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NATURE OF SCIENCE 2013 2014. Developments in biology have many impacts on every aspect of human life. The major aim of studies in biology and technology.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURE OF SCIENCE 2013 2014. Developments in biology have many impacts on every aspect of human life. The major aim of studies in biology and technology."— Presentation transcript:


2 Developments in biology have many impacts on every aspect of human life. The major aim of studies in biology and technology is to find solutions for various environmental and health problems. 2013 2014

3 Objectives Recognize the role biology plays in current events and use the process of scientific reasoning to investigate scientific problems. Being scientifically literate individuals in order to have ability to take part in science discussions and have ability to evaluate them Understanding nature of science, scientific process and history of biology Being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of modern scientific developments and applications that individuals come across in their daily life Search for careers in biology for effective future decisions Explain differences between living and non-living organisms Determine the common proper ties of living organisms 2013 2014


5 What is science? Science is a method of obtaining knowledge about nature. The word ‘’science’’ is derived from a Latin verb meaning ‘’to know’’ 2013 2014

6 Who is scientist? Scentist is a person who deals with science. A scientist must be: 1. Logical 2. Objective 3. Open minded or not dogmatic 4. Curious and suspicious 2013 2014

7 Scientific method: The scientific method is a mean of gathering information and testing ideas. It is the way a scientist tries to find answer to his or her questions about nature. The steps involved in scientific method are simple and make common sense to everyone. These steps are as follows: 1.Definition of the problem 2.Collecting information about the problem and forming hypothesis, 3. Making predictions Setting up controlled experiments based on predictions 4.Evaluating the results of observations and experiments. 5.Drawing a conclusion 6.Theory and law 2013 2014

8 1.Definition of the problem 2013 2014

9 2. Collecting information about the problem and forming a hypothesis. Hypothesis is the possible answer to a question about nature,based on observations and knowledge of the scientist. A good hypothesis: a)explains all the available data b)provides predictions to new facts. c)must be tested by experiments 2013 2014

10 3. predictions:After setting up a hypothesis, predictions must be made if the hypothesis works well. A good prediction shows a logical linkage between cause and result that are expressed by if and then. If.......................(dependent variable) is related to.........................(independent variable)then..................................(explanation) Ex: Coffee may stunt your growth. If growth is related to drinking coffee then someone who drinks a lot of coffee will be short. 2013 2014

11 Directions: Fill in the “if-then” statements based on the question that is given to you. This should be a prediction of what you think the result of the question will be. After each statement, circle the correct variable that that part of the hypothesis is. 1.Question: What effect does studying with music have on test scores? Hypothesis: If_________________(independent/dependent), is related to _____________________________(independent/dependent), then ___________________________________________ 2.Question: What effect does food color have on the amount of food fish eat? Hypothesis: If__________________(independent/dependent), is related to _____________________________(independent/dependent), then _______________________________________________________ 2013 2014 Test score Studying with music Students who studies with music will get lower grades Amount of food fish eat Food color Fish will eat same color food more than the others

12 3.Question: What effect does light have on plant growth? Hypothesis: Plant grows more at light prediction: If________________(independent/dependent), is related to _____________________________(independent/dependent), then _________________________________________________________ 4.Question: What effect does smiling have on teacher giving homework? Hypothesis: Smiling of students lowers the homework given. Prediction: If________________(independent/dependent), is related to _____________________________(independent/dependent), then ______________________________ 5.Question: How often will a person get sick if they take a vitamin pill every day? Hypothesis:Person won’t get sick if he takes vitamin pill everyday Prediction : If_________________(independent/dependent), is related to _____________________________(independent/dependent), then ____________________________ Plant growth light Plant will grow longer under light giving homework smiling Teacher will give less homework if we smile more Not Taking vitamin every day Getting sick Person that doesn’t take vitamin every day will get ill

13 Example Scenario: A student wants to see if the amount of sunlight affects the growth cycle of a basil. The student places one basil on a window sill (natural light) and another in the living room (only artificial light). Hypothesis: If plant growth is related to amount of sunlight, then a basil placed in natural light will grow two inches higher than a basil grown in the artificial light. Situation 1 A sanitation department is nearby and the smell is coming from the same direction. The sanitation department does a series of steps to process the sewage and waste water. Prediction: If ______________is related to____________________ then _________________________________________ Situation 2 A NASA engineer wants to see if salt will reduce the amount of ice and snow buildup on the runway. She spreads 200 lbs of salt on a test runway and simulates an airplane landing by using test equipment. She then repeats the test on a runway without applying salt. Prediction: If __________________________is related to ___________________ then _________________________________________________ smell Processing sewage and waste water Smell will come from sanitation department Amount of İce and snow buildup smell The runway with salt will have less ice and snow salt

14 The tree house detectives want to see if different smells travel at the same speed. They spray a can of hairspray, peppermint air freshener, and insect repellant at the same time. Six friends stand around them in a large circle, five feet from the center of the circle where the three tree house detectives stood. Hypothesis: If __________________________________is related to __________________________________ then _______________________________________ Situation 4 The tree house detectives want to know if the candy making process affects the odor given off by the candy. To conduct the experiment, they help Dr. D make orange taffy candy. Hypothesis: If __________________________________is related to __________________________________ then ___________________________________________________________ salt

15 3. Setting up controlled experiments based on predictions The scientific testing of a hypothesis is called experimentation. An experiment generally includes observations. Observation is examining an event for a purpose. Two types of observations: 2013 2014

16 1. Qualitative observations If only the sense organs are used in the observation,it is called a qualitative observation. In a qualitative observation,the answer the questions beginning with ‘’what’’ and ‘’how’’ are looked for. It is not scientific. 2013 2014

