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Big in Numbers Small in Size Chris Ampersand, Meriba Asencio, Tina Dang, Yolanda Flores, Mario Interian.

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Presentation on theme: "Big in Numbers Small in Size Chris Ampersand, Meriba Asencio, Tina Dang, Yolanda Flores, Mario Interian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big in Numbers Small in Size Chris Ampersand, Meriba Asencio, Tina Dang, Yolanda Flores, Mario Interian

2 Subject and Grade Level Social Studies Arts Science Literacy Math 4th Grade

3 Curriculum Framing Question Essential: How do we work together? Unit: How do we affect bugs and how do they affect us? Content: If a bug could talk what would it say? How do we affect insects?

4 Oregon Standards LITERACY EL.04.WR.04 Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose--personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, or narrative. EL.04.LI.04 Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot, and explain how it is resolved. EL.04.RE.11 Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues. EL.04.WR.12 Use words that describe, explain, or provide additional details and connections. SOCIAL SCIENCES SS.05.EC.01 Understand that all economic choices have costs and benefits, and compare options in terms of costs and benefits. SS.05.EC.01.01 Know that whenever a choice is made, there is a cost. SS.05.GE.01 Define basic geography vocabulary such as concepts of location, direction, distance, scale, movement, and region using appropriate words and diagrams. SS.05.GE.01.01 Know and use basic map elements to answer geographic questions or display geographic information. SS.05.GE.02.02 Use other visual representations to locate, identify, and distinguish physical and human features of places and regions. SS.05.GE.07 Understand how physical environments are affected by human activities. SS.05.GE.07.01 Understand how and why people alter the physical environment. SS.05.GE.07.02 Describe how human activity can impact the environment. ARTS AR.05.CP.01 Use experiences, imagination, observations, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting and/or performing works of art. AR.05.CP.02 Identify the creative process used, and the choices made, when combining ideas, techniques and problem solving to produce one's work. AR.05.CP.04 Critique one's own work using self-selected criteria that reveal knowledge of the arts, orally and in writing. AR.05.AC.01 Identify essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria that can be used to analyze works of art.

5 Learning Objectives Students will learn: 1.How to identify bug’s and body parts 2.A bug’s life cycle 3.To compare and contrast bugs and humans 4.Bug movements through pretend play 5.How humans affect the bugs environment and visa versa 6.Explore a bugs habitat and predator prey relationship 7.To observe and increase their attention span 8.How to utilize investigation materials to explore and record their findings on bugs 9.To manipulate clay to build bug models with knowledge gained

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