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2011 Spring Semester 4th Grade. Our Classes English = 3 periods Writing = 1 period Reading Comprehension = 1 period Art = 2 periods Health = 1 period.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Spring Semester 4th Grade. Our Classes English = 3 periods Writing = 1 period Reading Comprehension = 1 period Art = 2 periods Health = 1 period."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Spring Semester 4th Grade

2 Our Classes English = 3 periods Writing = 1 period Reading Comprehension = 1 period Art = 2 periods Health = 1 period Physical Education = 1 period Integrative English = 1 period

3 English Goal: To systematically cover all basic vocabulary, grammar, and functional language so that students acquire English naturally in the context of their daily lives. Basic Thematic Vocabulary Grammar Sentence Patterns Bi-monthly Review Sheets

4 English continued Split of classes – some students need more repetition of the language to acquire it. Same work covered Same exam written

5 Writing Goal : To use classic stories and workbook activities to improve and increase students writing abilities. Sentence structure Paragraphs How to use the written word

6 Reading Comprehension Goal : to develop skills to understand what is being read Fun stories Vocabulary words How language is used to convey thoughts Analytical and critical thinking

7 Semester Tests Test 1 10/14 : E (1-2), R (1-5), W (1-2) Test 2 11/23 : E (1-4), R (1-9), W (1-3) Test 3 1/5 : E (1-5), R (1-14), W (1-5)

8 Art Goal : most of the projects are aimed at developing fine motor skills, problem solving and creativity Fun, artistic activities American/Taiwanese holiday themes

9 Health Goal : to introduce positive association and learning experiences that will help develop in children good lifelong habits. Day to Day Life Growing up Caring for yourself Healthy diet

10 Other Activities Face-to-Face –Review English –Basic Conversation English Day –Students must speak English all day –Please remind/encourage them!

11 Other Activities, cont. Daily Sentences –Monday-Thursday = 2 x new words, students create new sentences –Friday = Spelling Quiz Just to review, no stress Jet Style Competition Reader ’ s Theatre Competition

12 At Home Homework/Review –Help your child complete any homework/review activities English Stories –Encourage them to read English stories Speaking –Speak English at home as much as possible Videos/Websites/TV Shows –Encourage them to watch/visit English TV/Websites

13 Communication Book It is used to communicate between English teacher and parents English homework Please read and sign the English contact book every day. Email me

14 Story Writing Individual Stories –Students will be encouraged to write their own stories. We will use class time for this (students vote for the best story). –If you want your child to get more one on one attention please encourage them to discuss their plots with me!

15 Thank You! Any questions?

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