields will help us know if our students are prepared: To succeed at the next educational level To be productive in a global economy

24 24 CAUTION Too many data targets will force your strategies to be 1) headed in many directions or 2) generic. YOU Math English Free-Reduced Hispanic Science African American Special Ed. Males 3rd Gr.

25 25 EXPECTATIONS Make data targets challenging, but realistic. Hold yourself accountable for reaching the data targets. No excuses. Whatever it takes. Avoid “feel good” data targets that make you feel good (or sound good), but there’s no way you can possible reach them.

26 Consideration 1 VISION STATEMENT American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

27 Your School’s Vision Statement 100%

28 Consideration 2 GLOBAL ECONOMICS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

29 ECONOMIC REALITY What does ‘ready’ mean in a global economy? 29 Academic Skills Soft Skills Habits of Mind Informational reading Persuasive writing Oral presentation Data analysis & stats Math application Teamwork Work ethic Responsibility Attendance Punctuality Time management Analysis Interpretation Precision & accuracy Problem solving Reasoning Source: Education Week, What Does Ready Mean? June 2007

30 Note to the Steering Team: Add the Two Million Minutes addendum slides here if desired.

31 Consideration 3 OUTSIDE MANDATES American Student Achievement Institute ASAI

32 32 InSAI Expectations One or more data targets will include: 1.Specific student group not meeting AYP or experiencing an achievement gap 2.Specific academic area not meeting AYP or experiencing an achievement gap 3.Specific standard that is not being mastered (related to #2).

33 33 InSAI Suggestions HS % graduating with successful college level work: AP ≥ 3 / IB ≥ 5 / DC ≥ C (Core Transfer Library) MS % graduating with successful high school level work (pass Core 40 End-of-Course Assessment) ES % graduating with all A’s and B’s on their final semester report card in math, science and English.

34 34 PL221 Expectation Student Group Not Meeting AYP Academic Area Not Meeting AYP

35 35 All Title I Schools: Student Group Not Meeting AYP Academic Area Not Meeting AYP

36 36 Title I TAS One or more data targets have TARGETED TITLE I STUDENTS as the student group.

37 37 Title I Schools in Improvement Increase in the % of students passing ISTEP Math (AYP data) Increase in the % of students passing ISTEP Eng (AYP data) 95% of high school students will graduate

38 38 TARGETGROUPBENCHMARK of will of will of will The school district has asked us to improve achievement in a specific area.

39 Activity 1: ANALYZE CURRENT DATA (document 3.4)

40 Student Group # of students # meeting benchmark % meeting benchmark All Students28427195 % Female13112797 % Male15314494 % Free/Reduced Lunch837793 % Paid Lunch20119497 % Special Ed - IEP666497 % General Ed21820795 % PRACTICE Student Group: Class of 2010 Benchmark: Earning mastery grade (B) 8th grade Eng for the second semester

41 Student Group # of students # meeting benchmark % meeting benchmark All Students27720173% Female13410075% Male14310171% Free/Reduced Lunch825061% Paid Lunch19114978% Special Ed - IEP582034% General Ed21918183% PRACTICE Student Group: Class of 2010 Benchmark: Passing ISTEP Eng in 9 th Grade

42 Current Achievement Data Targets (Data Target Summary) Student Group BENCHMARKBaselineTarget Date Type © American Student Achievement Institute

43 Task: Current Data Analysis 1.Individual Place sticky-notes on the poster provided to reflect your response to these questions: a.How does our current data compare to our vision data? b.What data fields concern you? c.What data fields please you? d.What evidence (if any) do you see of achievement gaps? e.How do teacher grades compare to achievement test grades? 2. Group Discuss the sticky notes FINISH – 11:15 Break as Needed


45 Task: Current Data Target Analysis (Data Target Summary) For each of our current data fields, should we... a.Omit the data field? b.Continue as currently written? c.Continue but revise the target(s)?

46 Current Achievement Data Targets Continue? Omit? Revise? Student Group BENCHMARKBaselineTarget Date Type © American Student Achievement Institute


48 Important Note: New data fields may require new strategies

49 COMMON BENCHMARKS AND STUDENT GROUPS A.Select a benchmark A.Select a student group Data Target Help Sheet (document 3.4.6)

50 50 TASK ONE INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION SPECIFIC DATA FIELDS TASK 1: Write your thoughts on the Data Field Personal Reflection sheet (document 3.5). Which specific data fields do you think the school should work to improve next year?

51 51 TASK TWO GROUP SHARING SPECIFIC DATA FIELDS TASK 2: Share your ideas with the group. As ideas are shared, we will write them at the bottom of an instagraph.

52 52 TASK THREE BUILDING CONSENSUS SPECIFIC DATA FIELDS TASK 3: Place “sticky dots” (or X’s) above the data fields that you would like to see the school to work to improve next year. Number of choices: _____.

53 Next Steps: Steering Team will... 1.Talk to all three groups: Full Faculty Community Council Student Body 2.Ask you to review their recommendation: Data fields Data targets

54 Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI Review & Revise ACHIEVEMENT DATA TARGETS

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