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WELCOME! We are excited to begin the 2014-2015 school year!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! We are excited to begin the 2014-2015 school year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! We are excited to begin the 2014-2015 school year!

2 Mission Statement To provide a global learning experience that prepares students to be lifelong learners and community leaders.

3 Pride Accountability Cooperation Effort Respect Success

4  Students will adhere to the rules stated in the EVSC Student Conduct Responsibilities and Policies. See Student Agenda  Rules apply at school, on the bus, and at any EVSC extracurricular activity. Remember at all times you are representing Plaza Park International Prep Academy! Please do so in a POSITIVE way!

5  School is your job. Your priority is learning!  Go to class each day prepared to learn.  Bring all required materials.  Sit up straight and pay attention.  Participate in discussions, respond to questions, and ask questions.  Complete assigned work.  Make sure your behavior is not a distraction to the educational process!

6  All students begin each quarter with their citizenship.  Report card comment “U” automatically disqualifies a student from citizenship.  Students lose their citizenship after two in-school suspensions or one out-of-school suspension.  Citizenship is a requirement for all extracurricular activities including sports, dances, and Fun Fridays.

7  All clothing must fit properly.  No head gear or accessories may be worn in the building.  Solid color means all one color.  All parts of uniform must be neat, clean and fit properly.  No shorts may be worn from November 1 - March 31.

8 Pants  Color: khaki or navy, solid color only  Uniform Style: pants, skirts, shorts, capris (girls)  Belts must be worn and secured at the waist. Must be plain black or brown Must be buckled and worn appropriately

9 Shirts, Sweatshirts, and Sweaters  Solid color collared polo shirt  Solid color hoodless sweatshirt, vest, or sweater with a polo underneath  Style Solid color Golf/polo style Collared button down

10 Shoes  Tennis shoes or shoes with a closed backs and closed toes are required.  No flip flops  No sandals  No house shoes  No jellies  No shoes with rollers

11 Accessories and Hair  Jewelry Earrings may be worn in ears only. Watches are acceptable.  Hair Color and style may not be distracting.

12 School logo shirts from Plaza Park, Hebron, Stockwell, and Harrison are permitted.

13  Cell phones should be turned off during the school day.  If a teacher takes a cell phone, a guardian has to come pick it up.  Expensive items should not be brought to school.  The school is not responsible for damaged or lost items.

14  1 st – Conversation  2 nd – Teacher calls home  3 rd – Lunch detention  4 th – After school detention (ASD-teacher informs parent)  5 th – Office referral This policy applies to tardies, dress code, and behavior issues.

15  Each student will complete the Digital Citizenship curriculum before being allowed to take the netbook home.  Administrators have the capability of knowing what is on your computer at all times!  Netbooks will be closed when walking in hallways.  Netbooks must be locked in lockers during lunch/recess and PE classes.  The school is NOT responsible for damaged or lost netbooks.

16  Be respectful.  Keep hands and feet to yourself at ALL times.  Speak quietly.  Stay to the right.  Go to lockers at designated times only.  All students are expected to be in class when the bell rings.

17  Use during passing period or with staff permission  Keep hands and feet to yourself at ALL times  Notify office when service is required.

18  Use proper table manners.  Speak quietly.  Clean area before being dismissed.  Stay in designated areas during recess.  Keep hands and feet to yourself at ALL times.

19  Bullying will NOT be permitted at Plaza.  What does bullying look like? VERBAL/WRITTEN: name calling, teasing, taunting, racist or bigoted remarks, insults, and/or sexual remarks EMOTIONAL: intimidating, humiliating, excluding, and/or threatening PHYSICAL: pushing, shoving, hitting, tripping, kicking, inappropriate touching, and any other hurtful behaviors  All reports of bullying will be investigated by the school administration.

20  Fun Fridays  Dances  Academic teams  Athletic teams  Clubs and academies

21  Any medication brought to school must be immediately turned in to the nurse or office. This includes both prescription and over the counter medications.  Under no circumstances are students to carry medicine with them or keep it in their lockers.  Inhalers that control asthma may be carried only if approved by the school nurse and the parent.  Any medication found on a student or in his/her locker must be treated as drug possession.

22 Remember the 3 R’s Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Ready to Learn

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