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How to Make an “A” for OJT Impress Your Boss with Great Employability Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Make an “A” for OJT Impress Your Boss with Great Employability Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Make an “A” for OJT Impress Your Boss with Great Employability Skills

2 Employability Skills Employability skills are those basic skills necessary for getting, keeping, and doing well on the job For OJT, they are a part of your grade

3 e/ezine/display_article.phtml?id=182 Professionalism Professionalism is a matter of attitude and behavior. It means not just knowing how to do your job, but demonstrating a willingness to learn, cooperating and getting along with others, showing respect, and living up to your commitments. It also means avoiding many kinds of behaviors that cause trouble in the workplace.

4 Positive Employee Traits Dependable Punctual Honest Respectful Flexible Self-Directed Self-Motivated Well-Groomed Good Listener Good Attitude Cooperative Team Player Social Skills Loyal/Confidential Be A Professional!

5 What NOT To Wear How should you dress for work? Ask supervisor what the expectation is Watch what others are wearing Be prepared to change after school or bring clothes if necessary Very important—graded on evaluation Shorts/Flip-Flops a No-No

6 Who Should I Listen To? Always ask supervisor the chain of command and who you report to Follow that until otherwise directed Don’t fall into trap of “everyone is telling me to do things”

7 Personal Vs. Work Getting paid to be there—should be working at all times No cell phones—NO TEXTING OR TALKING while at work No surfing the net—no Facebook/Myspace! Be there—if schedule changes, let work know way in advance Find out procedure for missing work if something arises (watch out for crazy block changes); Fridays are different!

8 Attitude You need this more than they need you ALWAYS have a positive attitude Be the example—someone is always watching you You are being graded all of the time

9 Initiative Don’t be lazy! Always find something to do Impresses supervisors Makes your time fly Shows you are not afraid of hard work and you don’t want to be paid for nothing

10 Playing Nice With Others Always be on your best behavior No one is your “friend” Get along with co-workers—even if you don’t like them Don’t gossip or “bad-mouth” anyone—just reflects poorly on you Don’t get caught up in office politics— just do your job Company info. is confidential

11 Making the Grade Evaluated up to 4 times during year Up to two credits for OJT You need to stay employed to pass the course Fired=FAIL Check out rubric to find out what can lower your grade North Tradition! REPRESENT! (I’m counting on you!)

12 Professional=A for OJT BE PROFESSIONAL

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