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Using As series of training presentations Signing Up September, 20101.

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Presentation on theme: "Using As series of training presentations Signing Up September, 20101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using As series of training presentations Signing Up September, 20101

2 This presentation will explain how to sign-up to use It’s important to understand that membership in Wasrag is different from signing up for the website. Please become a member. For information about membership, click here September, 20102

3 Start with Water is a program of the Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (Wasrag). To fully use this website, you must sign up. It’s easy, and for now, it’s free. This presentation will show you how to Join, step by step. September, 20103

4 Getting Started: Step 1: Click on “Join Here” September, 20104

5 Signing Up: Step 1: Enter your email address; Step 2: Select a password Step 3: Re-enter your password (to confirm that it was entered correctly) September, 20105

6 Signing Up: Click on “Add Contact Information” September, 20106

7 Signing Up: Complete Contact Information. You will note fields marked * are required. If you don’t have all the required information at hand, put in TBD as a placeholder. Click, “Save” September, 20107

8 Signing Up: To update or change your Contact Information, Sign in, then click on your user name. September, 20108

9 Signing Up: You will then be able to update your profile (contact information) and/or to change your password September, 20109

10 Signing Up: Once you have completed any changes you want to make, click on “Update my Profile” to save those changes. September, 201010

11 Signing Up: Once you are signed in, you will have access to the full website. Enjoy browsing! September, 201011

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