17 2. Quantitative observations If measuring devices like meter, thermometer, graduated cylinder, lever balance, microscope are used in an observation. It is called as quantitative observation. Quantitative observations provide the answer to the questions beginning with ‘’how much’’. Write “QL” for Qualitative and “QT” for Quantitative a. ________ The sky is blue. b. ________ There are 13 clouds in the sky. c. ________ Mr. Hasson’s tie is smooth. d. ________ The guinea pig smells bad. e. ________ There are 20 students in the class. 2013 2014

18 An experiment generally includes two groups from which observations can be made. One set up is called the control group. The other set up is the is called the experimental group. The experimental group differs from the control group in only one factor or condition. 2013 2014


20 Activity variables. 2013 2014

21 4.Evaluating the results of observations and experiments: If the results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis, it is either reversed or completely abandoned. Proposing hypothesis and testing process are repeated until a valid hypothesis is reached. 5. Drawing a conclusion: 2013 2014

22 6.Theory and law: If the hypothesis is still found to be true after conclusions and other experiments continue to support it,it is called theory. A good theory explains the facts and also predicts new facts. If a theory so well established by experimental evidence in many different situations over many years and can be disproved by no means, it becomes a scientific law. 2013 2014


24 EXAMPLE STUDY A.Observations 1.Salmon are born in a shallow stream or river. 2.Salmon travel thousands of miles to live in the ocean. 3.Salmon return to the very stream where they were born to reproduce. 2013 2014

25 HYPOTHESIS Salmon find their home stream using their sense of smell. EXPERIMENT Salmon were captured and tagged as they returned to their home stream.The fish were then transported downstream a few miles to be released again. The nostrils of half of the captured fish were plugged to block their sense of smell. The fish with the plugged nostrils are the experimental group. The unplugged fish are the control group. 2013 2014

26 RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENT Control group Experimental group All the fish found Half of the fish found their home stream. CONCLUSION Salmon with plugged noses were not as successful at finding their home stream because they could not use their sense of smell to find their home. The hypothesis is supported. 2013 2014

27 Activity heads and tails 2013 2014

28 B.Observations al9a 1.A new artificial sweetener,supersweet is used in some foods and drinks to reduce calories. 2.Some food addivities are known to cause cancer. 3. Scientists from a research institution report that another kind of artificial sweetener has been linked to bladder cancer in rats. 2013 2014

29 Supersweet may cause bladder cancer. EXPERIMENT One hundred rats are used in a controlled experiment with supersweet. Fifty rats are given supersweet and fifty rats are given regular sugar. C o n t r o l group: Exactly like the experimental group except the rats do not receive supersweet. Experimental group: All the rats receive supersweet At the end of the experiment all the rats are autopsied for cancer. 2013 2014

30 RESULT OF THE EXPERIMENT Control group: One of the fifty rats developed bladder cancer Experimental group: Nine of the fifty rats developed bladder cancer. CONCLUSION Supersweet appears to cause bladder cancer in rats. It may also cause cancer in man.Further studies will need to be conducted to determine if supersweet is an agent for causing cancer in man. 2013 2014





35 Career planning about biology al 9b 2013 2014

36 Genetic engineering is the most popular area of biology. Human Genetic code sequence is determined by Human Genome Project. But still we have unknowns about the genetic material. By determining the sequence we can determine the genetic diseases, transfer genes to cure diseases.

37 DNA can be used to identify people. Many criminals can be identified by their DNA sequences. This process is called DNA fingerprinting.DNA sequences are compared and criminals or relations can be determined.

38 DNA make up of cells are changed by some techniques to have different genetic code. By this process new characteristics are transferred to DNA. Some parts of DNA is broken down and transferred to new cell. In agriculture by this method resistant plants can be produced. In pharmacy genetically different bacteria can be produced to make drugs. Genetic disorders can be treated by this way. By gene therapy new genes can be inserted to the DNA of a cell. With this method many diseases can be treated.

39 Infectious diseases cause death of humans, plants and animals. These organisms can be used as biological weapons in wars. (Anthrax, plague ) For national defense, treatment of these diseases is important.

40 Clone is a group of organisms or cells that are genetically identical. Cloning can be important in increasing the number of endangered plants or animals. It can be important in curing some diseases by forming new cells. Paralysis, multiple sclerosis.

41 If you were a biologist What new discovery would you like to find? 2013 2014

42 BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY Taxonomy. It is the science of classification. It is grouping and naming organisms Embryology: It is the study of the development of embryo from the fertilized egg stage to birth in animals, or of germinating plants. Morphology:It is the study of external structure of organisms. 2013 2014

43 Histology: It is the study of tissues under microscope. Cytology: It is the study of cell, organelles Anatomy: It is the study of the internal structure of organisms. Genetics: Concerned with genes, chromosomes and how traits are inherited from parents to the offsprings Pathology: It is the study of disease and their causative agents (pathogens). 2013 2014

44 Physiology: It is the study of the functions of organs and tissues Evolution: It studies the gradual development of more complicated forms of life from earlier and simpler forms Biochemistry: It is the study of chemical processes and substances occuring in living organisms. Virology: It is the study of viruses Bacteriology: It is the study of bacteria 2013 2014

45 Molecular Biology: It is the study of the molecular basis of the living things. Ecology:It is thestudy of relationships and interactions between living and nonliving things.It is the scientific study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment. Immunology: It is the study of defense mechanisms that provide protection against disease causing organisms. 2013 2014



48 All living things share some common properties 2013 2014

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